

Grand Poobah
Grand Poobah
Dec 5, 2011
I have stiffness and joint pain and arthritic pain in my joints and wonder if this would be a safe way to relieve pain without the addictive properties. Anyone know anything?

I have stiffness and joint pain and arthritic pain in my joints and wonder if this would be a safe way to relieve pain without the addictive properties. Anyone know anything?
Celebrex. I don't find tramadol to be addictive at all..everybody is different though.

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Celebrex. I don't find tramadol to be addictive at all..everybody is different though.
Myself, I find it terribly addictive. I develop an immunity towards it after a few days, so I either have to stop cold turkey for a few days to get it out of my system or double/triple/quadruple the dosage. It's a vicious cycle which in hindsight I wish had never started.

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Goes to show how everybody is different because Tramadol didn't do much and always gave me a headache. Were you asking about Tramadol or Celebrex? Celebrex will help but it's not cheap.

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If I am running low on my perscrption before its time to get it filled,,, I will take tramadol to keep away the cold sweats.

It does help me with my withdrawels. Im not a big opiate user anyway,, the reason I am on oxy right now is because

I fell off of the back of a flatbed semi trailer,,, and snapped my hand off of my arm. ouch. Happen exactly 1 month ago tomorrow.

But yes everyone is differant,,, and this is one pain medicine that does affect alot of people alot of differant ways.

I got a bottle of 180 - 50 mg. for 20.00 from a friend of mine who had back surgery. He has a hard time taking any type of pain meds.

I usually call him if Im running low to see what he has stock piled.

ALSO - Be very careful with tramadol,,, overuse can cause siezures,,,,,yuck,,,, had those with benzo WD's many years ago.

Not much fun /default_wacko.png :blink:

Just trying to find something to help me relieve some pain as I find it's making sleep elusive.

Also saw a commercial about Cymbalta being run as a chronic pain reliever now. Gotta say, I'm curious.

Tylenol and Advil just don't cut it, but do not like effects of stronger pain pills. Bad place to be in.

Will look into Celebrex some.

iwas perscribed tramadol when i hurt my back.for me it did nothing.i know some people that swear by it.i thing to remember is it is an opiate/agonists and has been proven to be also has a lot of bad side affects(google it).a lot of people are using it since it is so easy to has not even been classified yet as what type of med it is.though there are works in the qovernment to change that.

If I am running low on my perscrption before its time to get it filled,,, I will take tramadol to keep away the cold sweats.

It does help me with my withdrawels. Im not a big opiate user anyway,, the reason I am on oxy right now is because

I fell off of the back of a flatbed semi trailer,,, and snapped my hand off of my arm. ouch. Happen exactly 1 month ago tomorrow.

But yes everyone is differant,,, and this is one pain medicine that does affect alot of people alot of differant ways.

I got a bottle of 180 - 50 mg. for 20.00 from a friend of mine who had back surgery. He has a hard time taking any type of pain meds.

I usually call him if Im running low to see what he has stock piled.

ALSO - Be very careful with tramadol,,, overuse can cause siezures,,,,,yuck,,,, had those with benzo WD's many years ago.

Not much fun /default_wacko.png/default_blink.png
Hey Oldschool,

Would you mind telling me about your seizures and how you delt with them? Are they something you can tell are coming on, or is it pretty unpredictabl?

Hey Oldschool,

Would you mind telling me about your seizures and how you delt with them? Are they something you can tell are coming on, or is it pretty unpredictabl?
Don't expect a response from Oldschool. He was banned for scamming. Maybe his new "sock puppet" could answer on his behalf? Then again, that would give away his new identity. Shikes....

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tramadol is good... for me its cheap and easy to get, last all day and i can feel the effects of its opiate properties... i dont know why people knock it, maybe cuz its more subtle than vicodin but i can appreciate it not wanting to be a slave to opiate addiction anymore whether it be hydrocodone or heroin. my body is probably permanantly altered from years of the strongest opiates but i still feel good relief from tram when i need it... and it can even have me nodding if i want...

Yes a lot of people undervalue how strong it is. Some people get hooked on eating 20-30 a day and stopping is supposed to be horrendous. Very severe withdrawals , like deppression, diahreah, headaches, muscle pain, stomach pain. I've read of M.D. who won't try to work with tramadol sufferers. It's too hard to get them clean.

Yes a lot of people undervalue how strong it is. Some people get hooked on eating 20-30 a day and stopping is supposed to be horrendous. Very severe withdrawals , like deppression, diahreah, headaches, muscle pain, stomach pain. I've read of M.D. who won't try to work with tramadol sufferers. It's too hard to get them clean.
Truthfully, I'm going through a harsh withdrawal from Tramadol right now, as I have several times in the past. It's not pleasant, to say the least.

Wish I never ever started that stuff. Just when I think I've quit it for good, a month later I start all over again. Vicious cycle.

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God you guys I'm seeing how serious this med is. I had hardly any reaction to it and I'm glad I didn't try harder. I won't touch it now. The perds were bad enough but quitting that was easy my source went dead.

Thank you for the information. I know You will get through this Ditch.

Hi Ditch, how is it going with your tramadol tapering? Keep at it. Even if you have to lower the dose every two weeks, it doesn't matter. It's one of the hardest drugs to get off believe it or not. How is your sleep? That's the thing that suffers the longest I've heard. Do you have any brain flashes? Hot baths, coffee, exercise, advil, these things can help you through your stupor of discomfort.

Hi Ditch, how is it going with your tramadol tapering? Keep at it. Even if you have to lower the dose every two weeks, it doesn't matter. It's one of the hardest drugs to get off believe it or not. How is your sleep? That's the thing that suffers the longest I've heard. Do you have any brain flashes? Hot baths, coffee, exercise, advil, these things can help you through your stupor of discomfort.

Greetings Younghypnotiq! Always nice to hear from you and many thanks for your concern.

Please allow me to give some background details of my Tramadol use. In doing so, the present day situation will make more sense.

Ok, it was about 8 years ago when I was living/working in Thailand and I decided to get a full back tattoo. Being that I was due to leave Thailand in about one month I wanted something memorable to bring home with me. So, I thought, why not a full back Asian style dragon tattoo. Problem was, this had to be completed within a month and it was gonna be very large and many details. Not the usual simple run-of-the-mill tattoo. This was gonna be a great piece of art from one of the best artists in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

To reduce the amount of pain encountered day after day for close to a month, the tattoo artist would give me these pills. I had no idea what they were, other than they could be easily bought in as drug store. Therefore, I figured they wouldn’t be addictive or else I'd need a prescription. And I trusted the guy enough to permanently inject ink into my body, so why should I not trust him about these little pills too.

Everyday, after 5 or 6 hours working on the tattoo, I went back to my house feeling really great, full of confidence, and positive about the whole world and my future. Was it all because of the new tattoo? Yes, I thought it was. I had no idea it was those pills which were screwing with my mind - filling it full of serotonin.

Before I returned to my home country, Canada, I stocked up on those great little pills as I thought they might come in handy if I ever get a bad headache or suffer from a car accident. Like Aspirin or Tylenol ever did shit. Instead, Tramadol were super cheap so I bought about 1500 of them and put them in my suitcase. Not having the faintest idea that in fact they were not available in Canada without a prescription. In hindsight, I’m lucky Canadian Customs didn’t throw me in the slammer. But, I was honestly naive about Tramadol. Didn’t even bother lookin’ them up on the internet to see what they were all about.

A few days later, after arriving back to Canada, I started feeling depressed and irritable. I attributed it to the jet lag and reverse culture shock of returning home after being away for so long. But this bad feeling didn’t go away until I took a few Tramadol for a headache. Then, suddenly I felt great again. Oh shit, I was addicted to these pills of which I have close to 1500 of them. I didn’t want to throw them out, nor did I want to keep taking them on a daily basis as I did in Thailand for the past month. So, I tapered down for a few weeks until I felt OK again. Then, I made the hard decision to throw the rest of the pills injto the garbage and close that chapter of my life for good.

Fast forward to, 2010, again living in a foreign country, and now suffering from extreme lower disk pain. What does the addict part of my brain say I should do? Well…..

Crap, wife and child just got home.

To be continued…..

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The year is 2010, I’m living abroad again, and my back hurts like hell so I go to a family doctor for some pain meds. He thinkin’ on prescribing me some muscle relaxants, when I abruptly say to him that I have an allergy to a certain relaxant but I don’t know the name of it (quite true). Thus, I say, please just prescribe me Tramadol. He says “What?†I again say “Tramadolâ€. I lie and tell him that my Canadian doctor would prescribe me Tramadol cuz that was the only med that would work for me. So, the DR. looks on his computer for Tramadol of which nothing comes up. I say to him that’s crazy, the drug store must stock it. Maybe it’s got a different name. So I use his computer and Google up Tramadol and find out it also goes by the name "Tridol". I then proceed to show him the website. He then signs into his special prescription program and searches for Tridol. “Ah ah," he says. "We do have that med, but it’s rarely used." So he suggests I use "Ultram" instead. Of which I say "that med hurts my liver and gives me ulcers." Another lie – but I do know it contains less Tramadol (35mg) but a high amount of acetaminophen ( I think). So I tell the Dr. "please just prescribe me pure Tramadol (Tridol)". He says “Ok†and “â€How many do you want?â€

I think about this for a moment and figure if I take 6 x 50mg per day (high end of dosage) for, let’s say, 1 month. He figures it out and writes up a prescription for 180 - 50mg Tramadol capsules. Al for FREE. Then told me to come back next month and he’d renew it cuz unfortunately he could prescribe only 1 month at a time. Man, I was in heaven.

Well, the one month supply, due to rapidly increasing tolerance levels, lasted only a few weeks. Shit! What do I now? I can’t go back to the same Dr. and tell him what happened or I lost them or blah, blah, blah. So, I went to another Dr. down the street and told her about my back problems and how the only remedy which works for it was Tridol. She says “What?†I say “Tridol.†So she looks into her computer system and finds the med named Tridol. She then asked, “How many do you want?†To that I replied "6 per day, for one month".So, kindly writes me up a prescription for 180 Tridols. All for FREE. Super, I thought, I’m definitely in heaven.

The very next day, out of boredom, I decided to try this technique on a few other doctors. By golly, it worked each and every time - cuz their computer systems were not linked (so I thought). In a few short weeks, I amassed myself enough Tridol to last a year – even if I had to take over 10 per day.

Little did I know what kind of crazy person I was quickly becoming. Little do I know how seriously addicted to Tridol I had become. And little did I know how much my wife was barely tolerating the strange new me, without ever saying a word to me. I was living a life of complete delusion, thinking I could outsmart any doctor, pharmacy, or government official. I had enough Tridols to open up my own drug store, too bad nobody knew what on earth they were for. Nor, was I gonna ever take the chance and tell anyone – including my wife.

Anyways, gotta take a break and get back on that god awful Tram Train, it’s about that time of the day, and unfortunately I have very little power these days on whether or not I want to ride on it or not. So to avoid the pain, I just get the hell on it and hope to hell the day comes very soon where the bloody train no longer passes by my house with all it's nasty temptations.

Much more later, my friend, much more.

To be continued...

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Shit Ditch that's tough.

I did it about 10 years in chiro school. My friend used to order them online with script from his Doctor Father and he'd give them to me because he said they would get rid of tiredness. It was true, I'd pop two tabs is the morning at 6am, get dressed and cruise to school feeling great after about 45 minutes that it took for tramadol to kick in. I would re-dose at 2:00pm and then study in the library like a fiend for hours while feeling awesome. It was only my second time dealing with 'feel good drugs' (once before with 5/325 for bone surgery in my finger) but this Ultram lasted all freaking day. As soon as I woke up I'd feel shitty and reach for the bottle. Well, I was pretty careful and would do maybe 2 or 3 days a week. Still when I quit I felt shitty, but a month later I was normal. I went years without any.

Last spring I was in a motor vehicle accident and fractured some bones in my wrists, luckily not to badly that I needed surgery and the blood supply was still there so healing was good. But I was given 10/325 percocets for 2 months. When they were gone I really didn't mind because I had become tolerant to them anyway and didn't miss them. I don't even remember feeling WD's. Strange. But I did like that feeling so I looked up my old freind 'tramadol' on the internet and found some US OP that sold 180 tabs for dirt cheap so I bought some. In the begining I just took them on Fridays. Then I added Saturdays. This went on for a while and I was OK with feeling great on Friday and Saturday. I was as cheerful as hell at the office and my patients loved coming in on Fridays: my patient count grew up to around 70 patients on that day just from my attitude and hustle from feeling so good, and it would last all day and I'd be in complete control too without any 'drunken' feeling. On Sunday through Wednesdays though I felt really shitty, Seratonin levels were minimal and sleep and constipation were anoying as shit. I also got some terrible headaches unless I took tramadol with diazepam. By Thursday I would feel recoverd and then Friday would come again and the whole cycle would begin.

It wasn't too many months when I added another day (Halloween I think because we all dressed up at my office) then gradually it has now turned into non-stop 2 in the morning and 2 after lunch. With diazepam too. Two 10mg tabs. I tried stopping cold turkey a month ago and made it 2 days. I felt cold and clammy, brain flashes, tinnitus, and the brain fog was just aweful, I just wanted to stay in the hot shower. Couldn't sleep and had the runs, irritable like you said and had no energy to run or work out. Besides the cold sweats I had. I'd soak my bed while freezing. Always cold or hot sweats.

This is going to be a tough one Mr. Ditch. You didn't know how screwed up I was eh? Nobody talks much about that on here. Just the good and the fun, well I hope everyone is having fun and is in control of their good times. Me? Well I could continue, tramadol isn't expensive. It isn't hard to get. But I know that inside I'm an addict to this drug. So I'm going to try and taper off slowly doing the things that they advise. I'm not going to beat my self up about it. I know others have it and have beaten it. I have 200mg tramadol and 20mg of Val to drop, plus some Rox**s that I was doing 2 or 3 days a week. They won't be hard. It's the tramadol that's the killer for me.

So when you want to finish your story, I'd be glad to hear it. Like I said, I started today. Dropped one pill. Don't feel too bad yet, just a little sniffy nose. I know it will be like having the flu later. It's going to be a long trial for me I know. But I'm determined. I want to do it on my own too.

Best of luck and hope to hear more too,


Wow! Man, can I ever relate well to what you wrote. In fact, it send shills down my spine knowing that we've experienced identical symptoms - of which I haven't gotten into yet.

Let me cut to the chase with my current situation. Over the past few months I went stupid on the internet ordering meds left right and center. As for Tramadol, not only can I get them here in the country by "doctor shopping" - which I'm totally not proud of, in fact I feel like a crack addict doing so. But, I also ordered about 8 boxes of 60 per box of 200mg SR Tramadols, as well as 500 - 50mg Tramadol capsules from abroad.

Either I take them until they are gone or I throw them all way as I have done before (and kick my ass a week later) for doing so. I can't fathom the fact of the $$$$ wasted by throwing them all way, just to restart again 5 months later. If i keep that amount in my house, it will undoubtedly be a long drawn out death - or maybe quickly due to an Serotonin Syndrome Seizure as I also take daily SSRI's as well.

Btw, I hate tapering meds.

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!