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I agree with this 100%... there is a Dark side to the trams that no one told me about. Or at least no one wanted to admit at the time. For me at first it seemed like a miracle drug; cured pain, depression, and gave me energy. Doc said "it's like ibuprofen...". I usually took them as perscribed. My tolerance would go up and the doc would just up my dosage. 

Eventually my personality slowly changed. I would have angry outbursts which I now call 'tramad0l RAGE'. I had no idea what had happened until it was too late. I was hooked and it was a bitch to get off. Be careful with those tramps.
Tr@mp rage, that's a good word for it.  I always would say i'd get "aggravated or easily irritated" over time (with increased dosage and dependence).   But, it's basically the seratonin level building up in your body and that irritability or rage is a by product of too much Seratonin.   It's a love hate relationship many of us have with T.   But, you gotta listen to your body and know when to taper or quit.  

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I'm going to be at the clinic on Monday, my advisor isn't there till weds - I am going to ask her questions:

If anyone quitting tramps, want to taper or what to do in general to ease the pain - you may ask on here and I'll read it and ask her.

My disclaimer: I am NOT a Dr (I am a nurse p.), she is not a DR - but she access patients before the NP or Dr will see them to start dosing.

Do NOT  take my word over YOUR Dr. I will simply ask to see if it sheds light.  I am all about harm reduction, and that's what I'm trying to provide and some answers or questions you should ask YOUR Dr.

My one and only experience with trams was 25 or so years ago. I'd gone to the ER for pain/meds. and was given Ultram. I was pissed because I'd just dealt with kidney stones and needed something significantly stronger, but still, at the time, I had never heard of ultram/tramadol. (I was, however, used to taking TABS recreationally, and was only able to acquire them several times per month. I always kept my thresh hold low, and never took more than 3-ish per day.)  When I took the Ultram, it did absolutely nothing for me. Understandably, I could have jacked up my level, but had enough wisdom not to not move in that direction. (Wasn't looking for a nod; just a slight head change. That's really all I'm ever after.) But even at the dose prescribed, felt nothing at all. So, given that bit of information, I can assume that if taken as prescribed, and used short-term only rather than long-term, I think trams wouldn't be (as) addictive. I think when a person starts jacking their levels up (to whatever degree and for whatever reason), there's always that risk, but understandably, sometimes the prescribed amount just doesn't cut the mustard. I think it's negligent (on the part of Big Pharma and prescribing doctors) to: 1.)  not factor in that people will more than likely increase their doses at will and 2.) not inform the public of said risks involved.

I ended up giving the rest of them away and sticking to tabs when I wanted something in that department. After reading this thread, I'm glad I did. The WD's sounds like raw hell, but not unlike pod withdrawls, which are said to be among the worst kind in the world. (Pod withdrawls are the only kind I've ever experienced, so I can't compare them to anything else.) But I do have a clue as to how bad it can get without my stuff. I still keep my thresh hold extremely low, but regardless, it's no picnic when there's a drought! I feel for you guys. x

Stay safe. <<<

wow, I have't seen this thread this quiet forever!  I hope everyone is doing well and if you're not make sure reach out to your peeps here if you need any support.  I think there are some members here that are a hell of a lot more qualified on how to deal with a lot of this sh#t than a lot of the quacks in clinics!

Hi RockyTop and all others!

I'm recovered over a year now!  I have had a lot of pain due to a recent health issue and the prescribed drug was Trammies.  It was all I could do to just say no.  I did take a few 1/2 tablets which worked wonders on my pain, but did not give me the feeling that I needed them again.  So I just ditched them and decided a lot of advil will have to do.  Now I say I tried them because I was in severe pain, I even asked the doctor for a stronger medicine (which does not appeal to me in an addictive way) but the doctor thought these were better.  I could not argue since I never mentioned to any doctor my problems from the past. 

Probably the best help I got was from anti depression drugs (which took a long time to work) and Vitamin D supplements.  As it turns out, some of my withdrawal pain was from a severe vitamin D deficiency.  It makes your bones ache and horrible fatigue.  I've probably had that for several years and the Trams were helping with that pain and loss of energy, which is an easy fix with high powered prescription supplements.  That deficiency was why I thought I was still having withdrawal months later.  Once I got over being scared of going to the doctor, I was surprised at how much better I felt within a few weeks.

Hope everyone is doing well, take care!


Tramadol is such a great med for me but the withdrawals are the worst. People say benzo withdrawal is worse. I disagree. It is more dangerous but it doesn't feel nearly as bad. I withdraw from trams every so often to keep tolerance in check. It f'ing sucks but it keeps me from taking dangerous doses to keep my pain at bay.

@Solid Snoop If I may suggest, you should keep a small amount of Effex0r in stock to taper down from Tramadol. You will only have slight "dope-sickness", but no brain-zaps and the other terrible stuff. I use 200mgs for my backpain, and when Traml loses its effect or gets too weak to help me, my doctor-prescribed 75mg Effex0r helps tremendously. I'm a CNA II and also an RN student, so you I have some experience in WD'ing from Trams. Tapering down from Effex0r is much easier, than from Trams.

I hope I don't violate any form rules, by giving "medical advice". 

ps: Benzo WD's may be "easier" for you, but it can be life-threatening and many people die from it. Tramadol WD's causes very unpleasant effects, but nobody has ever died from it. 

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@Solid Snoop If I may suggest, you should keep a small amount of Effex0r in stock to taper down from Tramadol. You will only have slight "dope-sickness", but no brain-zaps and the other terrible stuff. I use 200mgs for my backpain, and when Traml loses its effect or gets too weak to help me, my doctor-prescribed 75mg Effex0r helps tremendously. I'm a CNA II and also an RN student, so you I have some experience in WD'ing from Trams. Tapering down from Effex0r is much easier, than from Trams.

I hope I don't violate any form rules, by giving "medical advice". 

ps: Benzo WD's may be "easier" for you, but it can be life-threatening and many people die from it. Tramadol WD's causes very unpleasant effects, but nobody has ever died from it. 
I refuse outright to take any anti depressant medication bar mitraz and that's only for sleep. I've tried 4 including 3ffexor and all caused mania within 2 weeks, s3etraline within a week.

I know that Tramadol is very similar to eff3xor chemically but I still wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I sometimes use DHC for a week if my tram dosage is really high and after that 300mg a day feels like the first time I ever took it.

And in regards to the benzo withdrawals, I certainly wasn't downplaying them, I'm well aware of the danger of withdrawing too fast and that many people have lost their lives to it. I was simply saying that in regards to how symptoms "feel", I'd take benzo withdrawals. 

People on this board know my history with benzos. I was on 100mg of Diaz, 8 mg of loraz, 16mg of xannies and some clonaz in there too. I'm now down to 30mg of Diaz and 6mg of xans. I'm well aware of the dangers in withdrawing but I cut the loraz off completely, clonaz off, lowered to 50mg of Diaz and 6mg of xans over a weekend. That is a fuck load of benzos to stop at the one time and I can tell you that it was easier than cutting my tram dosage in half by a mile however, I will not dispute that it is far more dangerous and would not recommend it to anyone.

@Solid Snoop

I totally respect and understand where you stand regarding Effexor. I recommended it, because Tramadol about 80%-80%  inhibits on the same serotonin and norepinephrine receptors as Tramadol and it'll help you with the brain-zaps and vertigo. But if it makes you manic, then avoid it at all costs.  

Regarding bentos, in my experience it's fairly easy to cut back from insane high dosages to and almost extremely low dosage, it's when you discontinue the lower dosage (even slowly) is the biggest bitch. 

Just wanted to keep this thread alive and if you are looking at this thread and struggling with dependency that there's a lot of kick as peeps on this site that have learned from hard knocks and give great advice.  my experience anyway.  Stay strong.

This thread is amazing and validates what I've now unknowingly gone through three times... just read all 21 pages and now its the middle of the night!  @rockytop or anyone else of knowledge; do we feel there's a minimum 'habituation' time for trams after which you're at risk of PAWS?

Last time I had PAWS was inconveniently at the start of an anniversary vacation - I spent 70% of it with the 'flu,' despite having trams on hand - I stubbornly wanted it over with.  Just trying to assess what the right cadence is to not habituate (historically I don't have a control issue with avoiding it, just want to know the clinical line to walk to reap as many positives with as few negatives as possible).

Any medical doctors specializing in substance use in the house?

Looking for someone really knowledgeable with addiction and specific substances. I used tram for years. It worked as an anti-depressant and it was life changing honestly. I stupidly looked for and found and started to do much stronger stuff for many years in place of Tram as I had gotten into a terrible situation where I was really looking to numb myself. I have used ocks for years and the last few months using ocks spiked with something stronger. Is it possible to get off strong stuff and get back on Tram to where tram would have the same effect it used to have? Specifically can I even feel the anti depressive effects of tram again? Or will it never “make a dent” in my brain again bc my brain is used to something stronger and different?

Obviously I don’t mean cold turkey switch one thing out for another. I’m just asking if the brain can ever react to a less potent item in the same way it did before if got used to a much stronger item? I know tram works a little differently as one of the receptors it acts on gives it the ability to have anti-depressant properties. Could it still provide this effect? Would I have to first get off the stronger stuff completely?

Also read studies where it was shown to be just as effective as bupe with getting off strong opi’s and another study where the same effects were similar to methadone in people who’s habit didn’t exceed like 10 bags of H a day. I don’t do H but I’ve dabbled in strong shit last few months and prior to that it was ocks for years that replaced the tram.

If anyone is really knowledgeable and has any insight please share. I know these are heavy questions so I really just want to hear from someone with expertise - either formal or self-taught, or someone who successfully did something like this.

Thank you!
Any medical doctors specializing in substance use in the house?

Looking for someone really knowledgeable with addiction and specific substances. I used tram for years. It worked as an anti-depressant and it was life changing honestly. I stupidly looked for and found and started to do much stronger stuff for many years in place of Tram as I had gotten into a terrible situation where I was really looking to numb myself. I have used ocks for years and the last few months using ocks spiked with something stronger. Is it possible to get off strong stuff and get back on Tram to where tram would have the same effect it used to have? Specifically can I even feel the anti depressive effects of tram again? Or will it never “make a dent” in my brain again bc my brain is used to something stronger and different?

Obviously I don’t mean cold turkey switch one thing out for another. I’m just asking if the brain can ever react to a less potent item in the same way it did before if got used to a much stronger item? I know tram works a little differently as one of the receptors it acts on gives it the ability to have anti-depressant properties. Could it still provide this effect? Would I have to first get off the stronger stuff completely?

Also read studies where it was shown to be just as effective as bupe with getting off strong opi’s and another study where the same effects were similar to methadone in people who’s habit didn’t exceed like 10 bags of H a day. I don’t do H but I’ve dabbled in strong shit last few months and prior to that it was ocks for years that replaced the tram.

If anyone is really knowledgeable and has any insight please share. I know these are heavy questions so I really just want to hear from someone with expertise - either formal or self-taught, or someone who successfully did something like this.

Thank you!
I am not really knowledgeable on this however my experience with Trams has been after shoulder surgery last year, I was first given ocks then hydr*s, then trams. At this point I had no substances whatsoever for about eight months, once they started giving me the trams, I took like 400-450mg the first time I took them and that much seemed to have given me more of an "effect" than the ocks and hyd*.

I don't know if my brain, tolerance, reset through that eight months or what may have happened but they did give me that effect more so than the ocks and hydr* I have been given for about 4 weeks prior to the tram.
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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
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  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
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  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!