If you don't think they will knock your ass out you are terribly misinformed. They will make you unable to walk or talk if you aren't careful. You'll likely be out like a light if you are a first time user after taking as few as 4. Every person is different of course but it is certainly something that should be taken with caution. I've been ER'd twice after taking too many, once by family the other by police who gave me the choice of a hospital or a cell. Fortunately they are pretty short acting so the second time I was able to use the blood sugar excuse and get released right after entering the ER. I had only taken 6 and went in a store to get sunglasses to cover a black eye they caused the night before.
I used to like DANS, or at least think they were good quality, but recently my pharm used them and they were not nearly as effective as Qualitest.