For detox purposes whats the best way to establish my baseline...thats determine how much I m taking now? It sounds kind of weird but I know have in varying quantities several kinds of tr. I have some from click as well as several types from India. I have much more from IN than Click. Been taking mostly the ones from IN for the last month and a half. The biggest chunk I have is tramatas-sr which I have been chewing.Should I switch to my Clicks completely to see how much ZI take daily? Or should I stick with the tramatas sr? What will simply swallowing the sr tablets do in terms of my intake? I am planning on starting a taper soon but before I do I need to set a baseline to start from. I dont want to sound like a tramadol connoseur r whatever but it just happened that I got blessed or cursed with a wide variety and a decent quantity of about half the price of Click...not definitely not advertising here but I landed in a junkies dream or curse. I found myself addicted to tr because of some misinformation and bad judgment on my part. Ive continued with the addiction based on what I think a very bad option presented to me by some drug and alcohol peeps and more bad info from them. I knew about tra being an atypical opioid ith ssri and nsri properties but I figured that he withdrawals from it would mostly be from the opioid component since they wanted to put me on subs which I nixed.Based on what I am reading tr wd s omewhat like bz wd. Op wd is bad but sort of acceptable I can accept it as inevitable consequence. Been there often. On the the other and anything resembling bz withdraw is NOT acceptable so I want to taper own. Ive found to be simply amazing in treating my bipolar depression but even considering that anything ike bz wd s deal breaker for me. Taking bz to help with the wd is also out.So any suggestions does chewing affect daily intake? Does ir sr make difference. Somehow I think taking sr swallow is best to set my baseline with. Start with the indian tr then move to the click.Its weird how I got myself into this sit. Dream come true but with definite darkside I thought I had hit the otherload when I found the IN sources was just looking for backup but it turns out the rose bush has some real ugly thorns.
i've never taken the time released stuff. CR's Tndol brand seemed to be the best of any IOP's that I found. I never heard any thing good about India ones.
@frogkindreally look into subbing an SSRI when you taper or go off. I found that a small amount of Z0l0ft worked wonders for me this time.