i am in the same position, i do not want to quit since i am also legally prescribed but like to order and have some extra on hand for the days i need a little more motivation to deal with the lazy and stupid people in daily society, when i first started x@n@x 8yrs ago, my first year was bad i would take anywhere from 2mg- 8mg a day and i was buying it from friends and having it prescribed, after that i realized i had a problem and decided to tapper down
i read allot of forums about tappering/ and withdrawals from xanax, so what i did was tapper slow to a comfortable dose and than stayed there for a few months, dropped it again stayed for a few months, now i can take .5mg to 2mg a day and the days i dont work i can get away with .5 to 1mg without withdrawing or craving.
what helps me with my tolerance, is WATER! DRINK THAT !, EXERCISE ! GO DO THAT !, NO ALCOHOL ! THAT MAKES IT HARD TO STOP ,
oh and what works to is when you have a good diet,exercise, mind set is to try to stretch out your dose as long as possible so your body is fighting off the tolerance, so if your used to taking .5mg every 6hrs wait maybe 8hrs -10hrs til it gets bad and take it , and than repeat until you can space out 15-24hrs since last dose
breaking through that barrier of half life is difficult, once you can control your withdrawals and cravings you can space the xanax out longer from last dose to keep tolerance low or if you go cold turkey you wont suffer as much
my word to you, amen