Ksalol is one of my favorite. Fast and PowerMy favorite is Ksalol alp.from Serbia .To me they seem stronger than other 1mg alps. Maybe less cut? IDK, there TASTY..........
@porkandbeansboy hey so have you ordered from here before is this website legit cuz i try and order from them but they only got the untracked mail shipping options to the usa is that a safe way because its the only way for usa shipping
Deff bro I go clams all dayY'know, I think I commented on this when I first joined the forum about a year and a half ago and I probably said clon@z bc of its long half life and the fact that it doesn't make me black out or feel effed up or sedated and I stick by that for every day use. However, once I was able to use this forum to help me navigate the world of finding trustworthy sources for magazine subscriptions, I got to try a bunch of bennies we don't have in the U.S. H@l3ion is my favorite of all favorites because it's the only BZD that I've ever gotten a euphoric feeling from... albeit a brief one (and yes I've tried tem@az, it was nice but I don't see what the fuss is about) AND it's super helpful for those nights when I wake up at 4 am and can't get back to sleep and just need a few more hours without having to feel like a bag of assholes the next day. Actually I even used it for an afternoon nap once and woke up feelin fresh as a daisy. Good stuff. Oh yeah and the bioavailability varies with different ROA's. Soooo without saying too much, definitely research that if you get your hands on some. Anyway, it's hard to get, but it's FAN FUCKING TASTIC
The best in the world IMO. There used to be amazing bars from Todo in Argentina, but haven't seen them in at least a decade.My favorite is Ksalol alp.from Serbia .To me they seem stronger than other 1mg alps. Maybe less cut? IDK, there TASTY..........
You would probably like some other long half life ones then, Norflurazepam, flutoprazepam, Flurazepam, and of course Flubromazepam (and even bromazolam). Of these I really wish Flubromazepam was still easy to get, it's like Dalmane (fluraz) had a love child with Bromazepam and it's literally the best.. It's just so rare now I tend not to include it in lists.Diazepam by far for me. Possibly because of the logn half life. next would be clonazepam or bromazepam