I know everyone says offline is the way to go. However, like a lot of DBG'ers, I'm housebound a lot of the time & can't drive. My hubby works in another city several days a week & I don't usually have anyone who can drive me /default_sad.png
First used Ria online. eventually got banned because Mex is "a bad place for $$." Really, they said that.
Then WU--OMG, those folks are awful. Eventually got told by a WU rep to get f'**d, not bc of the international transfers, but my husband's cousin is in federal prison in CO & we send him something for his commissary each month. Rather incredulously, I told the rep, "But you ADVERTISE sending $$ to prisoners as one of your services!" "Yes, but this particular--" and they told me to try the transaction in person. I did--both seemed to go through at the grocery store but then ten minutes after I got home they were cancelled. (Both were domestic.) Oh, and getting them refunded was a major pain. So bye-bye WU.
Then started using MG in person using red phone. Every time I gave my phone # they would spit out my name & addy, so I figured WTH? I used MG online for the commissary thing & so one day when I was trapped at home, used it for my cousin who needed $$ for his rent & HIV meds. No issues, no questions asked. Have now used it over a year, but I vary the amounts and the timing & usually keep it below about $600...not sure if that has anything to do with it. Even when I used red phone, I was only questioned a few times--I think it may have something to do w. the fact my husband has a Spanish last name (I use my married name) and can trill my r's.
If they can send from the US, why not pick up here?
Wish I knew a better way, but can''t figure out BC to save my life & CIM, while I guess it amounts to the same thing, spooks me.