My package should be here by the end of the day, just checked tracking on The reason I even mention this is because all day/night yesterday it was frozen in a very far away city. I will keep you all posted asap on the events of today.
If they ask me to sign, I will not, then take my losses and thank God if I'm not in any sort of trouble.
If they just drop it off then thats the best news in the world, I will continue to make purchases once or twice a month as usual.
One of the reasons that I really don't believe LE to be involved is because I am in no way a "big" buyer. Haha honestly, I buy 10-30 pills a month, MAYBE. I don't need them everyday and like to have them on weekends. Some months I only buy around 10, others I buy closer to 30. To bust someone like me would really gain nothing, it would be a waste of the resources put it. I have no information that the average Joe can't just go look up online himself, and to bust me would be a very small score with NO connections or follow on cases.
I believe it was an honest mess up on UPS's part, but lets pray everything goes well.