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Just don't take benzos for tramp withdrawal.

Both PTFC and I can give you a hundred reasons why.

Ive actually successfully used DHC in the past to come off it but I dislike DHC. Kinda catch 22. Stops all withdrawals though and it's not an expensive med like the ones you mention.

Maybe worth looking at.

Yeah, I am in agreement with snoop there. They can be useful for a week or two, but any more than that and you may end up substituting one dependence for another! That's what I unfortunately found out the hard way.

It would seem that you would have the same problem substituting a stronger opioid for trams. If you go too long you're going to end up with a different addiction. It would make sense to use something like DHC, cod9, or kratom, perhaps with the addition of an SNRI like Venlafaxin.

I find there is no need to sub an anti depressant and DHC should be enough.

Thats coming from someone who finds the withdrawal depression the worst symptom.

PS - I find normal codeine useless due to how infrequently you can dose it. Your liver blocks it's active metabolite for at least 12 hours despite packets saying take every 4-6 hours. You won't have the same issue with DHC.

Sorry to chime in so much but I have withdrawn from Tramadol every 2-3 months for years to reset tolerance. Even with the strongest narcotic you will still feel a bit crap so please don't waste your life/money on anything above DHC.

Thanks a lot of great info. Sorry I didnt say this is for the first 5 to 7 days just to get past the detox and withdrawal . If someone has a better idea please share. I'm starting this 3rd week of march. I'm wondering why no benzos to help with sleep?  DHC? I look into it , not sure what it is but I'll figure it out. Once again thanks and appreciate the help

There's nothing wrong with a short course of benz0s to help with sleep, as long as it is only a short course. Please keep us informed though, you will receive plenty of moral support here!

Thanks PTFC The insomnia kills me . If I can just sleep it makes things much easier. I'm only buying enough to get through this intial detox. I researched DHC and I will be looking to buy this instead of pks. 


PS - I find normal codeine useless due to how infrequently you can dose it. Your liver blocks it's active metabolite for at least 12 hours despite packets saying take every 4-6 hours. You won't have the same issue with DHC.
Thanks for the info. I plan on kicking this one someday, so I will file it away.

I know this is off-topic, but I'm curious though where you get the 12 hour figure for c0deine? The half-life for codeine metabolite is about 3.5 hours and for the m0roph!ne metabolites about 7 hours. So I would expect that a dose after 4 hours, while it may not have a full effect would still be of benefit. I  know there are genetic variations in reception as well as medications that can slow or quicken elimination, so that wouldn't be true for everyone. 

BTW, if you're curious about the source of the info


I've used cody to replace a dosage of tramps myself, working gradually until tram dosage is at nil, though deehceee doesn't really agree with me. 

Trust me, don't touch the benzos and use D1Hydr0COidEine only. 

Sleep wont be an issue. Can take them for 2 weeks easily without developing a dependence. 30mg 4 times a da should do it but you can up it to 60 mg if you feel any uncomfort.

Wish I practice what I preach. Take roughly 12 mg Xanax a day because I thought benzos would help. I'm now hooked on both Alpz and trams. I've beaten worse though. I hate DHC due to my liver not agreeing with more natural opioids buy I'll be buying some soon when a certain vendor is back.

I've used cody to replace a dosage of tramps myself, working gradually until tram dosage is at nil, though deehceee doesn't really agree with me. 
Same mate but normal code is unbearable for me. Plus your liver blocks the active morphine conversion for 12+. Don't have that issue with DHC

day 2 of detox almost done. 40 mg percs spread out thru the day and 3 mg etizolam for sleep. No issues so far with out any withdrawel syptoms. I'll continue thru day 6 with percs and a day or two longer with sleep aid if needed. I was on 400 mg trams for 7 years and did it this way before. I'm not sure if it works for everyone but it works for me. Even mowed the law this morning and took the motorcycle out for a bit. Eat right and stay offf sugars. As long as I can sleep it makes things much easier . Hope this helps others. I'll udpate as the week goes on. I'll have 240 /50mg trams per month no longer will be needed

day 3 same dosages. woke up feeling good, a little shaky around mid day but it passes. tommorrow I'll start cutting back to 35 mgs percs. so far so good. I feel a sense of happiness in getting this monkey off my back. 

Good for you popeye, keep it up. We're backing you all the friendly. 

I love tramadol but my tolerance is way up again. I'm going to CT for the next few days while I'm on my days of and get my tolerance down a bit. I can alway cwe a few packs of p@r@m0l if things get too rough but I'm sure I'll be fine without.

Well done Popeye, wish we had the strong stuff over here to help with withdrawals.

day 3 same dosages. woke up feeling good, a little shaky around mid day but it passes. tommorrow I'll start cutting back to 35 mgs percs. so far so good. I feel a sense of happiness in getting this monkey off my back. 
popeye, hey keep it up.  sounds like you've got it licked!  Keep posting here for support.  I just started my tr@amp CT trip yesterday.

day 3 same dosages. woke up feeling good, a little shaky around mid day but it passes. tommorrow I'll start cutting back to 35 mgs percs. so far so good. I feel a sense of happiness in getting this monkey off my back. 
popeye, hey keep it up.  sounds like you've got it licked!  Keep posting here for support.  I just started my tr@amp CT trip yesterday.

I love tramadol but my tolerance is way up again. I'm going to CT for the next few days while I'm on my days of and get my tolerance down a bit. I can alway cwe a few packs of p@r@m0l if things get too rough but I'm sure I'll be fine without.

Well done Popeye, wish we had the strong stuff over here to help with withdrawals.
hey snoop, we had some convo's on the thread with clickremedy.  Hey did you find detoxing from his stuff was any different than other brands you've been on? It doesn't seem like my WD's are as bad.   However, this time i am taking an SSRI.   I haven't gotten any of the brain zaps which is always the first thing i get coming off.  Not even a little.  I have a hard time believing that just 25mg of Z0l0ft will do that.  So, maybe the stuff i was getting from that part of the world has different make up or something.   i don't know.  I am getting the usual constant yawning, sleeplessness, leg and arm restlessness . Anyway, sounds like there's a lot of people all doing this tr@mp CT thing this week so i hope we all get it over with as little discomfort as possible.  

I have always had super restless legs and arms when going through Tr@mps wd's, but last couple nights i got really bad like full body jerks just falling asleep and actually sleeping (woke me up)!   Anyone else ever get that happy horseshit?

Sorry so late in posting back. I am completley off trams. I get the restless legs and jerks when coming off too but they pass. 
right on.  for some reason i was reading the dates of your few posts wrong.  So, you have been for a couple weeks.  good for you!   If you want to stay quit for good, you may need to continue seeking support somewhere.   The problem that I always have quitting is two things:  1) The false sense of security that if you get a script or come across a stash that you can I can just take one or two "every once in a while" and 2) That I miss the euphoria that tr@maps give me and the only way i can feel that good is to take them.   The second one this go around is going to be the toughest I think which is why i indeed plan to follow up with dr and make sure i tackle the reason why i need tr@mps to fill in for whatever is missing in my brain/psyche. This is one of the reason's why i took some advice of another member of this site and am taking Z0l0ft to help with the seratonin imbalance that happens to us when we quit CT and hope that staying on it will help me not relapse.   

72 Hours Tr@mp free.  I am still not getting the brain zaps which I can only attribute to the low dose (25mg of z0l0ft) that i'm taking.  What a HUGE difference that is making.   I am still having some Restlessness at night and sleeplessness.   If someone is reading this and thinking about going off of Tr@mps and afraid of what others are saying about how horrible the WD's are....PLEASE DO NOT LET THAT SCARE YOU!     If a wuss like me can do it, you can do it!

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Hi rockytop happy to hear that brain zaps have lessened for you. I am a relative noob to Tr@mps but not to brain zaps.I used to go through them when I was wding from x@n@. Sad to say I am also no stranger to op wds also. My experience till quite recently has been strictly with Click. Before Click it was scribed US AN's. More recently I ventured away from Click to try another country.Ive gone through some pretty nasty wds with the yellow and greens from click-sweats nausea stuffy nose runny nose teary eyes diarreah vertigo anxiety attacks chills rls insomnia but I never got brain zaps. I started taking way too much of the items waay above the recommended max of 400mgs and I started getting very occasional very light rain zaps.I dropped my dosage down 200 of my V@lc!d@l$  and. I am experiencing.  hardly any wds at all. Are brain zaps part of the package with Tr@mp wds no matter where hey re from? I read up on OP wds nd I am sure brain aps arent part and parcel of OP withdrawal.I hate o ask ut did you go through the symptoms I went through? The experience so ifferent that I am thinking of getting  UA test kit to see if the non click tems real.The only atxh s his wont catch any extra items. Were your tems rom th or in? Its kind of important for e to know.Almot therre rockytop our ords re ncouraging o e.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!