I admit I have a four page panel of drugs I am not allowed to take for a week presurgery. I live on ibuprofen and it's on the list. I really wanted to see my girlfriends at this bar Waldo's great music, Grateful Dead, Dave Methhews Band, Widespread Panic, all the great Jam Bands they rocked it for a nowhere club in Vero. I had major gas pains, yes men I hate to admit but us girls get them too and a headache so I took half a suboxone. It's funny found out my friends think I'm such a lightweight that after one drink they give me virgin drinks with a teaspoon of alcohol. I admit I have great girlfriends in my life. I've always been a guys only type girl, too much cattiness with other girls. But I admit these girls are the coolest woman I've met never want to leave here. I admit gratitude for every day of my life and the wonderful friends I've met here on this board that aren't judgmental they make me want to be the best me I can be and I love you all for it! I admit I really love this board and have created deep bonds that will last a lifetime I'm sure of it! You guys and gals rock!
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