Whats Your Favourite Benzo And Why?

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From my first tablet, 10mg of diazepam at 13 years old, I loved what was then only called Valium and only supplied by Hoffman LaRoche. People would not called them Valium but Roche 2, 5 and 10. My mum always had them hanging around the house and an old pharmacist would sell 100 for a £5 er in the 70's. I used to take some every now and again but never regularly and also I then would nick a couple of dad temazepams. He had awful trouble sleeping and was a soldier until his dying day at aged just short of 90. He worked shifts and would take them on the weeks he worked the wrong shift. My father is the only person I know who really could and did just stop but I am digressing yet again. 

As I got older and in a high powered sales director position, I spent ridiculous amounts of time driving and in jams. I ended up carrying a bottle of diazepam with me and would think nothing of popping 5 or more. This would not give me that warm, living in a protective cotton wool bubble feeling anymore and I was then treading dangerous waters due to tolerance. It was at this time I went to visit my bro in Chicago and had my first hit of both alprazolam and also clonazepam, Both were amazing and I DID get that lovely feeling yet again. I also got to taste adderall and it also was very nice and because I was able to go out and not get edgy around people and could even tolerate talking with people that I did not particularly like lol

I have only ever had midazolam for pre endoscopy procedures and never did anything for me so I am redressing this in the near future & will try the tablets

Anyway, to answer the question. My favourite is still Xanax and because of the speed of hit and it really is the only one that stops all the cogs when I go OCD and need to stop. Clomazepam is a close second and a mixture of the two is very nice indeed. 

Just to add, I went through a programme to cut my use of benzos. I was told to take as many as I needed each day and for 14 days and at the end of this my total amount was divided Into 14 and this was my starting dose to start off at and cut from  I started at 67.5 to begin with and got down to 10mg, it was always those last few mgs that had me breaking down and going back up to an high dose. Please,  never  cut anymore than 1/10 of your daily dose when down to 20mg  when you are on the last 10 mg there is a liquid called Intensol that is easy to mix with water and then you can cut by 0,1 increments if needs be.  I had planned to come off completely but was then diagnosed with Crohn's and then Wegeners granulomatosis on top of the discs that had cracked and bulged & so I had to re-evaluate my life and so I have no more thoughts of cutting, it's ALL about quality over quantity now and the Wegeners will more than likely see me blind and deaf before ending me  

Afer all I've been through I really do wish that I had been able to be an occasional user but there you go  Interestingly, I find I rid myself of the social phobias using amphetamines too so either uppers or downers work for me lol  it's being straight that I can't handle  

Apologies for the essay but I wanted to explain a little more  


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iPill'dmypants said:
I've been rx'd IR footballs z4ns for awhile now, I was started at .5 bid, but quickly justified a bump to the full (I) mg footballs 2-3 times a day.

Twas quite some (forgetful) fun for the first year, then i became concerned because 2mg doses became 'normal' --everyday.

After that, I worked with my doc to sample 2 different benz o's he likes/feels chill about prescribing. I wanting to get that inital 'punch' back..

First l0razep4M--def had some noticeable potency, but these were prone to extra munching---and always gave me this 'trippy' vibe which i never get from any bzd. No bueno.

Next I had him call in a equal dose KLONDIKES, as he thought they would provide the most similiar relief+better duration than my XANN.

While I did enjoy these pins--the accumulation over daily dosage removed any 'anxiety wash away' instant feeling for which i crave lol.

Supplemented scripts with some Etiz for about 6 months, before domest-0perations got more difficult, these were excellent for not fugging my sleep schedule up.

After a long time seeing my awesome dock, we introduced 1mg Zan-X R twice a day, along with 'refill as needed' IR's. This is awesome.

IOP-Wise: Diaz has made the rotation lately, as well as my1an alps.     Good.

Shortly i will be able to work in some TEZ a PAM, Nitrazep4m, and also research some sample midazolam...

With quite a few diff types on hand in the near future, my QUESTION would be if i could get some examples--situation wise--for the best time to utilize each indivdual product?

I'd imagine one of these would cause less REM-Cycle Sleep issues as compared to others?

Already have a sizable tolerance mind you, but i also suffer from extreme hypersomnolence so I need to take morning-sedation into account when i dose....

Please try some melatonin. I use one that is made by sniff and contains 3 mg melatonin plus 8mg GABA, the anime and b6. It gets you back into your circadian rhythm of sleep and I promise you I have a huge to,stance to benzos. This product works and is a godsend @iPill'dmypants

I hope you do try and it will free your benzo use up for other times 

if you have some extra money to throw around, because it seems as though the prices are not as cheap as the other drugs in this class. Try flubromazolam. where are you do not have a tolerance or use daily, as it sounds, it might actually be worth the extra money for you. Someone with a tolerance of ALP to milligrams up to 4 times a day should start at two hundred and fifty MCgs. I bet you would do just fine on 100 micrograms. maybe just sometime when you have extra money. I have been on alp 1 milligram qid 4 years and just recently was taken down one half a milligram. He is not going to taper me any further. But because of my habit of playing around with the mail order, I would need 250 mcgs just to get level. how, if you already use an RC vendor regularly, try to see if they would send you even a small sample. It wouldn't cripple them as far as finances, and it may last you a few days. worth a go? the worst they can say is no. I live by that motto. But then again, I am shameless
I just checked the flubromazolam out and it's described as a designer benzo. People habe apparently died taking as little as 3mg but it's been my experience that those who do benzos also tend to do heavy opioids too. I've lost a number of friends who went the smack n crack route and my 2 eldest brothers too. They both could very easily take 30-40 diazies or any other you would care to mention. The irony was the one of them would use an OTC travel sickness pill that he said would make the effects much stronger. I am glad I have forgotten the name. 

There have been a fair few high profile people who have died with a mixture that has always included a couple of benzos and each of the, had the common denominator of Xanax. Michael Jackson had his doctor give him a higher dose of benzo on the day he died as the company paying for the doomed 50 date tour, wanted him to be clear of propofol. It would seem that the benzo even at high intravenous dose was not enough and then the doc added the propofol anyway. I saw the autopsy programme and it seems that if he had just been given the propofol then he would have been ok. It was the mix of the milk plus the benzos that arrested his breathing. 

Also, if you plan to have an experiment then don't use any booze on that day  Be safe brothers and sisters 

@Jools in the 60s/70s lots of mums used mothers little helpers as in the stones song,docs didn't mind scripting these to help with life's stresses of family life.

Also I ordered flubromazolam,not to be confused with flub/pam.The first are very small white 0.25mg and are very sedating and very very prone to tolerance issues.I found the first night 1 pill worked fine and the second needed 2 and so on,untill they started to scare the hell outa me and I decided they were not for me!.As you say I know many people who eat handfuls of Di@z and use otc meds to potentiate them further!.Also lycia seems to be a med of abuse used with bnz these days and ive heard of a few deaths where pre-gabs have been involved.Although no doubt in a cocktail kinda senario?.

It seems what works best for one person in the bnz family doesn't do it for another,but as allways you get used to them all and need to up your dose to get to that place that made them so great at the start,especially with the short half life ones like x@n@x.



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@Jools in the 60s/70s lots of mums used mothers little helpers as in the stones song,docs didn't mind scripting these to help with life's stresses of family life.

Also I ordered flubromazolam,not to be confused with flub/pam.The first are very small white 0.25mg and are very sedating and very very prone to tolerance issues.I found the first night 1 pill worked fine and the second needed 2 and so on,untill they started to scare the hell outa me and I decided they were not for me!.As you say I know many people who eat handfuls of Di@z and use otc meds to potentiate them further!.Also lycia seems to be a med of abuse used with bnz these days and ive heard of a few deaths where pre-gabs have been involved.Although no doubt in a cocktail kinda senario?.

It seems what works best for one person in the bnz family doesn't do it for another,but as allways you get used to them all and need to up your dose to get to that place that made them so great at the start,especially with the short half life ones like x@n@x.


@blissopifree 2 it's funny you mention the pregabs. I have been having a lot of continual problems with the discs in my back now pressing onto the nerves which cause absolute agony in my legs. It used to be just the one leg but now it's both. My GP put me on gabapentin and it really made me a crazy man and I really felt bad on them plus I gained weight as badly as I do on the prednisolone. The Doc took me off of that & put me on the pregabs. The funny thing is that he told me that they are the latest drug of abuse ! To cut a long story short, I had the same thing with them and I really felt like I was going to have to be sectioned. I really couldn't get my shit together and was angry and unable to handle anything without being spaced out but in a bad way. 

Maybe other people have a better reaction, one that is enjoyable ? I guess so as most of the guys I know that use gear are always asking for the pregabs. 

Anyway, I had a call today and they are going to do the surgery on the discs and sort the prolapse. I was told my back pain would not end but at least my legs will be ok and no more of the nerve block injections. 

Thanks for sharing 

Nikolas said:
It's odd people to use gabapentins and also get use to it. I mean you cant really abuse this stuff it is not so pleasant as other ordinary benzos.In fact most of the time they make someone feel like jools mention crazy and  have odd reactions. Maybe there are a few that enjoy their use..
I don't think pregaabs are a benzo. They may act on the same part of the brain thats it. And I think some use it to stop benzo wd, though never tried it for that and can't say it works or don't. But it ain't a benzo. 

Xanax because of its short half life for giving clean urines, even though most time I buy suboxone only urine. But I did get burned last week, I usually test urine when I get it, this time I didn't and I had adderal in my urine. I swear all of those people selling their urine are all scammers and thieves!  I know I sound like a horrible mom,but I asked my son if he would take a tiny piece of one, so I could clean urines. He took just a tiny piece for me and I made him pee in a milk jug for two days so now I have plenty to last a year since I only go once a month. The second is bromazapam maybe its allure is its illegal in the USA but I think it's strong, maybe too strong for daytime use for me! By the way my son just has his wisdom teeth taken out, my big fear of him getting hooked on opiates did not come true, he got Perks and Vic's and they just made him throw up. He took ibuprofen instead. And for everyone that thinks I committed child abuse, I feel horrible that I even asked him. Even though he Is 19 and took it at night and fell asleep he said he didn't feel anything. I only gave him an 1/8 of a strip, the smallest amount i could but would show up in a urinalysis and it's is testing positive. But if you get caught doing xanax at the clinics I go to you get one warning and then kicked off. I just get off them now, too much stress. So please no backlashes abou my son, I have cried the last two days that I asked him to do that. In hindsight I wish I would never asked him. But  I didn't force him I asked and he said he didn't  care. But I still feel like a horrible mom. I just kept buying dirty urines that had way harder stuff in the, fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, and meth! I love this doctor so much, compared to my last one, who made me come in and drop once a week he was an asshosle and would only give me one strip. Now I only go one time a month and get  3 a day, 90 a month. So I'll be able to stockpile since I am really down to one. I just lied and said I need three because I'm a drug hoarder! If I  can't find a doctor like him that prescribes 3 a day I'll fly back every month I like him so much! Getting three a day is like a miracle, most doctors can only prescribe 2 a day, getting 90 and my insurance covers the whole thing is unbelievable here in cincy! 

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It depends on what kind of anxiety I'm having

For day to day generalized anxiety where I just have that "oh shit" feeling even though nothing is wrong, I prefer Kpinz. they last longer and are smoother

For meltdowns or a full blown panic attack, xans or ativan all the way. Although, in a pinch a kpin sublingually is helpful 

Valium is meh 

except for sleep 

xans have most recreational value, but tolerance builds up quickly and they have the worst rebound anxiety IMO

Midazolam is my favourite. Simply because there is no alternative when you need to fall asleep in heartbeat and feel fresh in the morning.

I take it along when I'm on a business trip (expensive hotels, but you can hear shower or TV from next room)

Definitely have to say Diaz(aups). Just a great all around benzo and I enjoy the muscle relaxant properties. :)

I like xanax for its therapeutic, anti anxiety properties. Don't find it recreational at all.

Clonaz is great for muscle relaxation but it's not given out in the UK unless you have severe epilepsy.

Good, quality Diaz (aups for the win!) is a Jack of all trades and will always be part of my kit.

As anxiety is my main issue I'd say xannies just now. 

Like someone said though, I find it very situational.

That's like asking: do you want sex or a massive burger. 

I'll take both please. :)

Nitrazepam for its euphoric and sedative nature.

Hemopharm Lorazepam for anxiety and panic. Sometimes Ksalol's for the same reason.

Lexilium Bromazapam because I like it.

Haven't really got a preference, quality is most important. 

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Never tried Bromazepam but seen it very cheap. What benzo would people say it's closest to in regards to effects and strength?

Heard a few people praise it now. 

I may dabble but don't want to waste money if it is super weak.

Never tried Bromazepam but seen it very cheap. What benzo would people say it's closest to in regards to effects and strength?

Heard a few people praise it now. 

I may dabble but don't want to waste money if it is super weak.
6mg of Bromaz is about the level of a blue. I personally find them relaxing, but if you take Xanax regularly, you'd need quite a few @Solid Snoop

They are cheap enough and effective from 'certain' sites, and I also ordered Oxazepam which is comparative in strength. 

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6mg of Bromaz is about the level of a blue. I personally find them relaxing, but if you take Xanax regularly, you'd need quite a few @Solid Snoop

They are cheap enough and effective from 'certain' sites, and I also ordered Oxazepam which is comparative in strength. 
Thanks Electro. May order a small sample with my order of aups when it's time to get serious on the taper.

6mg of Bromaz is about the level of a blue. I personally find them relaxing, but if you take Xanax regularly, you'd need quite a few @Solid Snoop

They are cheap enough and effective from 'certain' sites, and I also ordered Oxazepam which is comparative in strength. 
Cool. It's 30mg of Oxazepam = a blue. Forgot to say.

I've always had a semi-stimulant effect from ox. Not like Ritz or addy's but a get things done fun type of feeling..Rxpro

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?