ThanksVersus, I never ignore you, we all love you!
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Love you guys just as much!!
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ThanksVersus, I never ignore you, we all love you!
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It's just a big ol' love fest up in here! versus, you need to get on the AM call list with miss mizzy!ThanksYou're too sweet
Love you guys just as much!!
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Keep a lighter and a pair of welding gloves close /default_blink.pngI agree, he thinks passing gas is funny, especially around me, but I assure you and him it won't happen again!
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I too can appreciate a good silence. I just hate it when people just talk because they like to hear themselves speak. It is so so so annoying. Listening is good.Liars and people who never shut up talking. Silence is sometimes golden!!
I prefer animals, especially dogs, over most people. There are a few (VERY few) good ones.I hate it when people say "how blessed they are". Like god likes you more than others or something. First of all, if there is a god, do you really think he's going to bless you and not someone else? If there is a god we would all be very blessed. Nobody would be more blessed than somebody else. Get a grip people! I notice celebrities do it often and I think a lot of it is their egos talking.
I hate people.