and 99 is the peace love and happiness whisperer! /default_smile.pngI concur mah mane! Kudos to LWD for coming up with such an apt nickname for our man H!
and 99 is the peace love and happiness whisperer! /default_smile.pngI concur mah mane! Kudos to LWD for coming up with such an apt nickname for our man H!
The Sedated Whisper of Love, Peace and Happiness?/default_sad.png I thought H~T stood for all those things... I'm afraid to ask what my nickname is.
Cool, I see I've built up a reputation. After I pop a strip of these som@ I'll send you a PM. /default_smile.pngThe Sedated Whisper of Love, Peace and Happiness?
Whispers While Under the Influence?
The Sedated Love Whisperer?
The Floating Love Whisperer?
The Hypnotic Love Whisperer?
I am tired, there are many more ideas- but there is a start!
BTW, I think the first one was the best. I owe you one, so if you're ever close to T-Town let me know, I'd be more than happy to show off my carny skills. Of course the Caterpillar Ride is the one I operate best. /default_tongue.png I find that once a girl gets excited there the skill operating the others is not as important. But they do want to jump on the Log Ride or their day of fun just isn't quite complete.The Sedated Whisper of Love, Peace and Happiness?
Whispers While Under the Influence?
The Sedated Love Whisperer?
The Floating Love Whisperer?
The Hypnotic Love Whisperer?
I am tired, there are many more ideas- but there is a start!
...... At a loss for words hereBTW, I think the first one was the best. I owe you one, so if you're ever close to T-Town let me know, I'd be more than happy to show off my carny skills. Of course the Caterpillar Ride is the one I operate best. /default_tongue.png I find that once a girl gets excited there the skill operating the others is not as important. But they do want to jump on the Log Ride or their day of fun just isn't quite complete.
What, are you saying you have something against "the log ride"?! LOL!...... At a loss for words here
Still may be ultimately a scam but I'm 3 for 3 with him and some pretty fresh stuff except some bars marked M2MG 2. They are weak, very weak. otherwise the products I have gotten are ok. Shipping arrives to me in 1-3 days depending on what method I ask for but I'm not far from origination point. Just my experience to get this thread back on track. and forget WU just use MoneyPak. Simple no problems. And for those doubters I am not a shill. I think a coupleIMHO most USA vendors are craigslist posters the ones in the meds for sale adswhere they claim to sell everything.
They are either rogue pharmacy workers, or just plain scammers. They just do not exist plain and simple. So in short if a US to US pops up it has a 95% chance your gonna get ripped off.
I am scared too!Ya'll are starting to fuckin' scare me. /default_wacko.png
BTW... happy 4th of July Eve, the night before the best holiday ever invented.
Hope you all have an awesome 4th with family / friends. Be safe if you are going to blow up your neighborhood like I am mine tomorrow night! /default_cool.png
Kind of WAY far off topic and IMHO most likely pretty offensive to any of the ladies on this thread. Last I checked, this isn't a dating site or "let's get me a one night stand:" site. Just saying... might be a bit much. Just my opinion.High Tide said:/default_huh.png I've never had a lady say she didn't enjoy the Caterpillar Ride! While it's usually only fun for one ride, or two if I'm really lucky, afterwards they seem to be able to enjoy the Log Ride several times. At least until the big splash, when I have to shut it down.
How did the topic of vendors get mixed in here? lol.... Anyway, the invitation is always open my dear. I'll let people get back on topic, what ever this thread was about.
I have received twice from Ploop. Used moneypak both times and delivered in 3 days, But like geo said "you never know"Still may be ultimately a scam but I'm 3 for 3 with him and some pretty fresh stuff except some bars marked M2MG 2. They are weak, very weak. otherwise the products I have gotten are ok. Shipping arrives to me in 1-3 days depending on what method I ask for but I'm not far from origination point. Just my experience to get this thread back on track. and forget WU just use MoneyPak. Simple no problems. And for those doubters I am not a shill. I think a couple
of Pooh Pahs will vouch to some degree for that.I was one of hte irst to expose Palmira back in Jnuary and February. Anyway I hve had moderate sucess with this vendor but you never know (just like SL) when it will will change!
/default_smile.png Thank youKind of WAY far off topic and IMHO most likely pretty offensive to any of the ladies on this thread. Last I checked, this isn't a dating site or "let's get me a one night stand:" site. Just saying... might be a bit much. Just my opinion.
I think either word works in this case!johnnog said:or should i have said 'ploop' instead of s(h)it?
Anyone tried the Molly? I just got the list and was expecting mostly bz products, which was true, but never expected that. It's something I have only been able to find a couple of times through the few friends I have that dabble in street products. As far as I can recall, and I don't look at a lot of vendors because few things affect me, but I've never seen them from a reputable vendor that I've bothered looking into.
I would absolutely love to find the love drug. And if anyone can offer any information as far as it being on a UA screen that would help too. My friend is currently having to take regular screens, it would be nice to share the feeling together.
lol... That would be smart, if the UK were to celebrate our Independence Day. Sort of like, "We don't know those people". Unfortunately it would be true for the most part.johnnog said:we'll probably be celebrating it in the uk soon,like halloween.
nobody gave a shit about it until 10 years or so,now its big buisness for some.
I much more prefer 'Bonfire Night',though a lot of people no longer burn an effigy of olde Guy Fawkes.Dont see many kids with
Guy Fawkes asking 'penny for the Guy' either.
Always made a bit of money as a kid doing that,then spending the cash on bangers and air bombs.
Bonfire night also brought the local community together for a night,one house making a big pot of black peas for us all,another making potatoe hash with a slab of pastry.
Now,if you have a large bonfire,you get the frickin cops turning up,confiscting booze,emptying it on the floor,then the fire brigade putting out our bonfire,usually reluctantly,its all health and safety now,YOU WILL NOT CONGREGATE AND DRINK BEER,stay in your homes or go to an official organised fire which are a load of sit.
sorry,think i'm in the wrong thread?
if you dont know who he is still - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes
These days its more likely to be an effigy of a politician,there were a lot of George Bush(the little one) effigies getting thrown on fires for a few years,alongside his gimp poodle Tony 'i regret nothing i did' Blair.