I've been making poppy seed tea for the past couple of months with absolute success!
Strange right? I thought it was a myth for a long time until I tried the recipe, very easy.
I take about 1 pound of poppy seeds from Bulk Barn (your supplier will vary with seeds... some of them come washed, so you might have to try out a few different sources, unwashed seeds yield some really potent product).
- Pour seeds (maybe start at a lower dose like 200 - 300 grams) into a plastic 2L pop bottle or similar container.
- Add enough warm water to fully immerse the seeds
- Add the equivelant of 2 lemons worth of lemon juice
- Shake like mad for 5 minutes... let sit for 3 minutes... shake like mad for another 5 minutes.
- Untwist the cap of the bottle just enough so that it doesn't fall off, but tight enough to allow the liquid out.
- Pour and squeeze the juice out.
And that's it! Down the mixture and wait about 30 mins for the effect. I feel it for several hours and it really helps with withdrawals.
Strange right? I thought it was a myth for a long time until I tried the recipe, very easy.
I take about 1 pound of poppy seeds from Bulk Barn (your supplier will vary with seeds... some of them come washed, so you might have to try out a few different sources, unwashed seeds yield some really potent product).
- Pour seeds (maybe start at a lower dose like 200 - 300 grams) into a plastic 2L pop bottle or similar container.
- Add enough warm water to fully immerse the seeds
- Add the equivelant of 2 lemons worth of lemon juice
- Shake like mad for 5 minutes... let sit for 3 minutes... shake like mad for another 5 minutes.
- Untwist the cap of the bottle just enough so that it doesn't fall off, but tight enough to allow the liquid out.
- Pour and squeeze the juice out.
And that's it! Down the mixture and wait about 30 mins for the effect. I feel it for several hours and it really helps with withdrawals.