Moneygram Troubles!

I will never use moneygram again. They truly suck. I've had to wait at least 5 hrs. every time I've tried to transfer money. The last time they wanted to know my relationship with the receiver and what it was for. Ended up saying it wasn't approved. Made me waste an entire day waiting. 

i just said this to western union, which i never used...

they questioned me to death an?d then asked me why my reciver has gotten paid from different countries the last few weeks..

like why the F would i know that? I said im donating for a church cause and im guessing so are they....

i was then denied..guess not everyone believes in god :/
Hi Sadminion and All,

MG and WU are getting very fussy. We really should take this seriously along with the vendors. There has got to be another way to pay without all of the risk. I can think of a few ways myself. It scares me every time I go. Just set up an account with Ria, figured there less mainstream therefore less questions. However I just read a post that said they were having issues with Ria. Maybe a thread should be opened and discussions to find alternatives that are less risky for everyone? Maybe even right here on DBG. Donations turn to sales or something like that. An amazon store selling books at high prices. I have a store on A myself and sell books. I have seen books that are common selling for 1200 a book. IDK just seems like there are many intelligent people on here and options could be discussed. Thoughts?



But we do all discuss it....there are threads months and yrs long all about just this topic...

I learned from being on here 

Western union its ups and downs..

money gram its ups and downs..

ria and zoom its ups and downs...

bit coin its ups and downs 

credit card payment with stuff like this, its ups and downs..

sending money directly to the vendors, its ups and downs and there has been a few more...

if it wasnt for this site I wouldnt have known anything about that and all the info i found was right here on this site....

I think if you want to learn about it really all we have to do is look for it...

im greatful beyond anything that this site here puts info like that up from members who have used each system of payment...:)

GO DBG!! /default_smile.png

I know everyone says offline is the way to go. However, like a lot of DBG'ers, I'm housebound a lot of the time & can't drive. My hubby works in another city several days a week & I don't usually have anyone who can drive me /default_sad.png   

First used Ria online. eventually got banned because Mex is "a bad place for $$." Really, they said that.

Then WU--OMG, those folks are awful. Eventually got told by a WU rep to get f'**d, not bc of the international transfers, but my husband's cousin is in federal prison in CO & we send him something for his commissary each month. Rather incredulously, I told the rep, "But you ADVERTISE sending $$ to prisoners as one of your services!" "Yes, but this particular--" and they told me to try the transaction in person. I did--both seemed to go through at the grocery store but then ten minutes after I got home they were cancelled. (Both were domestic.) Oh, and getting them refunded was a major pain. So bye-bye WU.

Then started using MG in person using red phone. Every time I gave my phone # they would spit out my name & addy, so I figured WTH? I used MG online for the commissary thing & so one day when I was trapped at home, used it  for my cousin who needed $$ for his rent & HIV meds. No issues, no questions asked. Have now used it over a year, but I vary the amounts and the timing & usually keep it below about $600...not sure if that has anything to do with it.  Even when I used red phone, I was only questioned a few times--I think it may have something to do w. the fact my husband has a Spanish last name (I use my married name)  and can trill my r's. 

If they can send from the US, why not pick up here? 

Wish I knew a better way, but can''t figure out BC to save my life & CIM, while I guess it amounts to the same thing, spooks me.

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I have beeen banned from moneygram several times over the years and had a bad exerience with WU last year. I tried to send a WU last week figuring its been awhile, might be okay. Of course, looked okay and available but reciever could not pick up.. I have always gone in-store to send money for sy purchases but I do have a registered account with wu that I havnt even logged into for years. Since I just couldnt bear the thought of speaking to a wu representative ( I would rather just take the $ loss than call them) I just logged into my account and used the live chat option to get my refund. I wrote my reciever did not have valid government issue identification at this time so could not pick up the transfer. He wrote no problem, your refund is now available etc. Took only a couple minutes so that was good but Definitely last time I try to send payment with them

. I was going to try ria or xoom but I only have one credit card, no debit card and the card is AmericanExpress which neither take for payment. I do have this haggard old prepaid visa that I use just for top10 purchases 3-4xs a year >100 never any problem so I hesitate to start loading it up with my funds when I have read many people have problems sending south with these services.

Guess bitcoin. My oldest son is coming up this weekend to make me a expert. Lol. He knows bitcoin, I remember when he was a teenager...days on end "mining" for "coin". /default_smile.png    Until then, just old school. It use to  be a option available only for trusted, long term customers. Now that its offered to anyone, I can see this being compromised real quick.:(

Well I pushed the online payments too far and after being told by R that they could not pick up funds, I called MG kind of pissed and was transferred to a woman who put me on hold and then gave me the "not comfortable with the transaction" line and said I could no longer use MG. WTF I said? I had been using the same rec'r because R ok'd it and I thought that it would look less weird if I was sending consistently to the same person (although there are plenty of other names I've sent to over my whole MG history, thought I am not a super-frequent or high-dollar buyer). Anyway, this was about the 5th time maybe using the same name and first time it didn't go through. What was weird though is that after I was transferred again to yet another person to initiate my refund, they told me I was not banned, just the one transaction was not allowed and I could try again if I wanted. Really confused, I called a second time (maybe I shouldn't have but what the hell do I have to lose now) and asked another agent, am I able to use MG or not, because I got completely conflicting info from two other people at your company. He said he didn't see any restrictions on my account. But I wonder if that was just because the woman who told me I was banned had not had the chance to blacklist my account yet. Curious to try again (in person of course!!!) but really unsure if it would go through, and not sure I want to waste so much time like this. It is unfortunate because R my fave vendor only takes MG. I asked for a new name from him but have not received one yet anyway., so think I'll just sit this one out for a little while. Lame.

@askalice I'm not sure which R you are using, but I have used WU with Rick and Richard uses a variety of options. PM me if you have any questions.

Some thoughts I'd like to offer that I haven't seen in all my reading:

1) If you keep getting rejected online with a credit card for MG, try a different CC company if you have more than 1 CC. I found one "brand" worked no problem where another would not.

2) If paying in person to an SY, I like to use a mom and pop place in a town with a high Hispanic population. I think it's good to work your whole story out in your head prior to going in just in case, but since they MG to Mexico all day every day there, they didn't even ask if I knew the person.

3) Triple check receiver's name. Bring something to read it against. Missing a letter like an "s" at the end of a name may not catch your eye but could cause troubles later on. 

Wow, twice in a week. Does anyone know if MG communicates with WU when they deny you? It seems doubtful, but after having an online MG denied late last week, I tried with a different vendor and name, this time in person and WU instead of MG. Guess what? Refunded! And again with two different stories, like MG. The first woman on the phone said something about "stopping certain activities" or some such BS, the second woman who finished processing the refund (they need 2 people to do this apparently) said the rec'r had exceeded their daily limit. Again not sure who to believe. The second scenario seems more likely but now I am hesitant to try either method. Just wondering if anyone else has been turned away from WU right after being denied by MG?

I needed to send one. A mgram.As usual, I had to call for the interrogation. I am annoyed, I explain because I do not actually know the person picking up the money.  The recieving party is a ally in the SSCS and we have a urgent matter involving a beached humpback on a remote area of coast near San Carlos. I dont have time for this crap and that I am offended they would seem to insinuate the SSCS is a terrorist organization. They have no affiliation with the ALF and I want my refund PLUS fees back.  No need, she would be more than happy to put my transfer through immediately. :)  I considered for a moment and said since time is of the utmost concern right now, I would allow it.   Reciever recieved prompt 5. Minutes later.   The CSR never brought up the fact that they have unwelcomed me to use their service twice in the past 2 years. I dont know how that happened.

I feel bad for not being a hundred in the honesty department so to atone, I made a small monetary donation and 10 hour service pledge at my local Humane Society. Fortunatly, they have a fundraiser coming up next week and there are walls and dogs that need a good scrub down. My middle son has community service hours he needs to put in for a class at school so he will accompany me. Now as long as my vendor does their part, this will be a great week!:)

Just got rejected from MG, for the first time over hundreds and hundreds of transactions. Took my zan to calm nerves and build confidence. Asked why and they told me they could not disclose why. I was shook up. Was it me....or the receiver. I'd like to think receiver was maxed out, I hope!?!? I was shook up!! I've changed my phone # many times through the years. I need to have payment go through. Will try again today with different vendor. They told me one thing, they didn't feel comfortable with the transfer. Uggh as its been drove into the ground, we need a different payment process!! I've always went in person btw. Zoom asked way too many questions. Tried it once years ago at no avail.

Same thing happened to me a couple of times but I just call them as instructed and they ask me the relationship and I say none...strictly a business transaction.  I then go on to say I purchased an item from his website and some of the feedback is negative but most say he's good.  Therefore, I understand the risks, pays my money and takes my chances.  They then respond, "so you don't have any problems with the risks?". I say no but if he rips me, I will leave him negative feedback. They say ok and go ahead and approve the's all in how you handle the person speaking with respectful but act like you've been doing this a lot and understand risk... I never try and say, "oh, he's my brother-in-law or this or that"....I tell them I do a lot of purchases on Ebay, Quibid, HSN and others and understand they can sometime rip you off but so far, it hasn't been too bad....those have been my experiences with MoneyGram and WU...

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@ratso5  Awesome answer.  I have yet to encounter any problems but I very much appreciate your response.   You just gave me a great response and what is funny is I was actually contemplating what I would say if I was ever questioned or rejected. I was thinking about it this morning as a matter of fact. That is what makes this forum so awesome....Knowledgeable members sharing valuable advice.   Much appreciated!!!

I'm done with mg. 3 attempts with 3 different names, all.....pavement not released. Sucks, and a bit nerve racking. Good thing R is working with me and is going to let me go the golden way. I kind of liked red better. Not sure if I should be alarmed or what, I'll use a bogus handle if I have to, just not crazy about loosing the amount of funds I'm sending down there.

After the weekend I need to place a larger order than usual. Im going to finally try Bitcoin on this one. I dont feel real confident about my understanding of it, my son uses coin for online purchas whenever possible so hes going to help me through it. Ill let everyone know, I think most of the vendors are accepting it and it could possibly be the best option to get away from these mg/wu hassles. With the exception of my last order, Ive been using the slower old fashioned way,  it works but the method worries me, the more people that use it.

Goodluck with your transfers all.! Remeber, a new name is no good without a new phone number. And it needs to be a number you have access to. One time they would not give my refund unless I answered the number I had gave when I sent the money.

I carried out a bitcoin transaction recently and have to say it was very smooth and a great way to do business. It took a little reading up on and a few questions, mostly from the thread on here, but I see it becoming more and more prevalent, so I thought I had better get with the programme!!! Please let us know how you get on!

I carried out a bitcoin transaction recently and have to say it was very smooth and a great way to do business. It took a little reading up on and a few questions, mostly from the thread on here, but I see it becoming more and more prevalent, so I thought I had better get with the programme!!! Please let us know how you get on!
I looked into Bitcoin a year or so ago but my ADHD tendencies scrambled my brain. I read blueprints and follow detailed equipment install instructions all day long at no avail. Reading the steps for Bitcoin gets my heart racing and confuses me. I think cuz all I'm really thinking about is what it's for and how fast I can get the system to work for me. Count to 10, deep breath. It all looked Greek to me. May try to figure it out again. Tried zoom many years ago. Was drilled by a female drill Sargent with a southern accent that by the end of the conversation was told, she didn't fell comfortable with the trans. I will take some Xan's next time and go two to two with her....I hope. USA , the land of the free!! Didn't men fight long ago for freedom. Ah well 

What about paying online with MG instead of going into somewhere to do it in person? Would that cause more problems? 

What about paying online with MG instead of going into somewhere to do it in person? Would that cause more problems? 
I have never been able to do anything online with MG or WU.  My transaction either doesn't go through or is denied very quickly.  MG banned me "4 life"...that was a fun call!  I was like really, for life, like as in until I die? (I was having a little fun) and the woman was so serious like she had just passed down a death sentence!  

Have you tried RIA or Xoom?  I have found the most SY will take this and you use same info they give for MG, except an address is required for recipient.  I find RIA so simple.  I use my debit card.  It is done in a matter of minutes for a $4 fee.  Now, downside is you cannot use any prepaid debit.  All your info must be legit.  I opened a separate little everyday checking and only keep a little in there and add when needed to keep it safe.  All you do is give seller a code number they give you, same as when using MG.  Not sure who you are sending to, but see if they will take it.  I hope they will because so far it is awesome!!! (Been using over a year)

Can i ask are use guys walking into say the local post office to do these transactions ? 

Im from the UK ..And have only ever had one rejected and it was at the other end the vendors account blocked i went back changed the name and that was that ..My main vendor is having trouble collecting funds his end at the moment so is considering bitcoin ..But over in the UK for example i done a money gram the other day in a travel agents ..In my friends name the women was that concerned that my e-cig looked like a gun she let me sign my mates name ..The payment went threw no bother ..

if it does come to the case everyone moves to bitcoin it be handy if someone can do a full tutorial as for me its always been confusing as feck .Especially now that virtual money has to be laundered as such ..Ive never understood why all domestic vendors do not just except cash in the post ..Its the most effective way thats if yous are on a good trust level .

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.