Thank you! Yes I've had bromazolam before at low dose and it still fucks you up and makes ya black out. Thank you. The dude who gave me the blue is giving them away as they are real pharma..@KrankyKrab There was a recent one like that on drugsdata that was bromazolam: DD. You can also search on there and see other things those have popped for in the past. Usually clon or flub. Stay safe!
Thank you! Those GG bars are coming back around I hear, laced with fent.. I will never go to the street again for mags... never !Also watch out for the S903 bars like that bestbudz guy was selling. They're just clonaz, bromaz and/or etiz. Whatever rc benz they can get their hands on I guess :Naughty:
They either believe the lies their connects are telling them, they are too stupid to test or care what they're giving people or flat out just don't give fuck at all...sad..sad..sad...@KrankyKrab People who do that are pure trash in my opinion.
@KrankyKrab I saw a documentary recently that had a part in it where they interviewed someone who sold fent laced presses as the real deal. They asked him if he cared that people die from fake presses and he said something like "It's their choice what they put in their body, I'm not forcing anyone to take it" and they asked well why does he sell them as real and he replied some to the effect of: "I make way more money this way, and they should know it's fake." Cognitive dissonance is a plague in this country.