Whats Your Favourite Benzo And Why?

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I. Recently got some generic zan@@ 1mg and haven't had them for a good while but didn't rock my world like the 2 s used to but the loose ten mg Valleys seemed great so they seem to be my fav at the moment ?

Mine is valium. I had a benzo related seizure in 2004.  Valium is one i know from personal experience i can take it or leave it as i see fit.  Im more mindful than i was back then of my intake

Rivotril , Clonazepam why it's got a long half-life good taper with. And ativan/valuim wabbling legs are fun.

Anyone ever try mixing 4 different types of bens to see the effect? Obviously you'd have to start w longer acting then eventually take intermediate then eventually short acting ones so the effects hit about the same time. 

just curious?

I would say ativan since it helps with my anxiety and panic attacks and it can also help me sleep sometimes and I don't have any bad side affects the next day, I guess due to its short half life.  I have tried valium before but I really didn't like the way it made me feel.  I have heard many great things about Clonazepam but I have never tried it.  

I find Ativan to be the least habit forming of all benzos. Only thing I don't like about Ativan is it leaves a weird taste in my mouth.

I take Klo***pin 2 mg just when I go to bed,I have nerve damaged in my back and it relaxes me whole body so I can sleep well every night,But the best Benzo I ever tried was Clorozapate,Maybe I spelled the generic name wrong, But I had a feeling like on other benzo,I had never tried Heroin,but I think that`s what I felt when addicts describe the first time they did the drug,It was a feeling of well being with a very clear mind of what to do,That`s the best experience I had with any substance and I was in pain management on 75 micro grams every 48 hours and twice a day 15 mg of pure oxycodone for breakthrough pain

Wow that sounds great never heard of that benzo before sounds great ☺

Y'know, I think I commented on this when I first joined the forum about a year and a half ago and I probably said clon@z bc of its long half life and the fact that it doesn't make me black out or feel effed up or sedated and I stick by that for every day use. However, once I was able to use this forum to help me navigate the world of finding trustworthy sources for magazine subscriptions, I got to try a bunch of bennies we don't have in the U.S. H@l3ion is my favorite of all favorites because it's the only BZD that I've ever gotten a euphoric feeling from... albeit a brief one (and yes I've tried tem@az, it was nice but I don't see what the fuss is about) AND it's super helpful for those nights when I wake up at 4 am and can't get back to sleep and just need a few more hours without having to feel like a bag of assholes the next day. Actually I even used it for an afternoon nap once and woke up feelin fresh as a daisy.  Good stuff. Oh yeah and the bioavailability varies with different ROA's. Soooo without saying too much, definitely research that if you get your hands on some. Anyway, it's hard to get, but it's FAN FUCKING TASTIC 

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Klon for daily because it keeps my anxiety level down but Val is my new friend due to it’s an excellent muscle spasm med.

I know this is an old topic but it appears still alive. I have found Vals' okay. Alps drop me like a brick. Temaz does nothing for me. I take for GAD's after throwing away a full packet of SSRI's a couple of years ago. I have not found the right half life / dosage yet. Went straight to 1.5mg of alps without any real tolerance, just like anesthesia for me. 

Hey, sorry if this was brought up earlier in this thread or elsewhere, but does anyone know a specific benz0 that is not detectable on a UA that tests for the like? Much appreciated!

Xanax because Im a menpausal mess! My mood swings and my son and husband arguing all the time, definately takes the edge off. Im off every med because of my livers messed up, but cant as much as I try to  get off of them, they are a tremendous coping mechanism especially since I finally got back on the board and have had to cope with some changes. I do not like bromazapa$ because if I take just one I sleep all day. But to my knowledge @painit4word I have no idea what in the world that wouldnt show up in an urine test because of so many advances with gastro test, its caught me every time!  Weird story many years ago, I was on subutex and needed clean urine, its not my proudest of moments as being a mother but my son who isaid he would take a tiny piece to help me. He was over 18, it still feels bad today. He was totally clean, and was so sick I feel horrible to this day, I went and me and my husband both were dirty for Darvon, somehow his body metabilized it into Darvon, which hasnt been on the market for years. Because its useless, the PDR even said it was less effective than aspirin. We freezed it and kept using it and still kept getting dirties for a drug thats been off the market for years, i wouldnt even waste my time with that crap, i used heroin. But i got so many dirties for a non exsistant drug I was kicked off and forced to get clean. Thank goodness for CBDs they helped the sickness, but I felt horrible for two months. Good luck in your quest but I cant forsee it.

@Chrisalias, I am sure you don’t use Rohypnol for a date rape drug! Inam curious I’ve never tried it, but why do you like it, for sleep perhaps? Thats the only thing I could think of if it knocks you out? I only take xannies, but what is Etizolam? I know I’ve gotten bromazapam which I use for sleep occasionally. I know if I took in the day time it would put me to sleep, same with Vals, my tolerance for xanax is through the roof! Because I can take them and still function. I apologize in advance I just didn’t know that rohypnol had any medical use, I guess the ‘date rape’ drug has given it a bad name? Thanks in advance for your help!

put quite simply my go to benzo is clonazepam 2mg...the reason being its long duration and how it

smashes anxiety but i dont feel it on me....like an invisible cloak unlike vals or xans i feel them on me

and often thats no good when doing outside stuff...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Robotanical @ Robotanical: That's a good rule to follow. Offline password manager, too.
  2. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  3. P @ psychedpsych: @xenxra oh ya someone is targeting me and it’s caused hell between me, my mom, and family. I got the message universe I’m, in the safest and healthiest way, distancing myself from places that people like that are more prevalent. 🫣😥 Worst part is I have had some things in my logs and such that after awhile I have a damn good idea where it’s coming from. I just want it to stop, like mentally I’m stressed to a scary point(other life bs too).
  4. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  5. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  6. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: I got an email from <drugbuyers@seznam.cz> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my account or I'll be kicked. Says it was from DBG security team. Anybody else? Does DBG have a security team sending these emails?
  7. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: got an email from <drugbuyers@seznam.cz> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my email or I will be kicked? Says its from DBG security team.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  9. J @ jsntwg: dr.williamsbro@gmail.com
  10. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  11. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  12. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so
  13. M @ Mammasboi123: Be careful out there fam! The idiots with the Seznam.cz email address are sending out mass phishing emails again. If you get an email from them, just delete it and move along 🫡
  14. G @ GABAtastic: @knofflebon lmfao 🤣 @rockychoc good one lol
  15. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc I legit was thinking "Whoa, whatever it is I need to subscribe!" before I realized it was a freaking pun.
  16. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc 🤣
  17. Y @ Yaugae5121: lol seriously mammasboi! Ive been 5/5 finding vendors on here and have had nothing but positive experiences myself. Follow their advice nfrench!
  18. M @ Mammasboi123: @nfrenched92 you must be looking in the wrong places my friend. If I have any suggestion, it would be to ALWAYS check the first page of a vendor’s thread, and then check the last 5-6 most recent pages of their thread as well to get a sense of what’s been happening recently. If a vendor has multiple negative reviews that have not been addressed, I would probably look elsewhere unless it’s $$ I can afford to lose
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It's impossible to put down!
  20. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I’m currently reading a book about anti-gravity