Hey Hapgirl,@cith
Question...you are 3 months post tr@mps (minus one slip up). How are you doing? I've been tapering for 6 weeks, down to 3 a day. One day is fine and the next is horrible pain in my bones and lethargy like crazy. But I have stuck with my taper, but afraid I'm not going to stick with it forever. I've tried to taper to 2, and it seems impossible. I have to work everyday and don't have the ability to take off time. I need to function cognitively and physically and don't think I can make the next step down. Did you really go cold turkey? If so, how many days did it take to start sleeping again? I take them spaced out 1/2 at a time (6 -1/2 tabs) and I hold 1/2 tab back everyday to take one before I go to sleep. I suppose I'm looking for support here. I got myself into this mess, now trying to get out without loosing my job and dignity. No one around me knows. It sucks. I am "supplementing" with anti-anx13ty meds and I know that med will be easier to stop (for me, anyway). Any insight, from anyone, would be nice. I'm getting some of that tea tomorrow
Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I was doing some cleaning today and Ifound a strip of 10 indian tramp. Iflushed them immediately and I am damn proud of myself. I just felt so terrible after I slupped up a couple of weeks ago. I was regretting it as i watched themgo down the drain, but a second later I was fine.
Hope you are doin good sweetie! Xo