Benzo Addiction?

I've been taking them for 12 years.  I have real anxiety, social anxiety, etc.  I've never thought about what would happen if I went cold turkey.  Although, they other I went about 3 days without one and  I felt like sh^t and I think I also seized  up.  Scary.  So I will think about tapering and read through the forum again. 

Go hard or go home!

I’ve been on Xanax since the 1980’s.  I have severe panic attacks.  I usually only take 1mg a day and the most I have ever taken is 2mg.. Last month I got lazy and kept putting off my doctor appointment. I landed up running out (this had never happened before). I had WD’s starting on day 2. At first I felt that I wasn’t in my body, It was almost like I was watching myself..Then my nerves kicked in.. Every noise was magnified 10 times.  I jumped if the dog barked if the doorbell rang I went through the roof..By this time I got an old prescription of Ambien that I had to see if it would help. The next day my whole body would twitch even when I spoke I couldn’t get a He words out,  I think I may have added a seizure because I woke up on the floor.. I think what saved me were those  Ambien I had.  I made my appointment four days in because I was scared i would lose my mind..When I saw  my doctor I was honest with him.. The only thing he as upset about is that I lowed myself to run out.  we talked for awhile and I made the decision to quit taking the Xanax and. Switch to Klonopin..That was. Three  weeks  ago.  I never  want to god brought those WD’s again.. My  doctor asked me if I wanted to do a taper and I just. Said let’s. Talk about that down he road and he said it would have be a very  slow process.  I’m. Really grateful for this doctor.. I saw someone. wrote the    Devil. Made Xanax. Well I don’t believe In. God  or the devil but I  know that’   There is nothing bad or evil  about  any  benzodiazepines and I should know because I was around when  Quaaludes  and barbiturates were the hottest things around.. Barbituates was brutal to WD from. I took them but luckily never got  addicted.   BUT  I have good friends that died going cold turkey..

@Heavenlee --  Usually thyca isn't that serious. People rarely die from papillary & follicular cancer (unless it's spread to the bones by the time they find it). medullary cancer is much more serious and anaplastic thyca is a death sentence. It is one of the fastest growing, aggressive cancer there is & it doesn't respond to R-131. Didn't that suck? The quarantine, and the dude coming in with the Geiger counter to see if I was OK to go home or if I was still so irradiated that I was a danger to the public LOL! Ugh! I had it 3x @ very high doses (you can only do so much in your lifetime though, or it puts you @ risk for developing other cancers). 

My scars were pretty vicious. I have the U shaped scar. It runs all the way across the bottom of my throat and then up the side (where the jugular is) to the bottom of my ear lobes on both sides. The 2nd radical neck dissection runs horizontally on the left side of my neck from the middle of my throat to my spine (that's the one that left me with the nerve damage). I have had a ton of plastic surgery on them so they are better, but you can see them. Then I have the scars in my armpit from the auxiliary lymph dissection but no one can see those.

For me my issue hasn't been the cancer itself, but the inability to adjust/stabilize on the thyroid hormone replacement. I fall into he unfortunate category of the 10% that never do. It's been 15 years, there's no hope that I ever will. So I just cope, I have no other options. I am glad you have done so well with it though, it makes me happy to hear people are able to back to normal life afterward, and don't end up in the boat I'm in. 

That's stinks that your shrink won't prescribe Xanax for you. It's a free for all with mine, but I have never taken more than I need too because I don't get a buzz off it @ all, so there is no recreational abuse potential for me (which is kinda a bummer! LOL!).  But we both recognize @ this point, that I will be on it for life. 

I really hope things get better with your son. My gay guy friends say they were nightmares to their mothers as teenagers. They say they were like teenage girls except on testosterone, especially once they came out. Hopefully things will improve as he matures.

I love Buddhism too. I consider myself an unaffiliated mystic though, because I am also into pagan beliefs and earth spiritualities similar to Native American practices, as well as pantheism.  I hate organized religion, but that a whole other story. It's amazing how much we have in common really. Too bad we don't live closer. We could sit down for a cup of tea and a few bars of Xanax. LOL!

@glasscandlegrenades  -- I'm sad to hear that you have gone through this as well, but it's fantastic that you have been able to get off the benzos!  The beta blockers are great. I take Atenolol (propranolol gave me hives) and they have also helped me significantly. I can't even think how much Xanax I would be on of not for it.  

You're right that the anxiety is a result of the upset in the endocrine system. They sometimes refer to the thyroid as "as the gland of emotions," because it plays a role in regulating serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. All the the mood related neurotransmitters. That's why anxiety & depression are some of the main symptoms of thyroid disorder. There is a book out there by Riddha Arem, one of the nations leading neuro-endocrinologist that discusses it in depth. It's called "The thyroid solution" and it's a great read.  Nice to meet another survivor, and I love your screen name by the way! 

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@glasscandlegrenades Hi friend, I  forgot to mention in my last post that I had recently done some reading on the beta blockers, and supposedly there is some evidence out there that suggests that propanolol inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3.  

I haven't delved into it enough at this point to know whether that is true only of people without thyroid issues, or if that's also the case for people on full hormone replacement like us.  

Anyway, maybe look into it yourself, and/or ask your doctor about it?  Perhaps one of the other BBs might be a better option for thyroid patients. Anyway, just something I wanted to share with you. 

@Meowtown yes that part was bad.  If it hadn’t been scary it would have been a trip.  I called my doctors office to see him since it’s time for a refill and they informed me that my doctor can no longer write any scheduled prescriptions, so she put me with a doctor who does.  I’m starting to panic, if this doesn’t pan out I will be back to online Pharmacies again. I’m hoping I can find one reliable.. I just can’t go through this crap every month. I’m thinking get a small order for an emergency..


May I ask what you are prescribed? I was on xans for so long that now if I take one recreational, I get Ill and sick to my stomach. Valoom is the only one that I can take now but don' take more than 3 a week.

Take care

Hi Meowtown

Im taking Klonopin .5mg x2 It was time to stop the xanax..When I talked to my doctor he did a conversion chart and .5mg is equal to the 1mg xanax x2 that I was on.  For me there is no difference.. Here is the thing that’s messed up however.  I called to make an appointment with him for next week.  When I called they said that he can’t prescribe controlled medications anymore so they made me an appointment with another doctor.  This has always been the story with my doctors. If I don’t get a prescription with the new doctor  that means I’m screwed again.  Lost my Medicaid and my doctor in the same day.. Looks like I may be back to Onlines again.. First time in three years so I’m going over the forum.. I guess I will find out on Weds.  If there is anything else’s I can help you with let me know..

I placed an order for some vals from doc just to help when I'm out of my roxis. I wish I could find a better source for my pain meds.

My doctor did the same, he was in trouble with the DEA and just quit prescribing benzos altogether. Had me on 2mg 3x a day for years and didn' even try to ween me off 

I hope you find relief soon my friend

@RedGypsy sorry I just saw you wrote back. Wow! Yours didn't respond to R-131, I feel so bad for you. I really have learned so much from you about thyroid cancer. I can't believe how lightly I took it even though mine was found in its first stage they just took my thyroid out and received R-131. I guess because my doctor said I had nothing to worry about and only 1% die from thyroid cancer. It is terrible that you are the unlucky 10 % that doesn't respond to hormone replacement. How often do they test your levels? I just went up to 150 micro units of levoxyl. I wish it was synthroid I guess because my sister is a nurse she says synthoid is better but my doctor says they are the same just a generic. I can't imagine how you deal with it not working. I swear I was literally insane when I quit taking it. I was so depressed I couldn't get out of bed and turning bat shit crazy. I knew I would have to take it for the rest of my life but I didn't take it seriously until after I came back to normal when my husband found my bottles full and was so pissed off at me for not taking it. I knew how important it was to take but I was just in a bad place then. Gratefully I'm totally sane now and my hair is growing thick again. I couldn't believe the difference it made. I got my life back again. So I feel horrible for you because I know now how important it is to take I can't believe you're sane with it not working. That's a living nightmare! Yours  was much more serious than mine but gratefully you're alive. Do you know before they knew about thyroid cancer and hormone replacement they used to put us in mental institutions and eventually without hormone replacement you would die. I was reading about not taking levoxyl or syntroid and it was scary. One doctor said you could die in 3 months. Most people don't know how important the thyroid is for taking care of your entire hormone system in your body so I feel terrible for you. No one understands unless you have been through it. 

We are so much alike I share many of the same beliefs as you do. Organized religion and people's beliefs of their avid being the only God has created so many wars and the Cristian Crusades that's why I turned to other spiritual beliefs like you. I lived in the Bible Belt in Ohio we had the Creation Museum in Kentucky it was amazing how many people would go there from all over the world! And it's based on the earth being 5,000 years old. They have kids riding on dinosaurs, lol! I apologize in advance to anyone who disagrees. We had the Revolutionary War to get away from religion and now it's so involved in politics for the right wing where it clearly states in our constitution our first amendment. Thomas Jefferson hated religion. I see our constitutional rights being perverted especially separation of church and state. I better stop I don't want to offend anyone! 

I'm down to taking 4 2 mg so I'm down 2 mg I think it's in my head when I think I need more but I am terrified of the thought of getting off of them. I know I use them as a crutch for not taking pain pills anymore. But hell its better than cocaine and heroin. And yes it would be so cool to meet you. Yoo are my soul sister! Sorry so long! Great hearing from you! Take care, love ya!

I was having a really hard time figuring out bitcoins and the app that was helpful required a min of $80 be uploaded. :(

i stopped stressing that im hooked on x@nz, i just keep doses low and self control, its a hard drug to come off , i tried  i failed, i am better off with it than face another withdrawal....

I first used xnx my sophomore year. I foind my grand pas pill bottle of. 25 footballs. I did sum reading nd determined that 8 footballs will do the job. Ita like 3 to 4 years from then and im lucky enough to say that im not addicted to anything but wax. Anyways, i had to swallow 6 to 7 bars one time in order to avoid legal consequences. For months after that incident, i would still have cravings for it. Luckily i had some wax to dab on to keep my mind right. Drugs are really no joke

@Heavenlee and @Meowtown

What an incredibly brave pair of people you are. If I had to face any type of the big "C" that you two have discussed here, I think I'd scare myself to oblivion. No passing go, just straight to hell with me. Also, if I truly thought God was the one who kills his children, then heck with Him, a handbasket, in a heartbeat. I hope all the best for you two, and I, for one, am not offended in the least. All the best to you two.

Amen  Charlesleeray😇

Our savior Christ Jesus is the only reason any of us are here!!!

I have been an Benzo Addict for years...self medicating all  my life..over medicating,justifieng everything 😇 The only reason we are here is because Jesus Christ she'd his blood all over us...Thank you Jesus!!! 

Frog Baseball✌️

Hi all,

I just discovered this thread.  I posted something earlier that could be helpful to those stuck in the hideous xan cycle of addiction and w/d's  It looks like it might belong here more than there.  Maybe someone can find something helpful.  I will say I shared more detail about my experience than I ever have to anyone (actually could have gone further, but I cannot expect anyone to read something so long), so maybe it did help posting it in that thread.  Kind of helped me.  Mine all started, sadly, with a script in my 20's of .5's., and it was uphill for for several years and it really helped.  Too much tolerance built up and led me to take waay too much for waay too long and I had to start ordering my supply from various sources and ditched the doctor, which would have freaked out if he knew how much I was taking.  Then you are caught in the hellish "cycle" of xanax addiction.  I think, based on skimming through the thread,  mine may have some resolution that is a little different than those posts here, but I have explored almost everything that I could find, including what I have read here.  Everyone speaks the truth in this thread and any little detail can help and you'll need everything you learn as a complete package to be successful.  I was not very successful and it was painful until the end, but the end ended up being pretty easy for me.  It is different, but the same for all.

It's under /I admit thread in I think the section was called anything else towards the bottom.  Sorry, I don't know how to link to another thread yet, or even it's even possible..

Best regards,


Feel free to contact me if you would like to talk privately.  I am happy to share.

I know from experience it can take as little as a week with as little as 1MG a day of X@n@x for 7 Days like very very mild withdrawal but it all depends on the person. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!