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Everyone is different with trams. Believe me, after a two year heavy duty habit (especially after my doc swore this was a non-addictive med) i have done my research. I have heard of people, in many instances, having severe withdrawals after just a couple of days ofbeing on the med. The truth is, we don't know everything about the chemicals in this medand its effects on our dopamine,norepinephrine and seratonin. Everyone would proceedwith caution. This is a dangerous drug and shouldnot be prescribedto anyone imho. Sorry about spacing my ipad is that!

Ok, I was just shocked to see the stories on withdrawal. When I take Dillies for five days in a row (or anything else for that matter) I'm fine. I was told (and I've read) that you can withdraw in a very short period with tram.
Everyone is different with trams. Believe me, after a two year heavy duty habit (especially after my doc swore this was a non-addictive med) i have done my research. I have heard of people, in many instances, having severe withdrawals after just a couple of days ofbeing on the med. The truth is, we don't know everything about the chemicals in this medand its effects on our dopamine,norepinephrine and seratonin. Everyone would proceedwith caution. This is a dangerous drug and shouldnot be prescribedto anyone imho. Sorry about spacing my ipad is that!
Hey Jadakaii

, i also wanted to note that there are many who feel no wds at all.

i have a family member who swears he feels withdrawal at 12 hours but i'm not sure i believe it.  i often go 17-20 hours between doses and it's just fine.  i don't know exactly what you've read that makes you want to throw the script away.  occasional use for cramps is not going to make you addicted and thus no withdrawal.  i take the same dose every day and have never felt the desire to take more.  if my pain gets too much,i add some ibuprofen.  if you use the tram as directed the only problem might be if it works--tram works for my knee pain but it does nothing for my back.  give it a shot.  you will not have withdrawal from taking it for a short period of time.
. I am super glad this drug works for you, and you feel no wds. Do. NOT tell people they will feel no wds because everyone is not you. Statements like that could cause someone to suffer unnecessarily, and we certainly do not want that do we?
@Catinthehat, you're an inspiration to us all :-).... @jadakaii, it all depends on your own experience really? Like I said, it did my panic and anxiety a world of good :-).... But, it's all relative really....? I think you'd be hard pushed to feel withdrawal after just a couple of days though?.... You should easily be able to do a week safely and see how you get on?.... However, I'm only speaking from my personal experience? Whatever you decide good luck and keep us posted :-)
Thank you for your kind comment. It was very difficult for me and there are hundreds, if not thousands of others standing with me. Your support means the world to me.

I have psoriasis-related arthritis that flairs up maybe twice a year.  I've always taken tramadol for it because tramadol makes me less woozy than other opioid painkillers.  And NSAIDS don't work.

Doctors have told me that when you're using opioids for medical reasons, you don't go through withdrawal.  But I've ALWAYS  experienced withdrawal symptoms on tramadol.  I have to be very, very methodical in weaning myself off it or I just get really sick and psychologically depressed.  When I'm having a severe flair up, I'll take as much as 400mg of tramadol a day.  I wean myself down by 25mg a day.  It's the only way to avoid the withdrawal.

Gmgd said:
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I know I am responsible to do tthe research and reading... my general question, is are there any us sites for tram anymore since its scheduled. I can't wait for an IOP. Spread it too thin and desperate. Just asking for help to redirect me where to start....
Unfortunately, the tramadol domestic OP's are a thing of the past. Most of the old domestic sites are offering alternatives that may help but I've personally never used the other meds.

Ok, I was just shocked to see the stories on withdrawal. When I take Dillies for five days in a row (or anything else for that matter) I'm fine. I was told (and I've read) that you can withdraw in a very short period with tram.
As CITH (CatintheHat) posted, everyone is different.  That said, I would take the med for the 5 days as needed for your menstrual cramps and see if it helps.  Then see if you feel badly the following week.  If they don't work, or you do notice a flu-like feeling the following week, you will then be able to discuss with your doctor.  Seems to me there are lots of options between the first pain med your doc scripted, and the tram.  

Hey NotCharlotte, why are you posting quotes with no comments?  Is your computer wacking out? 

Gmgd said:
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I know I am responsible to do tthe research and reading... my general question, is are there any us sites for tram anymore since its scheduled. I can't wait for an IOP. Spread it too thin and desperate. Just asking for help to redirect me where to start....
As posted above, domestic is no longer an option. Google Ryan Haight Act. 

The alternate medicines offered by these sites will not prevent withdrawl and in this scenario would only be a waste of time and money. 

Some IOP's offer EMS (speed post) if you ask and that cuts the shipping time down to about 5 days. That is probably going to be your best option. Monday is a holiday here in the US but its not a holiday elsewhere so dont let that worry you in getting an order placed somewhere. If you get your IOP order in over this weekend, you could have it before the week is over. I dont know if that is fast enough for you but that really may be the best. You might also be able to find a dropshipper but the days you spend trying to find one with a decent reputation will be wasted if it doesnt work out. 

Find a realiable IOP (there are a few to be found here in the forum, use the search function) and ask if they'll do EMS. At least that way, you'll know for sure something is coming. 

Good Luck!

@catinthehatThis med does cause withdrawal for more people than not. From reading through your posts, I'm envious. I'm doing the same thing as you have already done, and it is the worst feeling in the world. Tapering slowly and filling in the gaps with insomnia and depression meds. For a med that I was told won't cause w/d and better for rheumatoid arthritis than powerful 0pi0ds , I can't believe how difficult the past month has been. I have felt trapped for the past year and finally decided to spend the next few months getting over it. And I never took more that 7-8 50mgs per day. Mostly 5-6. Weaning down to 4-5 has caused my arthritis to kick into high gear but there has got to be something better than this. I'm jumping off my soapbox now😡

Gmgd said:
Thank you for your reply!

I didn't realize an IOP was even possible in 5 days, or that I could ask for EMS! I will be reading...

I used to use a site from India before domestics but it took st the very least 10 days. Customs....

Again, thanks!
I strongly advice not to ask for EMS

Express packing's are more likely to be inspected by customs.

Is the few days receiving  faster really so important. plan in advance.

I strongly advice not to ask for EMS

Express packing's are more likely to be inspected by customs.

Is the few days receiving  faster really so important. plan in advance.
I only suggested it to the OP because they are in a situation where they need it quickly. Registered can take anywhere from a week to over 3 weeks Iaveraging around 2) whereas EMS does make it here in 5. Thats from my own experience in dealing repeatedly with 3 thai sellers. Having been through withdrawl myself for a different drug, in this particular scenario, I would take the chance on EMS rather than go through what could turn into more than a week of withdrawl. JMHO of course... 

Planning ahead IS very important when using IOP's and I've been preaching that for months elsewhere. Timing your order so that you have plenty to carry you in case of delays is more important now than ever before. The days of overnight supply are over--unless you want to go the SY route and frankly, I'd never go that route for the med in this discussion because the shipping rate is absurd and the wire services are quite risky at tmes. But, to each his/her own. I was simply offering another option to the OP where he or she could get something a little quicker from known reliable sources. 

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For the last 12 years I have suffered with severe OCD, I have been prescribed 4 different SSRI's and 2 SNRI's.... And finally they tried me on Mirtazipine..... However, through all this, nothing seemed to truly take the intrusive thoughts and rituals away... I found that Sertraline was the best.... I think you cross Atlantic cousins call it Zoloft......

Anyway, I'm getting off track.... About 3 years ago, my then girlfriend had some trams for period pain.... I had a headache and asked if she had any pain killers - she only had tram? So, I took 2 and cracked on with my day....

However, at the end of the day (it took till then for me to realise!!) I noticed I had had the best 'mental' day Since I was diagnosed with OCD....

I suspected My doc wouldn't prescribe me any trams for OCD so I bought a shed load off t'internet.....

Since then, I have taken 1 x 50mg every day, I will only stretch to 100mg on a relly bad day.... Don't get me wrong, I have had the odd 300mg recreational binge, but seem to be able to control the trams (unlike the benzos!!).....

Anyway, I realise trams don't do a lot for other people, but for me it has been a life saver, pre tram I was apprehensive of almost any social setting and the motivation they give me is beyond belief....

I would describe it as a cushion of warm charged electrical energy, which allows me to function like a normal human being.... Unlike the Anti D's which kind of had the opposite effect on my energy and creativity...

Anyhows, just though I'd share my personal experience with trams....

Hope everyone is well ;-)...
Be careful mixing ssri's and trams, they both have ssri properties so there's a chance of serotonin syndrome. It's rare but it can fuck you up big time.

Not trying to bum you out, and like I said it's rare, but you should keep an eye on your binges.

Nice one Zeb, yeah I've researched serotonin syndrome and do watch the binges carefully! I taper the SSRI's before a binge usually, but you never know when you fancy a binge do you!? :-) Cheers for the heads up though appreciated :)

Gmgd....the ssri that is most simiiar, according to my research is effexor ER 150. Venlafaxine is the generic name. I have also heard from MANY that gabapentin, or neurontin, effectively helps withdrawals. I have never used this however. Poppyseed tea also works wondersfor the stonach issues and some of the symptoms of opiate wd.

I too have psoriatic arthritis. I need 2 new knee joints. I feel I got screwed because I couldn't afford insurance but trams were an easy fix for pain. Still don't have insurance to get my knees replaced so I'm stuck with what relieves pain. Doc and pain meds 300.00+ month trams 250.00 month. Insurance 400.00+ month.

I'm kind of stuck.

Does anyone know if any of the vendors offer trams that aren't capsules? I just need tablets so that I can cut them into pieces for my taper plan. Hope this was ok to post here, if not please let me know.

Thank you!

Hi Gia,

I am thrilled that I am able to give back the help and hope I received from this forum. Tapering off tramp and finally quitting was the hardest thing I have ever done but so worth it. I am at the three month mark now and i can tell you it gets easier every day. The first month is the hardest. During thet month i just "survived each day". The tea will help you! Please feel free to PM me if you want. I am here for you! Xo

PS...walking and lifting weight helped so much with the twitches!

Does anyone know if any of the vendors offer trams that aren't capsules? I just need tablets so that I can cut them into pieces for my taper plan. Hope this was ok to post here, if not please let me know.

Thank you!
Hi pixiechic! I also posted this in the other tram thread but i have ordered from most iops and have never seen tablets. Sorry. That does not mean they do not exist though!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!