I shot them a little product question. Let's see if they reply sometime this week.They are responding to e-mails on the .es page!
I can't believe it, Palmira got back to me on their new email within a few hours!!! This is a good sign, a very good sign.I shot them a little product question. Let's see if they reply sometime this week.
Yup same here in about few hours! Is this a good sign?I can't believe it, Palmira got back to me on their new email within a few hours!!! This is a good sign, a very good sign.
yea same exact thing happened to me but on its way woo hoo!!!!!!!Also I had no conformation email that's why I got worried. After the new email came available I was re assured my order number was good and would have a update after the weekend. It came right when they said in there email. Great new customer support. /default_smile.png
Yes, not as well as a six pack and a handful of footballs, but close enough.Does the .es email address work because replying to the yahoo.com one certainly doesn't.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like people are more likely to get a reply if they have a simple question about product info or tracking. But if you have something that deals with money, shortages, anything that might come out of their pockets, you're less likely to hear back from them. Kind of sad if I'm right.Some people seem to be getting replies at the .es addy. I had no such luck and I can't say I'm happy about it. I placed a second order in hopes that they would make good on the 60 tabs I was shorted. Then I come here and read about people receiving responses within 5 minutes..... I wrote them on Friday.. anyway, the order I paid for this time came in full yesterday however I'm still short 60 tabs without even so much as an email as an apology... I think I'm going to give these guys 1 last chance to make good on my missing tablets or I'm going to have to take my business elsewhere. I'll be sure to come back and edit my post if they remedy the situation but I just ordered products I didn't neccesarily need and paid the extremely high cost of overnight intl s&h so that I would receive the remainder or my previous order and now I'm going to be expected to place yet another order to get what I've already paid for.. I told them I'm sure it was an honest mistake and was very polite in my email and when I didn't hear back I thought maybe I got lucky and they would just handle it for me but my pack showed up and nothing has changed... I'm getting frustrated. This is starting to seem like clubalp I dare say, only in that I'm sure I'll never see those 60 tabs unless I place another order because I doubt they're going to spend money out of their pockets to fix their mistake and it will be left up to me to fund receiving the remainder of my previous order.. I was hoping for a merry christmas... now I'm just hoping for an email stating my 60 garlic are on their way.... c'mon palmira... I have faith. Please make right on this. I've read about you guys shorting other people and they always receive with their next order so what's up? Did I do something wrong or is $600 in a month just not enough to pay for customer service?
Yeah, going totally radio silent aka not answering ANY emails for over a week is very Professional. Right now I'd just LOVE to give them the benefit of the doubt, they've slapped us in the face so many times, they deserve it. Fuck these assholes. Buy their cheap meds, but don't go easy on them for a second. They're a shady operation run by complacent, heartless, greedy assholes who hire lazy help.Order placed 12/13
received confirmation and Tracking 12/17 ( after e=mailing through .es)
Tracking# never appeared in carrier system to this day
Received package 12/19 all accounted for
delivered by contractor for carrier today 12/19
This is a real pharmacy and the are slammed and they are very busy now.
I lived in Central America and the are short handed during Christmas to new years.
Try to be patient during holidays. I am about 30/30 with these guys I even have called then via skype in the past
They are very Professional
Garlic 1mg back in stock today -placed another order today.
Meryr Christmas to all
TSS,Yeah, going totally radio silent aka not answering ANY emails for over a week is very Professional. Right now I'd just LOVE to give them the benefit of the doubt, they've slapped us in the face so many times, they deserve it. Fuck these assholes. Buy their cheap meds, but don't go easy on them for a second. They're a shady operation run by complacent, heartless, greedy assholes who hire lazy help.