I'm not comfortable w/ any one letter, having anything over a K/order... I'd steer clear of more especially now w/ all the BS and sad sh!t going on.. it affects a lot but that's just me. There's a myriad of reasons someone does so. I guess for me, since anything I buy is only for me, I try to be as safe as can be. Depends on the vendor as well, also frequency.. and the purpose of needing over a yrs worth at once. Just be safe about it, if yer flippin out.. DON'T any of do yer namesake!! Think as positively as possible. And I'd be posting, "I believe it will work out, just longer than I thought"? Only once I've lost more than yer amnt that's not made it there yet, and, only w/ me could I conclude with "it was "no one's" fault". One of those deals where the $ went poof, I never found out exactly what happened. But it's a lot easier to swallow $100-150... it was strange that was the only time I did lose, happened like 3-4x's in 10days, it added up.. and put me on the bench for 2-3 months it added up to where I was ready to call that, that.. then I got some bad news from several scans/MRI's and the sorts. Diff story diff time.
I've made changes, several so all but 1 of the "problems" can't happen. and the one is outta anyone's hands/.
Depends on what/who and where you are ordering from?(YES these mean the difference in never over a small amount & full trust)
But I've spent $400 in the past and as little as $50 once again depends on what you need them for ie personal or going in with a friend or whatever....
It was explained here and w/
@Poppyseed123 , tho I NEVER go "in" w/ anyone as I know they'll run out and I'll have to turn my phone off. Now if you "off" em, for "income", well then I really am the wrong, and a bad person to ask-.200-400 is ave 6-8wks, sometimes lil more, or less and even none at all. Thing that makes the max ok, and well 90% of all mine are, less stressful, I only use a few. It's worth it to pay a lil more if A. vendor is well known in a good way, B. They will work with you on amnts and mostly C.
offer partial reship. That there takes away almost any 2nd guessing but there
has to be trust there, I'd never lie about receiving, it WOULD no doubt bite me in the arse w/ karma. And for me, so long as I can take care of pay in 2-3 ways, let's just say, I don't like to go to use phones. Good luck, try and calm down and believe something good WILL happen. No xans? Maybe it had to go out in 2 parts, who knows just be polite and try to get him to talk w/ you. Wish I could help./default_sad.png