Benzo Addiction?

Yeah, I am at the final stages, 4mg morning and sticking at 8mg evening. Not long to go! It's been safe, though difficult. But I am happy with myself. It helps that I feel happier! 

Yeah, I am at the final stages, 4mg morning and sticking at 8mg evening. Not long to go! It's been safe, though difficult. But I am happy with myself. It helps that I feel happier! 
And I'm happy that you feel happier my friend GOOD VIBES ALL ROUND!!!!!


Bliss. .....

Cheers bliss! You amongst others, here(you know who you are!) and in my personal life have been a great help to me!

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I agree with pyra. F rom experience I can positively say that wd's (especially benzo) can develop after as little as 5 days. After heavy use of benzo for a good 5-6 days I would have intense wd's for about 4 days. After the 4 I was not fine but also not couch ridden. Beware 

I been addicted and currrently not. I have a hard time taking them responsibly. However,  when I take them even for a day or two, I too have wd. This didn't happen before I was addicted so its interesting that it happens now 

I've found exactly the same as yourself laidback,once you have an addiction to any substance once you clean up your act it REALLY can be as little as 3 days of continuous use and BANG your hooked again?.

I think it maybe in the head a little as you are almost waiting for the craving or wds and when you begin to feel them you reach for your drug of choice.I allways liken it to a alcoholic as if you beat your addiction you really CAN'T just have a little treat now and again as you honestly can't have that treat,just as an alcoholic can't have the occasional drink it's the same with anyone dependant on a drug.

That can be the hard part realising that you can NEVER use the drug of choice again EVER!.I do know maybe one person that can use occasionally but for most of us it just spirals from that treat?!.



Ps I'm not actually speaking specifically about BNZs but more about 0pi@t€s,but I'm sure it's the same with bnzs as ive started to find out but hopefully I have managed to get them under control before they got there claws in too deep (fingers crossed?)....

I been addicted and currrently not. I have a hard time taking them responsibly. However,  when I take them even for a day or two, I too have wd. This didn't happen before I was addicted so its interesting that it happens now 
This is because it changes your neurons in your brain (like alcohol).  When you take a benzo after cessation, it seeks the pathway it once built in your brain but can't find it - so you have the dt's.  I too can't go without and once you're off, stay away from hypnotics too

This is because it changes your neurons in your brain (like alcohol).  When you take a benzo after cessation, it seeks the pathway it once built in your brain but can't find it - so you have the dt's.  I too can't go without and once you're off, stay away from hypnotics too
what kind of "hypnotics" are you talking about?

I've found exactly the same as yourself laidback,once you have an addiction to any substance once you clean up your act it REALLY can be as little as 3 days of continuous use and BANG your hooked again?.

I think it maybe in the head a little as you are almost waiting for the craving or wds and when you begin to feel them you reach for your drug of choice.I allways liken it to a alcoholic as if you beat your addiction you really CAN'T just have a little treat now and again as you honestly can't have that treat,just as an alcoholic can't have the occasional drink it's the same with anyone dependant on a drug.

That can be the hard part realising that you can NEVER use the drug of choice again EVER!.I do know maybe one person that can use occasionally but for most of us it just spirals from that treat



Ps I'm not actually speaking specifically about BNZs but more about 0pi@t€s,but I'm sure it's the same with bnzs as ive started to find out but hopefully I have managed to get them under control before they got there claws in too deep (fingers crossed?)....
I have physical addiction isues with both opies and benz.  I have found that i get quicker and more severe symptoms with short term benz use than with opies.  I womder if anyone notices this?

Hypnotics are those that are Z's: so Ambien for example is a popular one or Triazolam *which is way more of a benzo but has hypnotic properties, as being another. If you google "hypnotics that are Z's", it should give a list.  It doesn't work like a benzo but yet it does in many ways.  When I was a nurse,  if a patient had physical dependency to benzo's or barbs, I didn't script for Z's.  I instead gave things that I knew sucked because it's all I could do with safety in mind.  OR if they had pain issues,  I would safely script "soma" for 12 days to aide in rest and another med to begin during that time.  Reasoning would be that the soma would allow rest while the other med went through it's lovely side effects of starting it.  sort of like a SSRI. I always scripted sleep or low dose anxiety medication for 2 - 3 weeks (with a switch to di@z for 1 week for taper) during induction of SSRI, if it was possible.  

As far as physical symptoms with benz verses opies, same!! It's then neurons.  Although, using anything other than X@N@x will be less hellish.  If you are on anything opiate wise that has long duration (fent / Methadone), NEVER EVER take pheno! Ever.  Unless you are in a medical detox facility.  Obviously never take pheno if you drink or use opies either but please please do not use pheno with long-half life opiate's like methadone or subs.  Your liver will metabolize the opiate and throw you into withdrawal that you remain in for up to 120 hours. (a lil' extra info).  Pheno is used in med detox for benzo withdrawal, which is why I brought this up.  I found out the hard way, I worked IN that field (addiction recovery) and never learned that, so imagine my shock when my iop is having shipping issues, I run out and had a HUGE stash - take one for this entire reason (to avoid seizures etc) and felt that opiate withdrawal feeling within a half hour.  One google search and there was my answer.

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Hypnotics most scripted are zolpidem in the US and zopiclone in UK,they are the main 2 hypnotic meds in use...



So how long would you say it takes to develop a physical addiction to Xanax?
depending on dose and how long your been on if only 2 weeks or less or if under .5 mg it take about  2 weeks or less to be at base line if you have withdrawals easy way to tapper is to swich to kratom the natura way or zyprexa which helps with sleep anxiety then tapper off that if you want to be drug free. Exercise and no stiumulants will help alot . Really depends on why your taking xanax.

I went from taking 2mgs of xannies a day to 8mg by the end of the week. By the end of the month I was on 16 -20 of Ksalols so I wasn't taking rubbish ones. I was hooked almost immediately but was posting saying I didn't like them. I realised not long ago the reason why I like them. They don't make me a zombie.or knock me out, the help me forget the severe emotional pain I've been going through for the last 8 months that got worse recently.

Despite them doing the job I still want off them eventually. It's just no the right time yet.

Has anybody used benzos long term, like on/off for a few years, to the point where 3-4 mg of kpin/xanax barely phases me anymore, but the only WD symptom I have is insomnia - none of the really scary symptoms?

I admit I am a benzo junkie.... I'm powerless when it comes to benzos esp Xanax. I cannot control it. I can control pain meds and everything else but I am completely powerless over benz esp xanax...........

I take 45mg Diaz, 18mg Bromazepam, 12-16 can and 10mg of Nitrazepam at night and same as you solid snoop I know I do not want to be on them sometimes I just sleep the day away, get antsy but it just stops my brain from processing my brother ODing at 27 and having to see him dead watching TV then three days later his Mum jumped from my bedroom window and died 17th off life support. I had to hold her skull on until EMT got to us it was and is traumatic and I just want to block it out everyday. I am also on 75mg Methadone a day and just lately I've been fighting my snowball addiction again knowing it's gonna do me no good but knowing it's the biggest memory wiper out there I am powerless over anything that makes me not have to deal. In the 90's E was my thing get smashed every weekend fro 92-95 when it got into happy hardcore crap in uk the H smoking for seven years then C inj both for 13-14 years then the benzod for 7-8 years been on something to escape for years since 11 huff gas, mushies, amphet, hash, weed, you name it but never alcohol not my bag but I am a heavy benzo user and I hoard in case of droughts unbelievable the hold it had on me I feel ya bro ? not the right time for me yet no way I would be in a Mad Housr!!!!

for me it only takes about 5 days of continuous use of barz. im very impulsive and i get dependent on them quick. im good at not taking too much but im horrible at quiting.  

for me it only takes about 5 days of continuous use of barz. im very impulsive and i get dependent on them quick. im good at not taking too much but im horrible at quiting.  
It's very tough, it's taken me nearly 2 years to taper off down to mg of Di@z. It was just the right time, and I had the right frame of mind to do it though.

It's very tough, it's taken me nearly 2 years to taper off down to mg of Di@z. It was just the right time, and I had the right frame of mind to do it though.
congrats on doing it! yeah you have a way better chance of quitting if youre ready to and really want to. you have to have the inspiration and determination to push through and you wont have that unless you truly want it. anyone can do it just depends on if you want it bad enough i guess 

You should taper or it's a dangerous situation.  I can taper and while I taper, I take melatonin.  Up to 10 mg per night of melatonin is okay.  I read a medical paper on it once and this is what the conclusion was.  As you taper the benzo, up the melatonin.   The worst part for CT on benzo is the not sleeping.  I've done it a few times and was hell.

i been on x@nz 10yrs , cant beat it, tappered down plenty of times but it is what it is ... just make healthy choices.

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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!