Shipping Issues/Questions


You have never been my client, no order placed from me. 


You have placed only one order from me and it was for liquids. Before completing payment for your order I sent you the disclaimer, which I am sending to every client who wishes to place an order for liquids - that there is no secure repacking for liquids and a random packet scan will show that the packet contains liquid content. And that by placing an order for liquid you accept the risk. 
If you have accepted the risk of ordering a liquid, why you keep complaining? 



You have never been my client, no order placed from me. 


You have placed only one order from me and it was for liquids. Before completing payment for your order I sent you the disclaimer, which I am sending to every client who wishes to place an order for liquids - that there is no secure repacking for liquids and a random packet scan will show that the packet contains liquid content. And that by placing an order for liquid you accept the risk. 
If you have accepted the risk of ordering a liquid, why you keep complaining? 
Did you read anything I said as complaining? We were just trying to figure out what that status meant on the tracker, and I tagged you to see if you had any additional information since we last spoke regarding what that means.  I apologize if you took that as a complaint because it certainly wasn’t. I have the ultimate respect for you and I never would have anything bad to say about you. 

@PCowangunga  I believe OTB stands for Outward Bound, at least according to some tracking sites, meaning it's still in sender country. There are a few posts on reddit about the tracking update 'Item Held at Office of Exchange (OtB).  It seems to be an update that just means there is some delay on being able to ship from the sending country.  In one post for instance, the person called the sender shipper company and was told their pack was sitting waiting for a plane to be able to come and get the packages.  It possibly could mean it was seized I have no idea. 

@PCowangunga  I believe OTB stands for Outward Bound, at least according to some tracking sites, meaning it's still in sender country. There are a few posts on reddit about the tracking update 'Item Held at Office of Exchange (OtB).  It seems to be an update that just means there is some delay on being able to ship from the sending country.  In one post for instance, the person called the sender shipper company and was told their pack was sitting waiting for a plane to be able to come and get the packages.  It possibly could mean it was seized I have no idea. 
That’s basically what I thought, at this point it’ll be a bonus if it shows. Which is fine, what we do here involves risk. 


You have never been my client, no order placed from me. 


You have placed only one order from me and it was for liquids. Before completing payment for your order I sent you the disclaimer, which I am sending to every client who wishes to place an order for liquids - that there is no secure repacking for liquids and a random packet scan will show that the packet contains liquid content. And that by placing an order for liquid you accept the risk. 
If you have accepted the risk of ordering a liquid, why you keep complaining? 
@alphapharm- Did I say I ordered from you? No, so calm down! I was also curious as to what the status meant. 

I believe that OTB is simply outbound in the easiest way to understand this. For certain countries it can support many statuses and may be an acronym for “over the board” in colonial English origin countries as well. For purposes of shipping status it’s generally gonna show up on tracking with a phrase explaining what period of outbound status, the one possibly relevant here is “place item in bag” though the utility is largely what country’s postal system has it. Sometimes it basically means it’s in a bigger container that is ready for export, potentially rerouted back to origin then placed in another container and awaiting a ride out to your place, and sometimes it means it’s been inspected or in some way it’s indicating the parcel for export has passed through a container and if necessary or incidental to the shipping method it just had to be tagged again to keep up with the carrier container or receptacle— not every package is individually scanned so the bigger units are tracked and OTB simply means it’s still exporting to another nation but changed to another container - it could be it’s made it to your country but has not been individually updated or you haven’t received the import country tracking yet - so, sitting waiting to go in a receptacle of some sort at a local post office or updated again as ready to take off from the regional office of  exchange or a port of inspection or “customs” - don’t worry it’s still outbound so it’s just been processed and changed containers likely for logistical reasons. Finally, it’s sometimes reached US customs and is waiting to be bagged or has been but is not yet in the USPS system if that’s the courier. It literally could be there the next day after that update. Especially with rerouted shipments within countries and such the thing could be bagged and waiting to be bagged and rerouted after customs/exchange to another office just waiting. It’s always a long, indecipherable one to update or figure out exactly what board it’s over. It’s on its way though. Received at US customs is probably your next update. 

@DoomKitty I tagged you in this, just because you have been a part of the community for a long time & might know something about it. Should I be concerned that ID shows that a parcel is being mailed via media mail, instead of priority? From what I’ve read about media mail, it has very specific criteria & is automatically approved for random inspections. Does anyone know anything about the safety of media mail? Not only this, but I made the same order not long ago, it shipped via priority, and it came from the opposite side of the country. I contacted the vendor & they said it was the same as before. I’m just confused & a bit nervous about the whole thing. I’ve got a lot to lose, which is why I don’t sell magazines, & only get what I’m able to read on my own. I hope I’m overreacting, but I’m just uncomfortable. I’d imagine I’d be ridiculously low on LE’s priority list, but anything is possible. I don’t understand why anyone would use media mail.

@Hushhushmans  Sending media mail is definitely one of the worst ways to send it i would think.  It isn't protected mail so it can be opened by any postal worker without a warrant.  It's a no-no 101.  Very weird a vendor would send it that way.  I doubt they saved more than a few dollars on shipping so pointless considering the potential risk.  I guess they could be stealthing the mags inside a book so it won't flag.  Hopefully it lands well, and I would definitely reconsider using the vendor if he insists on media mail, especially if there's no genius decoy.  Let us know how it goes!

@DoomKitty Turns out that I’m a big idiot… pretty sure that the media mail item is something else entirely that someone else in my home ordered 🤦🏻‍♂️
Checked ID again & everything is showing up as it normally would. I wish I was a less paranoid person. Lol, it’s not cool in this world. Also, the vendor is the best one on here for sure, so idk what I was thinking. I guess the thought was that the good ones can get caught up too. Either way, I’ll try to remember to let you know how it goes, just to verify. Thanks for the input anyway!

@Hushhushmans Ha!  That makes way more sense.  I've never heard of a vendor using media mail.  Glad it's nothing to worry about and you can rest easier now.  Take care.
I know this issue is resolved but it does appear in frequently and can be a surprise to see but isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. The same procedure applies if it is delivered as any other parcel, perhaps with more assurances passed some inquiry and didn’t arouse suspicion. This is longer than it needs to be so I apologize for the lengthy write up. I wanted to describe factual examples and probably fumbled with trying to translate into fictional ones that could properly illustrate my experience and why I believe it’s not as concerning this might seem. Here’s what they want and all they are looking for:

“Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), Section 170, Media Mail packages must have a delivery address and the sender’s return address and are subject to inspection by the Postal Service™. Upon such inspection, matter not eligible for the Media Mail rate may be assessed at the proper price and sent to the recipient postage due, or the sender may be contacted for additional postage.” 

This is an interesting question and one I’ve spoken with USPS about, given that was five years ago, but my takeaway - and having received media mail is IF the sender has a business address AND there is translucent wrapping on the item inside then there’s nothing to worry about. One requirement here is that it is subject to anybody opening it without reasonable suspicion of contents and, as always, to ensure safety of postal workers - it is only a waiver of the 4th as to the cost of mailing and sending a media item means they will or may open it to ensure it meets the criteria being an instructional or educational item or even a promotional item so long as that is incidental to the educational or instructional content. So, a brochure explaining the importance of hiring disabled people and a book on ADA and Rehab Act compliance for business owners probably still qualifies if the sender isn’t the publisher of the book or the book isn’t available in stores independently for value sold, but if it it’s still okay if sender is a disability rights group non-profit or a legal services organization that is offering this as part of their efforts under a grant to help employers who need to update their hiring practices or some such thing. It can’t be promotional of the Sender unless broadly promotional of their mission or purpose of articles of incorporation and services. It’s often a faster way to send things and though it’s subject to inspection it is only inspected to ensure it meets the postage cost requirements. They will contact sender for any additional postage or tariffs due. They won’t unwrap the plastic wrapping on a CD case if it’s obvious what the CD label shows.  In that last situation it’s still risky but here’s a drastically altered and fictionalized example of something I can recall successfully receiving - fast as can be - marked by media mail. Note this isn’t in any way how it actually came but I’m making up the details and changing the format of the product to preserve the method as this one would make it through for the reason it would satisfy requirements and likely opening it wouldn’t arouse suspicion such that the media itself would get a close look:

A media mail envelope with a single item - feeling and appearing and weighing what a typical CD or DVD might. Inside is a flimsy, cheap DVD in a case with a obviously low production budget and not really of interest to me I suppose it could have been sold commercially; for our purposes it was like I had something to learn about a rainforest frog and what is being done to save it, from reading, listening, or watching this item. Crucially, there was a flimsy plastic container sealed in ordinary plastic wrapping. The sender was a prominent criminal defense firm with offices nationwide and this one happened to be in my state though not the nearest office location to me. The law firm could have been called but what for? It’s odd but unless you Google them it’s not obvious they are a traditional law firm nor what they practice and especially vague considering big firms with so many different locations usually don’t only have one practice area. This was obvious to any inspector there’s no attempt to skirt the postage due - the educational nature of the DVD or CD or booklet of slides, let’s say, was obvious. That it was simply sent courtesy of a sender that was not soliciting or fulfilling a paid order was obvious, too, in part just hard to see the connection between their ordinary matters of business or law or whatever private company approximately similar to a top-100 big name law firm and frogs. No receipt or insert with any reference to anything. It had been opened as a package - they actually make it easy to pop those media mail parcels open for such purposes. But there’s no right to break the plastic wrapping and ensure that it is indeed a yoga dvd or an instructional booklet on when and how to get a Lupus screening. A small quantity of crystalline Ket’chup’amine was in a reflective baggie the size of the media item’s front cover, directly attached behind it, and inside that was a tight dime bag sized baggie taped to the walls of this sealed reflective, re-ziplock fastened pouch/bag. That was affixed to the inside cover of the box of the media item - behind the single page of the front cover of the frog DVD or whatever media and material it was. Think about where a pop out map/reference page might be on the inside cover of a book on the location and contact info for the state  library of each. Or free Lupus screening clinics. Your job is done if you’re opening it for compliance to postage costs. If you suspect another reason to hold and inspect then you would pass it off to a separately designated area for packages randomly or by ordinary course of USPS handling and processing suspicious parcels. There they may break the plastic and look inside the container but all things considered there was nothing slightly off about it in terms of physical properties. It was to mail a media item informative of frogs and not for pecuniary gain or business solicitation or advantage. 

It’s very loose and risky to play it this way but actually could arouse less drug offense suspicion if redirected to check postage or tariff requirements.  if the items are something one might ordinarily buy at a store it’s bad news -  unless it’s an item I incidental to the brochures and pamphlets of sender’s organization and a non-commercial or self promotional nature. Educational, and perhaps by extension that seems to promote the sender organization, but it’s not central to the media item and no offer or sale is made - they are passionate about frogs and are sending you a media item to hope you become as passionate as well and in your own freedom research what you wish to do about that because they’re not sending a company booklet on mesothelioma to a potential client who would be enticed to retain this law firm. The book might inform of all the options patients with mesothelioma have and several forms may have sponsored the publication and it’s not overtly clear the recipient wanted the damn thing to begin with, but if so they wouldn’t have look to sender’s address for specifically trying to retain that firm, as nothing in the parcel gives out their firm’s brochure. 

Hi friends..
feel free to PM me if you have experienced this and the outcome. I enthusiastically went with a popular person across the pond. I got word my date was literally in his truck on his way and then he no-showed. He updated me really late that he was still awaiting closure. And that’s how we left it after 2 days. I invested a lot in this date and will lose big if he doesn’t show. No second chances. I was told the only option is to take a big risk to try to recoup a loss. But that avenue is too scary to entertain.

Anyone have success with just being patient? I was hoping to make this my main dude. I prefer staying off the radar but the potential loss hurts.
Please I’m just curious… if u had an express book that was out for deliv with your door dasher, but never came and was stuck on awaiting scan for days. Would you ever in your right mind would go to the door dash headquarters or try to call them to find out where your book was AT ALL, let alone the first day it was out for deliv and fell off the radar.

An author told me I should be on the phone, or at the door dash office looking for my book on day 1, and any day subsequent to that, as it’s been lost for several days. Who tries to chase down a package full of risky shit? “Excuse me but I’m expecting some r-rated magazines and I’m wondering can u help me find them? And then u can take me to the clink clink afterwards?”

And the advice to call my local govt’s door dasher? LOL. Try to look up your local business and see if it doesn’t just give u the useless 1-800 number that will never help you? Now, most people who have been at this a while and have read the very helpful guides posted here would not do shit to be proactive. They would chill. Lay low. hope for the best and expect the worst.

Now for another curve ball.. what if that same lost book never showed up on your app in ID in the first place? Would you try to track down r-rated books that were not even on your ID? Thereby admitting through your actions that you knew this book was coming to you? Is it reasonable to believe that maybe, given this pack wasn’t on your ID ever, that your address may never have been correctly written on label in the first place?

Literally no one I know on here that is well-versed would ever try to make contact by phone, in person, or at all, with the gov’t the day your r-rated book mysteriously disappeared, or any day after that.

And number 2, even a semi well-versed person may wonder if their address was even correctly on the pack if it never showed up show up in ID. So then you’re asking the gov’t to track down a really naughty troubled book that you didn’t know was coming to you? Yeah that’s some bad opsec and worries me that it’s just opsec 101.

Some members don’t know this and that’s ok because people everyone had to learn somewhere, and we have a lot of experienced members and staff to learn from. But authors SHOULD be opsec kings and queens before they start. Because this shit advice gets passed on to people who are a little green that may take the advice bc they assume an authors knows the in’s and out’s. We have some great authors here who are very street smart. But… it worries me when people aren’t as informed as they should be, but are arrogant and give bad advice before actually putting time in to learn. It puts them and their clients ar risk and sloppy habits put the board at risk as a whole.

Thank you, be safe, and more importantly, if anyone asks you to go putting yourself at risk, DONT!!!!!!! And make a mental note that they may not put OPSEC as high on the list as they should, bc it could end up hurting you.

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Right … it sucks but I know something else that would suck a million times more, so reaching out to the gov when the book you bought is a scary story is a bad bad idea.
@AnnaSofia for sure you know my old school gov issued pony express happening. Do NOT call their local center (or even their national center but those are just grandma and grandpa reading the screen you read!)

For obvious reasons if it's not on your ID, then your info did not match up, so you would send off some alerts. Secondly, again--you know what happened with me and old school. DO NOT CALL THEM.

Who the f are you dealing with telling you these crazy things? 1st graders?! If they were doing their job you wouldn't be in this predicament.

It worries me we have a vendor being sloppy.

I will hope the vendor will make this right--reship with the right data AND using opsec.
This this this and no it’s not for the faint at heart. You knows what is even worse for the faint at heart? Getting ballsy. No no no. All those who replied know the deal. One question leads to 10.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!