I have friends (in 'real life') who are on the left of the political spectrum, who I would never dream of disowning because of their political beliefs. But it seems that sometimes (not every time), they call me horrible names and disown me, saying they never want to talk to me again.
After a couple years reading the repellant comments at Breitbart.com (a behemoth media machine for Trump) and desperately seeking enlightening liberal commentary at RawStory (100% Libtard-O-Palooza), I was quite depressed to see right before my very eyes that some liberals spew the same identical hideous violent rhetoric and stereotypes against all conservatives that far-right "patriots" unleash upon the allegedly godless commie amoral liberals who Destroyed America®. The accusations of one side against the other were verbatim with both sides claiming moral superiority. In fact this war of degrading dehumanizing hate is often so identical on both sides that if you didn't know you were at a liberal site, you'd swear you were at Stormfront.com. This was an epiphany for me and forever destroyed my naïve delusion that ALL liberals care more for humanity than conservatives.
Recently Arizona Republican Representative Trent Franks said something even more breathtakingly stupid and cruel than usual, making him headline-worthy on Raw Story. But the comments weren't about the story or Trent Franks' complete lack of conscience or his cultish rabidly-zealous anti-abortion claims about all girls, teens and women who've undergone the procedure. No, the comments from liberals were about Franks' barely visible half-inch scar above his lip from being born with the birth defect of a cleft palate and having it surgically repaired as a neonate. Liberal comments ranged from how hideous he looked so he couldn't possibly find a willing mate to why anyone would vote for such an ugly face.
I explained to one liberal commenter the life-threatening risks to infants born with cleft palate and that without immediate medical intervention, such infants cannot survive because they cannot create the oral vacuum required to suckle and they cannot swallow, thus they starve to death. I further offered that this man's birth defect has not one iota of a fraction of a f*ck to do with his lifetime career as one of the most criminally lazy, unwise, unthinking, dangerously ignorant politicians ever to shame the lawmaking process and his degrading of women in general by accepting campaign funds from the most extremist of anti-abortion groups in exchange for presenting bills written by these extreme anti-abortion lobbyists.
One female liberal commenter described Franks' face in the most cruel of terms. I asked her if her comment was any more dignified or moral than when Trump, live in front of thousands at an outdoor rally, mocked the spastic movements of a New York Times reporter suffering from a degenerative neurological disorder. I got no answer.
@Smoka90, please reconsider leaving this thread. Everyone agreeing is boring as hell and different opinions are needed to stimulate thought and conversation. Anyone who responds with vile irrelevant personal insults having nothing to do with the topic can be booted and banned by our beloved mods.
That whoever gets elected president will have and effect on other that the US is quite an understatement
As a full-time Supermodel, part-time rocket chiropractor and virtually unknown fashion prognosticator, I recommend everyone buy stock in pantsuits NOW, before the election. Because after she wins, global demand and prices for pantsuits will asplode, thus creating ginormous mountains of cash that investors can swan dive into and post the videos on YouTube.
love the va-jay-jay pics!!!
Sooo, that's NOT a Georgia O'Keefe painting??