Let me clarify this post so that he doesn't get an unnecessary crap. While I believe he shou'dve let me know that the pay pal account was locked I suppose it was my prerogative to cheek it out myself. Still confused on this assumption but just letting it go. I wil also say that after our initial exchange he refused to accept my business which was understandable. I am just being honest. Then later he emailed me back and said he would not accept orders in the future because I posted a negative review on this site. I apologized for getting downright nasty with him and although I will not order from him in the future I think if you are goinjg to order, MoneyPak is the way to go. My overall review of Ploop is he dabbles in his own product (who doesn't), doesn't have the most professional practices, but with Money Pak he is reliable to come through. PM me with any specific questions and yes I am still out 5 amounts of the guy who used to fly a kite and discovered electricity. I hold him to keep the money and to go fuck himself. After that we briefly amended. I honestly don't know what to think of this guy but with so many other options why take the chance unless in case of emergency.