People who can't stop telling lies. Even when caught in a lie they continue to come up with more! Just tell the damn truth its so much easier!
Agreed: Nothing like being the conduit of someones frustration.People who project their anger or other ill emotions onto the wrong people.
Ill piggy back on this: delusions of grandeur.Delusional and dramatic people.
Yeah.People who project their anger or other ill emotions onto the wrong people.
yea that is sickening! Makes me want to papslapemPeople who talk about insurance money at a funeral...no class!
Nice Papslapem TMyea that is sickening! Makes me want to papslapem
Jewy may want to consider you for a position as DBG muscle. Papslapem sounds serious yo!yea that is sickening! Makes me want to papslapem
Especially irritating when it costs more to make them than they are worth. /default_angry.pngPennies.
that's cruel poor nuts!Oh happypappy, I forgot the Dutch Oven treatment I received, it was the last time his passing gas in front of me, on me, ever happened! I believe his testicles still hurt, jk!
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