So I finally got a response from him this morning... and holy shit, I could not believe his response! I'll reiterate what I've posted previously, but I placed an order of G on Dec. 19th and he told me he shipped it out that day, and then on Dec. 22nd, I asked him about something and then said he shipped it on Dec. 22nd, giving me the tracking which still says "awaiting item from sender". 6 days after Dec. 19th I get a package from the same city/state that I've previously gotten items from him, but it ended up being a gram of NEP, which I hate and I know he does not carry.
I explain all of this to him, he asked for a photo of the NEP, which I sent, and then proceeds to respond with the following:
"No that NEP didn't come from my city/state"
"Your confused idiot... I don't label like that... never carried that lol get outta town kid"
"U got your item from me, sorry bud, don't try to scam me"
...and much more bullshit coming from someone is clearly confused and careless. I've been nothing but nice to the dude, and he is so defensive, angry, and feels the need to call others idiots because of his mistakes. At this point I guess I just got scammed/jacked $170 that I'll never see again, nor will he send the product as he assumes I got it already and I'm lying about it. Why would I scam someone who I was hoping to do business with? Makes no sense.
Fair warning to all that was mentioned above: those who haven't got an update, response, or their product will likely not be getting it, so you can say goodbye to your money and product, unless at some point he realizes the mistakes he made. This fucking sucks. I thought he was cool until this recent interaction.