Glad for you guys who use MPak, a great option. Wish I wasn't stupid enough to send PayPal to some bodega bartender who doesn't exist.
So you're not going to be able to recover your funds? That's pretty messed up no matter what was said and it's not like you sent it there on your own, I mean you had to get the invoice from somewhere....right?I don't use him myself but if I did I would boycott until he got square with my fellow BBG member.You shoul'dve just read the emails he sent to me, condescending, full of shit, and bitchy. I didn't want to bad mouth him but theres things you don't cross a line with another man unless face to face and I was steaming mad
Hey folks, understand that I'm not brushing anything off here, nor am I minimizing the mistreatment of this member, as I did read the email exchange. I was only agreeing with what gdx said in fairness. He doesn't stand accused of other non-deliveries, and has performed this far with Money Pak orders. That said, I personally feel that he has moral obligation to return the customers money, and to help facilitate that process. That's what I would expect if I were the customer. And no, I would not patronize a vendor who spoke to me and dealt with me in this manner. That is the full and complete fact set.hes an asshole to deal with but sure he may come through. I choose not to deal with assholes.
I don't get it. If his paypal account is frozen how did your 5 bills even get into his account?? If it did just contact paypal, say he is a family charity case or something and try to get your money back. Otherwise, yes he is big on getting positive reviews on DBG (which I give him as he has gone out of his way more than once to get me what I needed). No disrespect but fuck your pride, get your money back and get you needs elsewhere. I understand your anger about paypal but you are right , you should have directly checked with him first.Let me clarify this post so that he doesn't get an unnecessary crap. While I believe he shou'dve let me know that the pay pal account was locked I suppose it was my prerogative to cheek it out myself. Still confused on this assumption but just letting it go. I wil also say that after our initial exchange he refused to accept my business which was understandable. I am just being honest. Then later he emailed me back and said he would not accept orders in the future because I posted a negative review on this site. I apologized for getting downright nasty with him and although I will not order from him in the future I think if you are goinjg to order, MoneyPak is the way to go. My overall review of Ploop is he dabbles in his own product (who doesn't), doesn't have the most professional practices, but with Money Pak he is reliable to come through. PM me with any specific questions and yes I am still out 5 amounts of the guy who used to fly a kite and discovered electricity. I hold him to keep the money and to go fuck himself. After that we briefly amended. I honestly don't know what to think of this guy but with so many other options why take the chance unless in case of emergency.
Packrat,I've finally figured out the Moneypak procedure and once you get it down it's pretty simple.
And to put not too fine a point on it, P hand-held me through the process where I got stuck. So while he may be a jerk in some replies (I have not had that experience yet), he went out of his way to be helpful to me.
I haven't received yet, but I can see how he can be quite a good vendor.
I'll update once received and tested.
Good tutorial on Money Paks geo, well done. And yes, Money Paks are in fact a one time use product, so once you've used one for a transaction, just destroy and dispose of it and purchase a fresh one for your next transaction.Packrat,
I believe you will get your order although you never know for sure. And you're right about the moneyPak thing. P walked me through the whole process and when done it's as simple as taking a whizz AND virtually untraceable.
Find out how much you owe (make sure that includes shipping). Go to Walmart or K-mart or wherever. Get a MoneyPak card off the shelf (it's a green card). Go to the counter and tell them you want to put, for example, say $200 on it (you can go up to $500 w/minimum of $20) Use cash. The card cost $4.95 - one time use (I believe but maybe not). Pay the amount you want put on the card to the cashier. She will load the card. Scratch off the cover crap off the back of the card (you know - scratch and sniff!!) where the # of the specific card is. There will be a series of #'s. For P, Just email him those #'s and tell him the amount on the card and that's it.
You know, I'd never thought of that potential problem, but that's excellent information. Well done Packrat!Yup. That's exactly what I did... except I scratched off one of the numbers. Ooooh boy.
I figured out that there are two ways to fix this, keeping in mind that if you are missing one number there are only 10 possibilities.
1. I went to moneypak.com and clicked on "Add Money to Paypal." This works if you also have a PayPal account. Enter all possibilities until you get to the one that Moneypak approves and asks you to confirm. The other digits they will say are "invalid Moneypak number"
2. Request a refund at moneypak.com. There, too you must enter a valid Moneypak number and once accepted you must confirm to go to the next step. For this you don't need anything else (PayPal or credit card) as the site won't let you proceed without a valid Moneypak number.
Anyway, I learned a lot about Moneypak today.
Thanks very much @geocat!
I appreciate the support, didn't want to request a boycott because at the end of the day everybody needs to pay the bills and I'm a nice guy but he boiled my skin in a way I haven't felt since my uncle beat the shit out of my aunt and I paid a visit to rectify the situation. I love my DBG family and appreciate your kind words.So you're not going to be able to recover your funds? That's pretty messed up no matter what was said and it's not like you sent it there on your own, I mean you had to get the invoice from somewhere....right?I don't use him myself but if I did I would boycott until he got square with my fellow BBG member.
I'm not trying to talk down on ploop but we're part of a community here fellas, we count on one another for feedback, referrals, advice etc. I think we should stick together and at the very least, if you do a lot of business with ploop, maybe shoot him an email and ask if he can do right by or DBG brother. There's always the argument just to keep our big noses out of other people's business but aren't we a family here? I for one feel bad for NYG even tho we've never conversed via pm or the open board.
Maybe I'm just too medicated and blabbering here but I don't think anyone should brush it off because it didn't happen to us. Just my two cents anyway
Did you open a dispute in PayPal to try and get your money back?Glad for you guys who use MPak, a great option. Wish I wasn't stupid enough to send PayPal to some bodega bartender who doesn't exist.
No, don't want people snooping around. It is not a big deal to me, he's just dead to me. I call it a lesson learned. I originally called paypal and they were so helpful (not). They told me payment had been completed and there was nothing I could do except open up an investigation with my bank. Fuck that.Did you open a dispute in PayPal to try and get your money back?
Still a dick who is probably lying, but then again I don't know the upstanding man so I could be wrong. After all, he is in a reputable business.Hey folks, understand that I'm not brushing anything off here, nor am I minimizing the mistreatment of this member, as I did read the email exchange. I was only agreeing with what gdx said in fairness. He doesn't stand accused of other non-deliveries, and has performed this far with Money Pak orders. That said, I personally feel that he has moral obligation to return the customers money, and to help facilitate that process. That's what I would expect if I were the customer. And no, I would not patronize a vendor who spoke to me and dealt with me in this manner. That is the full and complete fact set.
Rather than coming on here and constantly complaining, you are obviously irritated why not open an investigation with paypal or your bank? You'll get your money back and won't have any issues. No one on the forum can really do anything, and if ploop offered to work with you on the claim/investigation if you start on with paypal so you can get the money bac, why not do it?Still a dick who is probably lying, but then again I don't know the upstanding man so I could be wrong. After all, he is in a reputable business.
Already did open an investigation, tough to do it when you fully realize that the products are not legitimate. Thats just common sense. I'll stop complaining, was just venting, will go away. My God, I thought I could just vent my feelings in the open and how he treated me as a new customer. I didn't post his emails here because I didn't want to inflame people but I messaged all the mods and they agreed it was inappropriate. Sorry for just being honest. In the future I'll shut my damn trap. I have been nothing but respectful, honest, and open on here since I began. Thought I could get across a negative experience without being berated. My thought was I would get sympathy, another mistake I made. Quite obvious I'm a newbie. I'll lay back and just observe from now on, I don't know what I can and can't say anymore.Rather than coming on here and constantly complaining, you are obviously irritated why not open an investigation with paypal or your bank? You'll get your money back and won't have any issues. No one on the forum can really do anything, and if ploop offered to work with you on the claim/investigation if you start on with paypal so you can get the money bac, why not do it?