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Found my tolerance sky rocket and didn't want another week of hell so decided to cheat and use benzos.

Bad idea. Made the depression much worse and even though I didn't take tram my tolerance was still there after a week.

Usually 1 week off them resets it to almost zero but it didn't.

Unless taking more than 800mg per day I would recommend cold turkey with the usual natural remedies (exercise, warm baths, plenty of fluids etc) and ride it out.

Dine it plenty of times before and know that I will plenty in the future.

I done the same snoop, and ended up with a benzo dependence, from which I am carefully tapering, not long to go now though. I got that deepening of depression also. Not good. 

Jeez Snoop...  I went through the w/ds cold turkey..  and this was high amounts...  this was not fun.....  even tapering down sucks.... which I tried and decided to get it over with all together. That was hell. Pure hell. I remember having a guys night out with my best friend and brother fishing,,,  and I must have drank a case of beer or more by myself trying to end that feeling (this was after the initial days).. I never did get rid of that "empty" feeling no matter how much beer I drank....It never leaves you.. I am fortunate not to have  a dependency on anything now..  because of that experience... I go days without the benz and trams even though I could use them every day...  I have been thankful not to ever had a benz dependency despite taking them regularly for 6-7 years now.  maybe more. I read here and elsewhere from everyone who has gone through it..  and it scares the hell out of me.   PTFC God Bless you..  I know what you must be going through even tapering..Good luck!  You too Snoop

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Thanks Gallon, I appreciate your support! I found tapering the tramz easy enough, but very long winded. But I done it, and as I said, I thought I would "cheat " and use benzzzzs the next time I found myself using tramps recreationally. Live and learn. I'm following Dr Ashtons guide to tapering with the Di@z. Gets slightly tricky at the lower doses. I'll be glad when it's over, but I am happy to say I am managing it pretty well. 

PTFC  I read where some people have no problems at all with the wd's from trams and some only have slight wd's    Mine was hell.  Once i got off I miss them.  so I use in moderation. Maybe that is what you can do with Di@z if you are brave enough.

Oh yeah, I got slight withdrawals from tramz the first time, I first stabilised at 2x 50mg 4 x daily, then I tapered down one 50mg capsule a week from each dose, eventually reaching 1 50mg 4x day. After that I dropped a dose a week, starting with the morning one until finally no more. It took a lot of self control, but also gave me self control. So yeah, I can take a few now and again, but just now and again. Same with my current taper, not long to go on it now, but I'll apply the same discipline afterwards. 

Power to you guys that can use Tr@mps for recreation.  For me they are like those candy bars that say "you can't eat just one".  I have posted on the blog before giving advice and support to others about quitting those bastards.  Then I after a few years of freedom I decided that I could use them for recreation myself.  I got a 30 counts script and blew through them in a few days.  That did it.  A year later and i'm in the taper down mode myself.  The problem that I have is getting to the point where you take so few that you don't get the Tr@mp buzz.    With my brain, if I have four allocated for a day.  I'll take all four at once and probably talk myself into taking four more later in the day saying "this is the last day i'll do this".  I'll get my shit together tomorrow.....I have managed to go from 400 mg over 24 hour period to 300 mg/24 hrs over this two week taper period..  So, it's a start anyway.  The only thing that has truly worked for me is flushing all but like 20 pills down the toilet and forcing myself to quick taper to cold turkey.   The CT sucks because it's two nights of no sleeping, yawning, anxiety, restless legs, etc. Then weeks of minor symptoms that are a huge pain in the ass too.  So....I'm just not looking forward to that.   But, I don't see how I can't go Cold Turkey as this taper thing just doesn't seem to work with me........

.  I'll take all four at once and probably talk myself into taking four more later in the day saying "this is the last day i'll do this".  I'll get my shit together tomorrow....
I have that exact same attitude when it comes to trying to manage my habit. It never seems to work. I just keep taking more and more until i'm all out then I just feel like crap and try to figure out a way to get more of the stuff I need. 

On another note I just took about 800mgs of Tr@madol about 2 hours ago and I don't seem to feel any effect at all. (I took 8X50mg that came from my pharmacy and 4X100mg that I got from SY). I don't know why I abuse Tr@ms. I guess I am looking for a buzz but I don't seem to ever really get any buzz from Tr@ms. I do the same thing with Kode@n, but with that I do feel a mild buzz if I haven't taken it for a few days, but If I take it everyday I don't get a buzz anymore no matter how much I take. I'm really supposed to save these meds and use them only on the days I work for managing back pain. Both of these work on relieving back pain when I work. I don't have to take both even, Tr@ms and Kodes can do the job if taken separately. I think 200-400mgs of Tr@m is enough to kill the pain when I work and 240 mgs of Kode@n is also about the amt needed to kill pain when I work. Even if I don't get any recreational buzz they still work in killing my pain. Yet I still abuse them like a dumbass when I don't even get any decent recreational buzz out of them. I envy the people that get a good effect from Tr@ms, I must lack that particular enzyme that makes the Tr@ms enjoyable. Anyway I don't know what is wrong with me, it's like I lack self control with my meds. I might need some help but the last thing I would want to do is go to a rehab because then they wouldn't let me take and of those pks and I would have to go through really excruciating pain during work. I hope I can somehow change my habit and stop taking these pilz on days when I don't need them. Aside from damaging my health (I have no Idea what these are doing to my body) I am also spending a lot of money because I always run out of my doctor scripts, which should be enough to last me a month, in only a week or two and then I have to get a back up from an IOP or Sy. 

I can't seem to kick it for some reason (yes I know addiction).

I have went through numerous CT over the years and apart from the horrible symptoms I always had the willpower.

Ive just lost my will power which scares me. My personal life is amazing apart from the anxiety I experience. I go through a tough time in October every year but that's usually passes before Halloween. I had the best news ever on Friday which PTFC knows about yet I still need 12 trams to get through my day.

Anybody got any ideas? Haha

That's the thing snoop, you still "need" them to get through the day. It depends on how you look at it I suppose. Do you really "need" them or just "want" them to function. Tramps a difficult one to drop as a few members here know, myself included. I find they give me a "get up and go" feeling when it comes to work etc. Though I usually don't consume more than 200mg a day if I take any. You will know when the time is right and you will just put a plan in place either yourself or in conjunction with GP. Share your thoughts and experience here if you want to though, there is a lot of support.

Well I think everyone is in agreement that Tr@mps are sneaky little bastards.  You have to take more and more as the body builds up tolerance very quickly to them.  Then when you are taking a handful and want to back down or go off it's frigin' miserable.    Anyone ever had problems with muscle spasms and stuff from taking them?  I notice sometimes i get muscle twitches especially falling asleep or waking up in middle of night and going to sleep again.....among all the other negative bs that goes with those.   So that's one of the things i do when trying to quit.  Weigh the negatives against the positives.  There's only one real positive for me:  it's the elevated energy and euphoria.  There are many, many negatives for me.  Anyone that takes anything like this for a long period of time is going to run into a butt load of negatives.  In addition to the negative health consequences, It's probably negatively affecting someone you love or that is close to you more than you know.  Anyway, from my experiences.  maybe this will help you?   you guys reach out if you need any more stupid advice from someone trying to sift through his own bs and quit too.

Whenever I've taken trams from a chemist they do absolutely nothing for me and that's taking say 300mg-400mg,but I'm on a m/done maintenance just now 50mls a day I suppose I was just curious but the m/done probably has my reseptors filled and that's why I get no effect/buzz......


Bliss. . . . . . . 

This is my current addiction. I was clean of everything for 15 years and a doctor prescribed these for back pain (I have pretty bad arthritis in neck & back but don’t want surgery as was suggested). Of course he said there was no abuse potential as did a bunch of the literature I read, probably all paid for by the drug companies. And then I found they also helped with ongoing depression and anxiety problems—I had been on & off SSRIs for years.

I’ve been on it now for about 9 years and have managed to only increase my dose a little—I manage on 200 to 250 a bad day. Still having to go outside regular pharmacies to get these now that they’re scheduled lead me to start using other things occasionally, which I’m sure is not a good idea.

I don’t think I’m ready to kick these yet, since I think the other option for my back is surgery & I can’t take out the time for that. (I have a daughter with severe disabilities that requires fulltime attention and lifting.) However, you need to be really careful kicking these since in reality it’s like kicking 2 drugs at once: a mild opioid and an SNRI (like Venlafaxine) since tram acts strongly on the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems. Any doctor will tell you not to go cold turkey off an SNRI—it makes you suicidal. So you need to taper that, but it’s probably easier to quit the opioid cold turkey since it only has a weak effect on opioid receptors. I also suspect quitting is harder for those people who would benefit from an SNRI or SSRI in the 1st place & not as bad for those who have a functioning serotonergic system.

I have had a serotonin overdose mixing tram, Prozac & 5-HTP supplements (the chemical you’re body converts to serotonin) and it was horrible. I’ve never had a full-blown panic attack but what I experienced had all the signs and then some.

Congrats to all of you’ve managed to quit this. It’s great to hear that it can be done since I know some day I’m going to have to kick it. But now I’ve spent all morning reading this thread & have to get to work, which oddly enough involves writing material for a publication on recovery from substance abuse.

Just a shot in the dark. Been using Ts for several years for back pain and OCD. Now that they are scheduled does anyone know of any alternative. Heard of Kra@9m but never tried it. Thanks

Keep in mind that withdrawal from trams is like withdrawal from 2 diff't drugs at the same time: an opioid & an SNRI. To address the latter you might try switching to a real SNRI (tram acts like one but isn't classed as one) like Effexor--just don't use them both at the same time it's dangerous.

Gabapentin did nothing for me but alpzz did. Guess who got themselves a benzo dependence. CT is the way. Been doing it every 3 months from major doses (1000mg+) for 4 years. It's rough but it gets better everyday. Days 2-4 are the worst. After that it's just the depression and sweating.

I recently joined up to get some help coming off tramadol. I've been on 8 to 10 a day for about 7 years due to back surguries and have a hard time quitting.  I quit once before painlessly and figured I put it out there if anyones interested.  If I can detox the first 5 days I'm in the clear as far the the phyiscal syptoms so I substitute a pain med thats a little strong for those 5 days , usually about 8 to 10 prks and add in 20 mgs of V's to help sleep at night. Joined here in hopes of finding legit 1 time meds for my protocol any help would of course be appreciated. I hope my protocol can be of assistance to someone in need

I recently joined up to get some help coming off tramadol. I've been on 8 to 10 a day for about 7 years due to back surguries and have a hard time quitting.  I quit once before painlessly and figured I put it out there if anyones interested.  If I can detox the first 5 days I'm in the clear as far the the phyiscal syptoms so I substitute a pain med thats a little strong for those 5 days , usually about 8 to 10 prks and add in 20 mgs of V's to help sleep at night. Joined here in hopes of finding legit 1 time meds for my protocol any help would of course be appreciated. I hope my protocol can be of assistance to someone in need
A small donation would give you access to the Mexican section which would help you regarding pk's, I believe there is a US-US vendor who may be able to help also. Regarding V, there are a multitude of vendors who can assist, clicking on one of the banners on the home screen will give you an idea. Have a look around though.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!