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Im glad you stopped the tramadol @CatintheHat. Thats great. I hope you can continue to be tramadol free in the future. Good luck and God speed.

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I was on tramadol for a while... 500 mg a day for 4 years.   I was told there were no wd/s with tramadol....  coming off was hell for a few days (real hell) ...  I still take it when I need it.. but it doesn't beat me now..

I was on tramadol for a while... 500 mg a day for 4 years.   I was told there were no wd/s with tramadol....  coming off was hell for a few days (real hell) ...  I still take it when I need it.. but it doesn't beat me now..
i know that feeling, I gradually lowered my doses weekly, but I also "cheated" by using benzos too, so now tapering from them. Successfully so far. Though i still take a tram or two if required.

An unseen danger of tram that I think a lot of people are not aware of is the possibility of serotonin syndrome, since I think it works as an SNRI, although I think I read that they're still not completely sure...

It just means that, if you're like me and you take it every day, you have to leave a gap before taking anything else that works on serotonin, I've read some horror stories of people on tram then taking stuff on a saturday night out and getting very ill. Even little things like DXM in cough syrup, you have to be so careful. I've played with fire a bit, since I also take mirtazapine and buspirone sometimes, but I've been okay, thankfully.

But it really is a messy be honest, the only thing it has going for it is its availability, that's pretty much the only reason I take it, I'm limited in other op!@tes that I use.

I just was weaned (if that's what you want to call it) off of effexor and the WDs are so much the same as tramp, with the other lovely symptoms of opiate wds added. 

I am am sixteen months clean of this devil drug!  Yay!  If I can quit anyone can.  Is was up to 33-36 50 mg tabs every day.

seratonin syndrome sucks and can really hurt you.  Please be careful guys.

An unseen danger of tram that I think a lot of people are not aware of is the possibility of serotonin syndrome, since I think it works as an SNRI, although I think I read that they're still not completely sure...

It just means that, if you're like me and you take it every day, you have to leave a gap before taking anything else that works on serotonin, I've read some horror stories of people on tram then taking stuff on a saturday night out and getting very ill. Even little things like DXM in cough syrup, you have to be so careful. I've played with fire a bit, since I also take mirtazapine and buspirone sometimes, but I've been okay, thankfully.

But it really is a messy be honest, the only thing it has going for it is its availability, that's pretty much the only reason I take it, I'm limited in other op!@tes that I use.
I was on tramadol for a while... 500 mg a day for 4 years.   I was told there were no wd/s with tramadol....  coming off was hell for a few days (real hell) ...  I still take it when I need it.. but it doesn't beat me now..
I may have said before smoka, but there's some credible evidence that mirtazipine is ideal for treating serotonin syndrome. After some heavy heavy tramz dosing one day I began to have some not so nice symptoms which felt like serotonin syndrome. I took a mirtazipine, 15mg, and honest to God, it brought me back to normal, or as normal as could be. I felt nice again. There's some research around on the Web about it also. Though i never intend to be in that situation again. 

I just was weaned (if that's what you want to call it) off of effexor and the WDs are so much the same as tramp, with the other lovely symptoms of opiate wds added. 

I am am sixteen months clean of this devil drug!  Yay!  If I can quit anyone can.  Is was up to 33-36 50 mg tabs every day.

seratonin syndrome sucks and can really hurt you.  Please be careful guys.
Jeez, that had to be hell. That was a lot.  I am so glad you beat it! They say when you are weaned off a drug it is easy ....but we know that isn't as easy as it sounds..

Thanks @PTFC I have some Mirtazapeen laying around and was going to look it up on here and see what it might be useful for.

An unseen danger of tram that I think a lot of people are not aware of is the possibility of serotonin syndrome, since I think it works as an SNRI, although I think I read that they're still not completely sure...

It just means that, if you're like me and you take it every day, you have to leave a gap before taking anything else that works on serotonin, I've read some horror stories of people on tram then taking stuff on a saturday night out and getting very ill. Even little things like DXM in cough syrup, you have to be so careful. I've played with fire a bit, since I also take mirtazapine and buspirone sometimes, but I've been okay, thankfully.

But it really is a messy be honest, the only thing it has going for it is its availability, that's pretty much the only reason I take it, I'm limited in other op!@tes that I use.
I was on tramadol for a while... 500 mg a day for 4 years.   I was told there were no wd/s with tramadol....  coming off was hell for a few days (real hell) ...  I still take it when I need it.. but it doesn't beat me now..
I may have said before smoka, but there's some credible evidence that mirtazipine is ideal for treating serotonin syndrome. After some heavy heavy tramz dosing one day I began to have some not so nice symptoms which felt like serotonin syndrome. I took a mirtazipine, 15mg, and honest to God, it brought me back to normal, or as normal as could be. I felt nice again. There's some research around on the Web about it also. Though i never intend to be in that situation again. 
Oh yeah, I remember you telling me that, I've read it somewhere else as well...still, I'd love to use that as justification for me using very strong recreationals that work on serotonin, but I don't want to risk it...I thought something had to be a serotonin antagonist to treat serotonin syndrome, like Seroquel or something similar, but I suppose mirtazapine does have some things in common.

I'd say, 2earls, please be careful with mirt@z@pine, it affects everyone differently, so please be careful. I know you know that, I'm just being panicky, haha, sorry...

With tr@m, I'm always careful to never go more than 200mg a day...but I can only keep it that low because I also take DHC, kratom and (sometimes) codeine...

I'll continue playing it least I'm not on an SSRI anymore, had over a year on citalopram years ago, rubbish meds...

Every other post of yours is asking for pain meds...please read forum rules and helpful hints for newbies thread....

and then do some forum reading...

My Tramp tolerance has sky rocketed recently so decided to go cold turkey for a week or 2 to reset it.

Im going to take some G@b@pentin as I've heard it makes withdrawals easier.

Has anyone else tried this?

Just wanted to say that it has been exactly one year since i quit my tramp habit for good.  It was so so so worth it.  So hard, but you guys all helped me so much.  Thank you!
it's been close to 10 months since I've been off tramps.  I feel so much better. I go days/weeks without a thought at all about it. Had a tooth surgery last month, took the prescribed meds, was tempted to take too much, but controlled myself.  I don't know what the magic bullet is to escape the trammies, but antidepressants helped a lot. I hope others are having good luck !

I just was weaned (if that's what you want to call it) off of effexor and the WDs are so much the same as tramp, with the other lovely symptoms of opiate wds added. 

I am am sixteen months clean of this devil drug!  Yay!  If I can quit anyone can.  Is was up to 33-36 50 mg tabs every day.

seratonin syndrome sucks and can really hurt you.  Please be careful guys.
I just was weaned (if that's what you want to call it) off of effexor and the WDs are so much the same as tramp, with the other lovely symptoms of opiate wds added. 

I am am sixteen months clean of this devil drug!  Yay!  If I can quit anyone can.  Is was up to 33-36 50 mg tabs every day.

seratonin syndrome sucks and can really hurt you.  Please be careful guys.
Glad to hear you are clean. Keep it up!

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Can anyone explain the best way to take tr@m recreational? I have read a number of different things surrounding how to potentate but still don't have a clear answer. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

Can anyone explain the best way to take tr@m recreational? I have read a number of different things surrounding how to potentate but still don't have a clear answer. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
when I took it recreationally I Wallis take 100mg then 50mg every half hour to a max of 300mg.

If that doesn't make you feel good then throw it away and don't look back.

Taking anymore than the above won't potentiate the effects and will just increase the risk of serious side effects.

My Tramp tolerance has sky rocketed recently so decided to go cold turkey for a week or 2 to reset it.

Im going to take some G@b@pentin as I've heard it makes withdrawals easier.

Has anyone else tried this?
What is a Tram rattle like?  I know its some sort of Opioid, so would expect it to be unpleasant. 

Does it take two weeks for you to start feeling energetic and not feel lethargic while purging your body of trams cold turkey? Or do you mean reset your tolerance back to a level so you can get a buzz?

  Souds like trying to stop bupe or meth@don if that's duration  to become 'clean.' I hope the WD symptoms aren't similar.

Probably one of the few things i ain't had a problem with, they never appealed to me. 

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Well the gaba didn't do anything so don't believe what you hear on so called "harm reduction sites".

Cold turkey tramadol is like opiate and ssri withdrawals rolled into one.

You get the usual chills, sweats, aches etc. but also major anxiety, depression and brain zaps. 

Opiate class withdrawals last about 7 days but the anxiety can last weeks/months.

Hey guys,

For me, the buzz is kind of speedy and kind of benzo-y. It suppresses appetite but you dont vibrate or anything like that. I can function really well at work and home but also i can lay there with my eyes closed and nod for awhile. Note that i have never done h or oc and my nod state is probably not a true nod. The huge thing for me is that it takes away anxiety like nothing else. I am very jumpy and nervous normally and have triggers that will put me in panic mode. The panic is so bad that i feel like the grandpa on SOAP, lol! For the panic, CBT works for me but it takes time that I dont have. The panic is non existent when i am on trams.

i cannot take benzos because I abuse them terribly. Once i get a couple in me i cant stop taking them so i cannot take them to withdraw. Same thing with soma. I know those two things would be very helpful during tramdrawals.

Side note, with information I have gotten from this forum, i am able to withdraw from trams almost painlessly. Day before yesterday I had ZERO tram and yesterday I had 100 mg. i had been up to my usual 1500mg per diem. I am actually thinking about trying to quit. All this tram cannot possibly be good for me. Thinking about and doing are not the same thing, lol! Lots of cod and poppy seed tea. Also LOTS of exercise.

Much love to you guys.
Hi, I was reading about Tr@ms on another website and a poster was saying that the reason some people get a great buzz from Tr@ms while others hardly feel anything at all is because the amount of CYP2D6 Enzyme in your body (I think in your liver not sure). That is the enzyme that transforms Tr@m0dol into M0rpheen in your liver. I guess you can look up that enzyme on Wikipedia but according to the website I was reading they said that 10% of people who live in Europe don't have this enzyme at all. Some people have more of that enzyme and others have very weak amounts. I suppose that is why there are so many different opinions on how Tr@m0dol makes them feel. Some people say it's great while others don't seem to get anything out of it. 

I think I am one of those people who don't get a strong reaction to Tr@m0dol. I really don't get much of a buzz from it even if I take large amounts. I have taken up to 10 of those 100mg Tr@m0dols at on point and didn't feel any euphoria or other kind of pleasant feeling. They do work in killing the back pain I experience during work though. Anyway I think I may have an addiction problem right now, but I would say it's more of a psychological addiction than a physical one, since I don't really get high from Tr@modol. I seem to take them in excessive amounts in hopes that I will get some sort of buzz but I never really do. So I really need to cut back and try to just take the amount I need to manage my pain when I work. I'm not exactly sure how much that amount is though, I think I have to do some trial and Error. I think 200mgs should work for me. 

@CITH wow I can't believe you were taking so many of those Tr@ms at some point. 36 50mg sounds like an incredibly dangerous amt to be taking. I've been reading that taking over 400 mgs of Tr@m increases your chances of having a seizure. I've taken much more than 400mgs some days and I haven't gotten a seizure so perhaps I am lucky. Even worse though is the potential risk of getting Serotonin Syndrome which can be fatal. But in any event I think it's great that you were able to kick that habit according to the posts in this thread.

Also I just want to add that same enzyme I mentioned is also responsible for converting KoDe@n into M0rpheen in your body. In addition to my current Tr@m problem, I also have a bit of a Kode@n addiction right now. This too is probably more psychological than physical. I never really got a great buzz from Kodes. At best when I first started taking it before I had any tolerance I only felt a very mild high (a warm feeling) but also a crazy amount of itchiness. I guess I've been abusing Kodes now too just like Tr@ms trying to catch a buzz that I can't seem to achieve. 

I think I am going to try tapering down myself. I don't want to go to any kind of Rehab program. I did that once a while ago and going there made me feel more depressed than being at home and not taking any drugs. 

I think I have a really high tolerances for PKs. Even vikes are very mild for me. Rocks are pretty good though, but what usually happens if I take them, i end up taking 4 or 5 then I just fall asleep and wake up later with  no lasting feeling. So it seems like kind of a waste. I've tried a lot of different PKs including OC 80's (or 60's I can't remember), vikes, percs, Op@na ER, and D@rvocet and of course Tr@ms and Kode@ns. The only time I truly got an incredible high is when I got a hold of some Op@na IRs a few years ago. They were 5mgs each and I took them orally and didn't feel much, then tried intranasal and didn't get much either other than itchiness. But then I crushed two up and IV'd it and it was a pretty incredible high.I wouldn't recommend anyone do that though. 10mgs of that stuff IV was very intense at first. I'm not sure what would have happened if I took 15mgs.. That may have killed me. The buzz though from the 10mgs was great and it lasted for 5-6 hours, being strong at first then gradually receding. I've never done H before but since Op@n@ is OkseeM0Rph0ne, it is about as strong as H if not stronger. 

But that was the first time and last time I messed with a needle. I hate needles. 

Right now I'm getting fed up with myself because it seems like my whole life revolves around what kind of meds I am taking or going to take. I'm also spending a lot of money on meds that could probably be used better on something real. I'm just get sick and tired of worrying about meds and how my emotions will be during the day.

Anyway sorry to go off on a tangent there, but I just wanted to try to explain why tr@ms effect people differently.. Take care..


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I just wanted to fix a mistake I made in my post here, I said the CYP2D6 turns Tr@m into M0rpheen in your liver, it is actually converted into 0-desm3thyltr@m@d0l not m0rpheen. But the same enzyme does convert Kode@n into M0rpheen. I think someone  posted after me and corrected my error but I don't see that post here anymore. 

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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
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  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!