Sweet Sweet Soma


Nov 21, 2011
I've taken soma religiously from around 2005 up until mid 2011.  It seems to be the only thing I can take for both my back pain and insomnia which actually does the trick.  I have always worked long hours on the night shift and have a small window of opportunity to catch 6 or 7 hours of sleep.  i used to dread coming home at 9am and knowing I had to get back up for work at 3 or 4pm.  
It was magic when I first started out taking soma.  Got home from a long night of labor, downed a fistful (6 to 8) of pills, while preparing dinner/breakfast I would begin to feel that familiar chemical comfort..  my stress, insomnia, and pain were all gone.  I don't know about you guys, but when I have a meal while becoming a slurring, swaying robot with an off switch, doesn't everything just taste better?  IMHO the way food tastes while 'relaxing' is how it looks in cartoons (Good, God!  Does anyone remember how fantastic that pizza in "All Dogs Go To Heaven" looked?).  I have to be careful though..  I will overeat if I don't catch myself due to the extreme appetite somas cause me.  
Regrettably I started relying on them waaaay too often to help get me to sleep and sought comfort in them on my days off.  Drained my supply and started missing time.  I would come home on a Friday morning and wouldn't have to be back to work until Monday night.  I would take 6-8 around 9am..  wake up around 3 or 4pm.. by 5pm I would have taken another 6-8..  and so forth and so on until around Sunday sometime when I would get one of those gnarly headaches that make you extremely sick and want to die.  That was my routine for awhile and I started losing my life due to my carelessness and not taking a break every once in awhile.
I haven't touched anything for 8 months and trying to go the proper route in the real world has simply yielded nothing but many sleepless nights, pain all the time, and constant frustration with this joke of a system America has.  You'd think with big pharma running the show that it would be easy to go through the proper channels and live on the straight and narrow.  NOPE!  It really aggravates me to no extent when I see welfare recipients getting insane amounts of scripts for oxy/hyrdo's and selling them like nothing.  I mean..  to each their own.  If you know how to play the game and hustle to get yours..  more power to you.  I just wish there was more readily available information out there on how to 'play the game' and persuade the doctors..  or at least some encrypted database of crooked doctors, lulz.
The was a little off the rails.  The moral of the story is know your limitations and be responsible enough to determine when is the time for need and cut-down on the wants.  We all want to feel good and enjoy this ride we were forced a ticket upon.  Just don't turn up a fucking corpse with your cellphone idling on DBG out for any flatfoot to see.  
Not sure about this thread but I think I'll post it anyway.  
S0m@ is something that most people either love or hate. It's one of the few things I can still "feel", but it's also easy to take a little too much and end up incapacitated. Even for those with a high tolerance, like you and I, the difference between feeling good and being in a s0m@ c0ma is only a couple of pills. The dangers, at least that I'm aware of, are a lot less than many other things. But those who see someone who has taken too many think things are far worse than they seem to be from a danger standpoint. I've been unable to walk or talk for a few hours by accidentally ingesting more than I needed, but after sleeping things are fine 2-4 hours later.

The problem most people have to be aware of, as far as a tolerance, is that daily use makes them less effective very quickly. The amount needed to become unable to walk and talk stays about the same though, at least from my experience. 4 will make me feel okay if I haven't taken any for a few days. The next day it takes 5, then 6. But even after taking 6 a few days 8 will usually knock me out, 10 will for sure. 

The only exception for me is when I've been taking a bz product, even if it was the day before. I've gotten a package of Wallace, the best brand available imo, and ended up taking a whole strip of ten in just a few hours without feeling a thing. What would have normally knocked me out just left me confused as to why I felt nothing. Not being a regular user of bz products I wasn't sure what the reason was. After having had the same issue a few times it was something I learned through experience.

 On the other hand, a zol~pi~dem or two will increase the effect of them drastically. Way back before getting them monthly I took two s0m@ and a zolp and could barely talk. It didn't make me have the same side effect of too many s0m@, that being the trembling (aka "s0m@ shakes"), it just combined to have a great "cocktail" that I still enjoy today.

On the topic of bz products negating the effect of s0m@, they also seem to negate the effect of zolps too, for me anyway. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this in their experience. I know some people have said a s0m@ and bz was excellent as a sleep aid, which is true. I'm just wondering if the people who like s0m@, for recreational use, has ever noticed that combined with a bz they didn't work for them either. 

Same for zolps, has anyone who enjoys them for recreational use, found a bz product tends to negate the effect to some degree? And all the references to bz products means alps (aka Xan~axes) in particular. It's the only one I use so I'm not sure if other things in the bz family would cause the same problem.  

I look forward to seeing if anyone else can say they have the same experience, with the combination somehow negating the usual effect of s0m@ and/or zolps. I'm pretty sure anybody who has used some s0m@ and zolps together has found they are a powerful "cocktail". 

And thanks for sharing your story CM. There is certainly something we can all relate to in regards to struggling to use self control when you find something that makes the day better. It took me a long time to get the ability to use my op~E~ets responsibly. I have problems with other items but thankfully, as long as I have my PKs, I don't have dependency or WDs from the other things I tend to abuse.

The worst problem I have when using, or abusing, the other things is a tendency to post stuff that is sometimes offensive, or at least too graphic, to the ladies on here. Thank goodness they are all really good about understanding I'm either too high, or just too stupid, to know better at the time and don't mean to be a pita or hurtful to anyone. Especially none of the precious ladies on here. I love my lady friends on here almost as much as the girls I actually get to see and know personally.

Good day all. /default_smile.png I hope to hear some others tell whether they had the same problem in regards to combining a bz with the other things I mentioned. Thanks again for sharing CM. 

I remember taking them together and not feeling anything from the zolps. I did use zolps to withdraw eventually and really felt them then. i used to take 1/2 a pill during the day every four hours or so for anxiety and twitching and they worked wonders. For me, the thing to do with car is benzos. Tahat was my poison 4 eva, 3 years or so. When I first tried scma i was like yiipeeeeeeeeeeee. Two, three then 4 at a time every three hours on the dot. My heaven on earth had arrived! That was big time trouble. The sucky thing was that the line between being perfectly content and being a twitching slurring moron was VERY thin. You are carrying on, happy as a clam and very able to function and then all of a sudden, with no warning, on the exact same dose that was okay for the last two months. Bam! Youre rubber. Im working so i had to splain. I believe I slurred something about low blood sugar.......an hour later, you are fine and looking to take more. I remember the good old days lol waiting for the fed ex guy at work, vibrating. An awful lot of it also had to do with op and domestic caris. Those 10 pak blister packs from india could pack a whallop. I had zero moderation with those things. Theni started mixing with benzos............but thats another thread.... Anyway, just my humble comments

It seems like every day there are examples of how much different a chemical works for one person than another, especially me. I've seen a lot of other people who are like you, in that they find the cariso/bz combo works great for them. The sad thing is som@ is one of the few chemicals I can still "feel", and I'm unable to feel anything if I combine them.

As I've said on another thread, I don't get a bzzzz from bz products like most people, they either have a calming effect or put me to sleep. Before being placed on an 0piate regimen, which has grown to massive amounts from most peoples perspective, I could feel bz products and I didn't like them at all. Especially Alps. They would not only put me to sleep I'd have an unpleasant hangover the next day. The only reason I say unpleasant is others say they enjoy the hangover from them the next day.

But I think anyone who has used carisos recreationally knows what you mean by getting slammed when you don't expect it. I've "outgrown" the shaking except for when they creep up and sucker punch me into a s0ma c0ma. I've gotten to know what that normally takes but they do sometimes pack a bigger punch that expected. It could be from the variation in active ingredient allowed by the gov't, or the other variables like if I've eaten or taken on an empty stomach. Someone even told me that eating certain foods makes a difference. I haven't figured it out myself, but they said fatty foods make them have a bigger impact on them, or at least the people they know that enjoy cariso.   

I suppose for the most part I'm lucky that I don't overindulge in my PK like I do other things, and as long as I have it the lack of other products doesn't really bother me too much. Now that I bring it up it's probably good that I don't enjoy mixing the two, I have a good supply of Alps on hand. That's likely why running out of one product isn't too bad for me, I normally have one if I'm out of the other. Thankfully if nothing else is on hand I don't have a compulsion to go out and look for anything as long as I have my PK. And I have at least a minimum amount of it I need unless a friend unexpectedly needs help at the end of the month.

Thanks for sharing your story CITH, it always interests me to see how differently others are affected by a chemical or combo than I am.

Best wishes, H~T

hey guys this may sound like a stupid question but is soma codin??

im from scotland and we dont get any thing under the name soma unless thats just one name for it and we call it sumfin else

There is something we call som@ compound, which contains c0deen, but it, and regular s0ma are harder and harder to find. The use of c0deen is practically been abandoned here anyway. These are just the s0ma 350 mg, nothing else but inert ingredients. I say inert, not sure what else is in them, but it isn't c0deen anyway.

That could just be the brand name or something. caris0pr0d0l is the generic name if you want to google for more info.

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hey guys this may sound like a stupid question but is soma codin??

im from scotland and we dont get any thing under the name soma unless thats just one name for it and we call it sumfin else

No.  Try using google, its super easy.

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/default_huh.png  Why make someone feel like they can't ask an innocent question? At least lmgtfy has some humor.  Maybe making the same mistake not long ago, or reading someone say they felt reluctant to post for fear of being "jumped on" that makes me surprised some of you would comment like that. Good advice, no doubt about that. Especially since I apparently misread the post and thought of som@ compound instead of just c0deen. Perhaps I'm the one y'all should have lmgtfy, I answered without knowing what the question really meant.

 Not the first time I've had egg on my face though, and certainly won't be the last. I unintentionally r00fied myself with a zolp/som@ compound last night and I'm kind of afraid of what might have been posted once the lights went out. Ain't got the brightest bulbs anyway. /default_smile.png 

ah ha so basically its just c0din we just call them diffs
Soma is not Codeine, it's Carisoprodol, a schedule IV muscle relaxant.
There, done. And for the record, my earlier joke was not directed at, nor did I even reference, the original poster of this question, so I take exception to being accused of "making people feel like they can't ask an innocent question". I think my track record in being both polite and accommodating to members speaks for itself.

Good day.....

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Please accept my apology. I obviously made the wrong assumption, that others were paying attention and reading replies that is. H-man sums up my feelings now, and I thought I might have been able to help with a link. Hopefully your post made it clear, if not there ain't much help. I would make a bigger font and direct links but I don't think links are being followed anyway, much less replies. Clearly the mistake was on my behalf.

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I have been using soma for my hurt back for going on a year now. Due to it being over prescribed for many years in the US i believe doctors are starting to get away from it. Since it has such a high risk of dependency I don't see it around much. 

 I used two main sites to procure my muscle relaxers, both claiming to be soma. The first came without a blister pack and was very possible it was really weak or maybe I just build a large tolerance to them. 

Then I found some in blister packs and they still dont get me twisted but them offer my back a bit of relief.  I am still not overly impressed with Soma  I bet true prescription grade Soma from a US pharmacy would be allot more effective. But my blister packs made by an unknown source seems to do the trick. 

I kind of like how they are not super strong as I don't want to deal with any drawbacks or consequences due to prescription addiction.  (  Always remember to lower your dosage gradually and slowly to avoid your body shutting down from not getting what its used to.)

I've taken soma religiously from around 2005 up until mid 2011.  It seems to be the only thing I can take for both my back pain and insomnia which actually does the trick.  I have always worked long hours on the night shift and have a small window of opportunity to catch 6 or 7 hours of sleep.  i used to dread coming home at 9am and knowing I had to get back up for work at 3 or 4pm.  
It was magic when I first started out taking soma.  Got home from a long night of labor, downed a fistful (6 to 8) of pills, while preparing dinner/breakfast I would begin to feel that familiar chemical comfort..  my stress, insomnia, and pain were all gone.  I don't know about you guys, but when I have a meal while becoming a slurring, swaying robot with an off switch, doesn't everything just taste better?  IMHO the way food tastes while 'relaxing' is how it looks in cartoons (Good, God!  Does anyone remember how fantastic that pizza in "All Dogs Go To Heaven" looked?).  I have to be careful though..  I will overeat if I don't catch myself due to the extreme appetite somas cause me.  
Regrettably I started relying on them waaaay too often to help get me to sleep and sought comfort in them on my days off.  Drained my supply and started missing time.  I would come home on a Friday morning and wouldn't have to be back to work until Monday night.  I would take 6-8 around 9am..  wake up around 3 or 4pm.. by 5pm I would have taken another 6-8..  and so forth and so on until around Sunday sometime when I would get one of those gnarly headaches that make you extremely sick and want to die.  That was my routine for awhile and I started losing my life due to my carelessness and not taking a break every once in awhile.
I haven't touched anything for 8 months and trying to go the proper route in the real world has simply yielded nothing but many sleepless nights, pain all the time, and constant frustration with this joke of a system America has.  You'd think with big pharma running the show that it would be easy to go through the proper channels and live on the straight and narrow.  NOPE!  It really aggravates me to no extent when I see welfare recipients getting insane amounts of scripts for oxy/hyrdo's and selling them like nothing.  I mean..  to each their own.  If you know how to play the game and hustle to get yours..  more power to you.  I just wish there was more readily available information out there on how to 'play the game' and persuade the doctors..  or at least some encrypted database of crooked doctors, lulz.
The was a little off the rails.  The moral of the story is know your limitations and be responsible enough to determine when is the time for need and cut-down on the wants.  We all want to feel good and enjoy this ride we were forced a ticket upon.  Just don't turn up a fucking corpse with your cellphone idling on DBG out for any flatfoot to see.  
Not sure about this thread but I think I'll post it anyway.  
Somas are known to cause serious addiction. But it really comes down to personal preference and how readily available they are. I fell into a strong habit of xan for awhile. I would get in and out of the habbit depending on how often i could find them. But time catches up with you when you take for along time and then quit or runout or you dont lower the dosage properly.  ​
Shit will end you quick. ​
Shoot me a PM to some of the hotter forums on here since this one is a dead end​
It seems like every day there are examples of how much different a chemical works for one person than another, especially me. I've seen a lot of other people who are like you, in that they find the cariso/bz combo works great for them. The sad thing is som@ is one of the few chemicals I can still "feel", and I'm unable to feel anything if I combine them.

As I've said on another thread, I don't get a bzzzz from bz products like most people, they either have a calming effect or put me to sleep. Before being placed on an 0piate regimen, which has grown to massive amounts from most peoples perspective, I could feel bz products and I didn't like them at all. Especially Alps. They would not only put me to sleep I'd have an unpleasant hangover the next day. The only reason I say unpleasant is others say they enjoy the hangover from them the next day.

But I think anyone who has used carisos recreationally knows what you mean by getting slammed when you don't expect it. I've "outgrown" the shaking except for when they creep up and sucker punch me into a s0ma c0ma. I've gotten to know what that normally takes but they do sometimes pack a bigger punch that expected. It could be from the variation in active ingredient allowed by the gov't, or the other variables like if I've eaten or taken on an empty stomach. Someone even told me that eating certain foods makes a difference. I haven't figured it out myself, but they said fatty foods make them have a bigger impact on them, or at least the people they know that enjoy cariso.   

I suppose for the most part I'm lucky that I don't overindulge in my PK like I do other things, and as long as I have it the lack of other products doesn't really bother me too much. Now that I bring it up it's probably good that I don't enjoy mixing the two, I have a good supply of Alps on hand. That's likely why running out of one product isn't too bad for me, I normally have one if I'm out of the other. Thankfully if nothing else is on hand I don't have a compulsion to go out and look for anything as long as I have my PK. And I have at least a minimum amount of it I need unless a friend unexpectedly needs help at the end of the month.

Thanks for sharing your story CITH, it always interests me to see how differently others are affected by a chemical or combo than I am.

Best wishes, H~T
So, after three years of no scma, i got some from palmira. Also been off bzs for a couple years too. Also ordered some of those. Down the hatch they went. After being rushed out of my office to an awaiting ambulance because i wasnt able to talk was embarrassing enough. Blamed it on a head injury from riding my dirt bike. But i felt so good! No more scmas for Cat at this time. Back to my trams.....sigh

I wish you had read some of my warnings buddy. They can and will hit the user like nothing else if you aren't careful. The limit is best found by slowly testing the water before getting in too deep, iykwim. I think most anyone who tinkers with them has found theres a line that is best not crossed. /default_ohmy.png lol, glad nothing was permanently damaged.

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High Tide.

I just ordered some 350s from India. I've read ppl say they pop 6-8 at time when tolerance goes up. Is this 6-8 350s? That a lot.

I've been taking handfuls of flexrl and baclfn and I hope somah works better. I need the muscle to un-tighten (sic). I'm hunched over to the right as back muscle are as hard rocks. Some many percs! Need relieve, Please SOMaaaa. Please.

Any advice on how to take these effectively and in combo with opds. 

I've hit the google but I know your know your somahh so I'd like your advice. 


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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!