Whats Your Favourite Benzo And Why?

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My favorite benzo is rivs. They control my Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  They are slow acting and last a long while. They are also best if you work because Noone can tell your medicated. Like a xan bar gets me loaded, I think because they are fast acting and hit you hard and fast. Loazepam is to weak . Klonapin worries for me and 1mg. a day takes my anxiety away,  although if I'm being truthful I take 2mg. lately. I tried several rc benzos and I ended up wrecking my Mazda 3. Which passed me off because I loved that little car.  Now I have a Audi A4. So I'm really careful with it.  It's way faster than the Mazda with the turbo,  I'm not sure,  I just assume the turbo is what makes it fast. Klonapin for this dude. Happy Holidays DBG friends.  Peace. 

I’m blown away at how Many people love kpins 

so much I received my first prescription for Kp1’s when I was in college a little over a decade ago and I’m gonna be pretty honest I was kind of unimpressed there is no there’s no euphoria on Indian clinic as a parent for me do you long half life and kind of causes depression for me over even just taking it for a month straight it works really well to prevent panic attacks and control anxiety but at the same time if you’re on a higher dosage and taking it you know to three times a day religiously you may have other people around you start to notice that you have sort of a Zumba fied look on your face I’ve. Not personally been accused of that work but I’m always worrying and being concerned about it because you know OK pensive always been my go to they were this far is been zero is ever prescribed by a psychiatrist who really believed in me and he didn’t pussyfoot around and start me on .5 mg right you know once a day as needed and he started me out on 1 mg twice a day like ordered not PRN go to CJ so they have to be quite a bit but then you have the side effects that come along with it halfway there so long that you can take one pill and you’re good for almost 2 days God for bid you ran out of your prescription early you wouldn’t really high have to worry about running the risk of a seizure will give you ran out of Xanax really you got 6012 hours before are you going to start to feel your body change pretty rapidly see you better have something to back you up real quick for him and that’s why I always encourage people to keep some of his lamb on hand as a back up because you never know if you have a legitimate script you never know when you might run out early and if your pharmacy is out of stock you may need something to tide you over for a few days I want to try Brooke bromazolam I hear a lot of people talking about that one 

I have a rather large sample of the closet p.m. arriving tomorrow and I’m pretty excited about that because if her via great things about it and I have not tried a qua yeah I love flu help see you lame clean as I am honestly used to putting that shits so strong like a scary strong man you can lose days at a time it’s highly euphoric but when you buy one gram and it comes in a little baggie I need a little finger Deb next thing you know you figured it 20 mg of 

20 mg of Clonazolam  is equivalent to about 50 mg of Xanax and due to the fact that it’s made in a lab when you’re dealing with like 99 purities in excess of 99 point something percent we’re talking like seriously potent shit like I measured it out of my scale that measures out to the third decimal place the test thousandth the milligram and I used milligram scoops the measure between three and 6 mg and even then I was still I don’t wanna say overdose so yeah clonazepam can be pretty scary but I think the best recommendation for that one is to dilute it in propyleneglycol because when you consume as a powder it’s soaked here we’re talking to thousand milligrams in one little gram baggie of just pure benzo that’s 2 1/2 times stronger than the most infamous sleepover and benzo on the market right now if you dilute it into I’d say a 30 minute or 1 ounce while 30 mL vile and each milliliter contains 4 mg and that’s really not that Bad compared to the stupid shit I’ve done in the past where I got a gram of pure clean as a lamb in the mail let the tip of my finger put it in a baggie and then lick my finger tip thinking more than just a few milligrams no it’s like 30 to 50 mg were talking like black out for two or three days at a time take video so it’s nothing to fuck with on the way honest with you and after that I was pretty terrified of messing with it even at a recreational level I don’t know if there is much recreation with Coren as well and it’s so potent and has such a high level of euphoria that is extremely addictive in my opinion and it’s so addictive that it’s like the crack cocaine of benzos it’s like you just keep chasing and chasing that euphoria place you do it you lose your mind more and more and the people around you look at you and realize how out of your mind you are because you won’t see it but they will and it’s actually pretty sad in anyway with all that aside I want to try for Mazza lame I want to try me on a lot of the RC‘s that I haven’t had a chance to indulge in yet flunitrazolam Diana log of the Rusche’s which by the way I ordered from the NL I ordered 100 pallets of a quarter mg apiece and they never arrived go figure or the most seizures from the Netherlands compared to any other country in the world and that’s just because customs and stupid they know that the Netherlands is a literal hug for gobble drugs right drug trafficking like to a lot of research chemicals come straight from the NL I wish that they had a system that they could route their shipping through another country that’s less suspicious like a lot of Singapore shipments started routing through that particular country in Europe and since then not knowing if the packages arrived quicker there’s definitely no seizures because the country that they’re routing them through is one of the lowest suspected countries for drug trafficking through the mail probably in Europe in general and there is a lot of other countries like the Netherlands which unfortunately there’s a lot of great people of gray labs that run great operations for for research chemicals in in the NL but when their packages get to United States customs on their packages like a fly on shit.

bucket list:

1) Bromazolam


3) flunitrazolam

4) Brotizolam!!! Brand name Lendormin (not RC)

5) Loprazolam

6) Lormetazepam 

7) Halcion/Triazolam (again, a MUST TRY for any benzo lover. Spoiler: SNORT IT, the bioavailability is significantly higher than oral consumption. 0.125mg and 0.25mg doses..benzo tolerant I ate 1.0mg of triazolam and hugged jesus as I fell asleep in complete peace 

8 ) Midazolam 15mg aka Flormidal by Galenika or Dormicum by Roche. Heavy amnesia properties but when mixed, provides for a super lax day. 

9) Medazepam

10) Prazepam - long half lives reel me in and considering is closely related to Desmethyldiazepam I’d like to experience it too: 

11) I’ve been wanting to try Tranxene/ Clorazepate

diPotassium for YEARS. Unfortunately mg for mg It’s weak compared to it successors. And finally, besides the Etizolam analogues I wanna pop cherries on, I have Diclazepam arriving tomorrow that I’ve never touched so in excited.

Galenika who makes Ksalols and Bensedin diazepam used to widely distribute Flormidal the 15mg Midazolam tablets then Roche also distributed 7.5mg and 15mg Midazolam Tabs by the brand name Dormicum. Been my a pipe dream to try them. 

also... Serbs slightly revised their inventory of non-RC Benzos for sale. Apaurin diazepam 10mg Is sadly gone, but it’s replacement is sexy. Called Bosaurin a 10mg valium product mfd’d in Bosnia & Herzegovina with blue speckled throughout. Kind of like how a dollar bill has colored fiber throughout to fight counterfeiting, Bosaurin are a a great replacement for Apaurin. Ksalol 1mg sre the same, Bromazepam 6mg aka Lexilium are cheap and good value, Galenika Rivotril still on the menu but I’ll just ssy It, Roche Rivotril humiliates galenika’s imitation. belbien zolpidem not a bad product.

and my #1 product to obtain from my Serb chain in near future? 2.5mg Ativan by Hemofarm. I’ve personally held, tested and seen all these products and if Hemofarm makes it, pour ur money into It becsuse the quality of their benzos is unmatched. hemofarm bromazeoam is super impressive.hopefully this diclaz measures up tomororow but I’ve read great things s my top 3 next endeavors will be Bromazolam, Flunitrazolam, and with any luck eventually SL-164 the Qualuude analogue. And without question I wanna experience Prazepam. pyrazolam is one of my favorite RC benzos btw is anxiolytics are quite pronounced 
That's interesting.  Klonapin works best for my anxiety.  I ended up wrecking a car on RC flubromazolam I think was the name.  I lost my scripts during Covid and had to buy some RC benzos.They were unbelievable strong. Like having alzhimers.  Everyone has a different brain.  Happy Holidays DBG friend. 

bromazep@m is my all around favorite, grew up taking X@ns and I tried bro and ever since its the only one I take, I also get less of a fiendish craving when I stop for a couple days

Temazepam…euphoric, very hypnotic…the best sleep of my life…sleep soundly as humanly possible and then launch like a rocket out of bed ready to start the day in the morning…no hangover feeling ever.

Di@zepam is #1 for me. I really liked Alps but they don't last long enough and kpin does nothing for my anxiety, just zonked me out.

Does anyone know where I can find ROCHE (the one the only) rivotril? Everyone has galenika at the moment but I'm in search for roche brand. thank you!
Definitely alp because it hits quick and it's the only thing that really helps with my social anxiety.

Also aids in relieving my depression. My friend once told me when I'm on it I smile a lot more.
Brom because I can actually get it and no one's faking it. It'll be worth ten times what it costs now when it gets scheduled so it's an investment as well./s
unfortunately it’s still good ole’ generic Mex b@rz. they just work really well for me. The only thing I get out of it is sleep. But I can’t underestimate that. it’s better for me than brands/kinds people rave over like ⬆️ johns. I’ve tried em all, but prob not in comparable doses, as I’ve only tried k-p1n, d1az, Val, ks0l when I got a freebies. I have some br0m but never used bc it’s just a back up if I am in an 🚨 situation. I’ve heard it just knocks u out.

I will say getting on X was the worst thing I’ve ever done. it was a miracle for an insomniac. then started to take a few mg during day when I had a situation or two pop up that sent me into a tailspin emotionally. But I can do without then during the day. If only I wasn’t now addicted to them.. I only used them during day because they were there. and now it’s gonna be a bitch to get off. I want to get back down to just a b@r at bedtime. that’s all I actually need. but I’m at 6 mg/day. For 3 years.

it’s terrifying to depend on something that has nothing i can use to replace it with, in a pinch if needed. Had 2 situations where I had to rapid taper to 1/3 dose for like 4-5 days. It was hell on earth. depersonalizing after only 5 hours bc the panic I felt knowing I was screwed was unlike anything ive ever felt. Crazy what the mind can do. Bc I have gone well over 5 hours in the day w/o it and am fine. Also never felt panic attacks UNTIL I went through the terror of knowing I was gonna be out soon.

So yeah, works like a dream for my sleep problems. But like a nightmare to be dependent on
v@l 10 allows me to calmly go about my life; but it definitely causes depression as a side effect. Or when it wears off, PTSD comes back. At one point in my life, I was injecting 2mg to start my mornings; and I used 5-10 Roche 10mg V throughout the day. Cannabis CBD was my nightcap. (I don’t condone any of this; but I was in my 20s and 30s. I didn’t know any better!)

X b@rs make me angry after it wears off in 20 mins. No X bar (or football) has ever been worth my time or money. @LP is not for me; because it basically turned into a violent angry drunk. It doesn’t last long enough, and it’s more of an upper to my system! But the first 20 minutes are great, and the m3d definitely helps me get out of the house. (When my anxiety is high and manic; it’s extra hard for me to even come out of shower; let alone get ready for work and leave the house)

Kl0: I have always loved. But it was Hours 6 through 12 that I most enjoyed. Very very long wait indeed. Very recently, I’ve learned to dissolve Kl0 under my tongue - to bypass my liver and to instantly hit my saliva stream and blood stream. Instantly Kl0, my friends!!!! I’m talking all 2mg within 5 minutes. And it’ll stay with me for the entire day. Calming. Soothing. Sedating. Unbelievably effective. Note: if 2mg is too strong, Kl0 can be broken up into 1/4s. If you dissolve under your tongue, this m3d becomes a completely different animal. To my body, potency of 2mg Kl0 (under the tongue) is similar to all day X b@rs potency. It’s very intense! And I love the way it actually works medicinally. Sedating! BUT: This technique is NOT good for long term usage though and not sustainable; because it’s taxing on the rest of your body — due to bypassing your liver.

Depending on who you ask, @mbien is considered a benzo. For me: these suckers work for 3-4 days; then dosages need to up. That’s when the weird side effects happen for me. So I have to take a tolerance break for a few days/weeks. @mbien, I believe, is only meant to be used sparingly. For emergencies. Not daily, like most benzos. But everyone’s body is different, so if you CAN use @mbien daily with no side effects — then you are truly God blessed!

So! If I had to be stuck on an island for the rest of my life, I’d probably have to go with v@ls, yeah? But the constant v@l-induced depression would be a pain in the arse at times. But X is too short and angry. Kl0 generally takes too long to kick in; or if I use “under the tongue” technique - I’d probably die from renal failure in less than 1 year.

FINAL ANSWER: v@leries [not too hot; not too cold]
|< - P 1 |\| works best for me for rx available ones. for some reason dia*****m just doesn't work on me. maybe i have some metabolic issues with first pass idk. never had another benz just not work at all. have had stuff i've seen picked up from brick and mortar and just... nothing

>< /\ |\| just gets me in trouble. for me it's most valuable with very fast onset symptoms of anxiety or disassociation but is awful as a daily driver.

Rilmalzofone has been best mag for daily needs but keep getting fucked over with orders
I hate raining on peoples parades all the time but there is a section for anxiety and anti anxiety medication where this may be better suited,

Also there are 100's of these kinda questions all over the internet and although interesting they don' t really inform people all that much.

Benzo's like all drugs have very subjective effects. What works for some doesn't for others. This is certainly strongly the case with benzo's.

All The Best

Mr Party Pooper.
I think they work for all at the beginning what gets me is people like everyone picks up a tolerance then they said they the mags weren't as good as last time I have been on bezos since the quack put me on them over 30 year's ago then they stopped went to Australia and soon learned doctor shopping aa I had to pay when I would go and tell them whats required,as they asked,I would say antenex 5mg yellow Diaz I remember once or twice the quack was saying no way so I sat next to me wife and I stop up looked him in the eyes and said ( I can't pay you for this ,his mouth properly dropped,well what do you mean u won't pay)Soon because clear so i explained how if i pay then don't get the service i require no scripts,moral is he soon changed his mind and I walked away how dare anyone' doctor tell me what and why I need
I think they work for all at the beginning what gets me is people like everyone picks up a tolerance then they said they the mags weren't as good as last time I have been on bezos since the quack put me on them over 30 year's ago then they stopped went to Australia and soon learned doctor shopping aa I had to pay when I would go and tell them whats required,as they asked,I would say antenex 5mg yellow Diaz I remember once or twice the quack was saying no way so I sat next to me wife and I stop up looked him in the eyes and said ( I can't pay you for this ,his mouth properly dropped,well what do you mean u won't pay)Soon because clear so i explained how if i pay then don't get the service i require no scripts,moral is he soon changed his mind and I walked away how dare anyone' doctor tell me what and why I need

For long-term usage:
May I recommend “rotating” your available b3nz0$?

In certain circles, we refer to the protocol/procedure as “cycling on; cycling off.”

- So you’ll use 1-2 b3nz0$ for (let’s say) 90 days. - Then for the next 90 days, use 1-2 different (but similar) b3nz0$.
- After that, you can go back to the original “stack;” OR cycle over to 1-2 new b3nz0$ again.

This will:
- Keep your tolerances low (so you don’t go broke and/or 5150)
- You can try all the flavors of candy available to you… Willy Wonka style!
- I believe: life is more functional at lowers dosages
- If you use any 1 medicine/compounds, (not only will your tolerance go to Pluto) — HEALTHWISE: Your body will 100% eventually go toxic (kidneys, liver, important organs we need) will begin to start giving out, if you don’t rotate or cycle on/off.

Medicine101, I’m afraid.
Stay safe, everyone ⚕️
For me it's the original Pharmapram xannies or ksaols. Last ones I had were from Serbia and holy sh*t were they good
Personally it has to be Klonopin it is by far the one i have benefited from using the most, i dont act high but feel happy and painfree on a mg, never had an urge to redose or binge like xanax, its potent unlike oxaz or ativan. Just my 0.02CAD
After trying Green 4MG Hulk X~X from @imblackwidow … I believe my new favorites are these X-Hulkster$ 💯
Even in 1/4s, the Hulksters last longer than v@llies; plus WAY less side effects.
Over my years, I’ve tried all types of b3nz0$ from around the world. Even the inj3ctable$ from Pz1fer and R0ch3 (10-15 years ago)
Medi**’s 4MG b@r$ ain’t bad 💯; and have earned my respect… more and more by the day, if you know what I’m talking about 😉

Who says an old dawg can’t learn new trick$?

Ive been using the green 4MGers from @imblackwidow for about 1 month now…..

This m3d has helped me TREMENDOUSLY!! (I’ve really only had 1 bad temper flare up, which my doctors call “psychotic behavior,”’right?) And I’m definitely not experiencing as much depression as a morning side effect, compared to my preferred v@l10s
Whatever m3d is in these Hulks, they definitely help me to be more self-aware — so I don’t scream at people & continuously, non-stop argue with people (for no reason; or even if when I’m in the wrong).
Time slows down significantly on these greens, which is exactly what v@l10s & cl0nes do for me & why I prefer b3nz0s overall.

I’m very much looking forward to trying out other 4MGs from @imblackwidow. [She seems to have at least 4-5 flavors of 4MGers on her menu]
I’ll try to keep everyone posted on the quality of these particular m3ds 💯
Everything @imblackwidow touches turns to gold, so I’m not too worried. I’m 1000x more “anticipating” than worried when it comes to this vendor’s quality + service.
My favourite Benzo is Xanax 2 mg but they are hard too find in original bottle. It’s usually pressed that you find nowadays. I remember the U94s and they were fantastic but the vendor is gone. I know a lot of people like Cloanazepham 2 mg as that’s what my doctor gives me for prescription. I don’t really get anything from taking them though. Only Xanax has made me feel different. Still trying too find a good source for xans and continue using them.
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  1. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  2. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  4. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  5. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  9. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  10. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected