My favourite Benzo is Xanax 2 mg but they are hard too find in original bottle. It’s usually pressed that you find nowadays. I remember the U94s and they were fantastic but the vendor is gone. I know a lot of people like Cloanazepham 2 mg as that’s what my doctor gives me for prescription. I don’t really get anything from taking them though. Only Xanax has made me feel different. Still trying too find a good source for xans and continue using them.
One of the few brands that still offer bottles of blackmarket Alprazolam (in this part of the world) is FARMA.
… but even those can faked, stamped & re-bottled — just like a CocaCola bottle in them same countries! DIRTY!
While traveling, I literally saw bottles of the standard 90 bars of “2MG FARMA” (at an underground pharma) in one country……… for 20USD!!!!

Do you and would you honestly believe that THAT PARTICULAR sealed bottle is still proper??? I could not!