@DoomKitty @Conceited First, I would like to THANK U for helping.

Yes, I am brand new to BTC.  I did tell the Debit Card Co that it was for a BTC purchase:/  

I also tried to understand Paxful.  Searched there requesting the use of PayPal.  To the best of my understanding, it will cost, at least, another $50 fee to buy BTC from diff people.  I also do not want to meet people in person nor get ripped off bc I’m clueless.

I am on disability, due to a rare incurable nerve disease.  My money is put on a card, which doesn’t have a physical bank to visit.  I have uploaded documents, pics, DL info, etc., trying to buy BTC to pay Strl. One place wanted me to enter my SocSec number.  None of this feels anonymous or really safe to me.

Have never had so much trouble trying to pay or send money.

Do u have any idea if there is another way to pay Strl w/o using BTC.  I used SMoney for all my orders previously, but that is no longer an option.

Thanks again for ur patience and assistance.  Sorry for the ignorance.

@DoomKitty @Conceited First, I would like to THANK U for helping.

Yes, I am brand new to BTC.  I did tell the Debit Card Co that it was for a BTC purchase:/  

I also tried to understand Paxful.  Searched there requesting the use of PayPal.  To the best of my understanding, it will cost, at least, another $50 fee to buy BTC from diff people.  I also do not want to meet people in person nor get ripped off bc I’m clueless.

I am on disability, due to a rare incurable nerve disease.  My money is put on a card, which doesn’t have a physical bank to visit.  I have uploaded documents, pics, DL info, etc., trying to buy BTC to pay Strl. One place wanted me to enter my SocSec number.  None of this feels anonymous or really safe to me.

Have never had so much trouble trying to pay or send money.

Do u have any idea if there is another way to pay Strl w/o using BTC.  I used SMoney for all my orders previously, but that is no longer an option.

Thanks again for ur patience and assistance.  Sorry for the ignorance.
Don't you know anyone who you could buy stuff like food shopping , clothes etc for. Then they give you cash or transfer payment to another card for the amount you used?

@Uni2016  I have the same problem as you.. on dis@bility and couldn't figure out how to buy with that card they give because it is not linked to any banks.  Also, I have severe social anxiety along with a slew of other things and so I don't have a smartphone to use an atm btc machine because I don't talk to anyone, so I just don't need a phone..  If you have a smartphone, that may be a good option for you.  You can googl3 local atm btc machin3s to see if you have any in your area...  They let you pay with cash.   Good luck...

@sweetmelissa589 thank u for the advice.  I do use my smartphone for everything.  However, I am not familiar with all the online banking and what cards r accepted where and by whom.

I tried using PayPal, several cards attached, to complete the transactions.  When that failed, I pulled the cash off my card, put in my PayPal account, leaving the card out altogether.

The fees were ridiculously enormous, but it finally worked.  Praying these payment problems improve.

Hope maybe this helps.  I understand ur pain.

@Uni2016 Hi sorry for the late response, I have been busy with work. Hopefully someone else has been able to help you, since this forum is great for that. I have never used a phone for this, and the way it seems like they track everything we do I would be hesitant to even try it on a phone. Most of the stuff that we do on here requires anonymity and I assume computers are safe (although I could be wrong). If you have any more questions let me know. cheers 

The DNM Bible is great for bitcoin inquiries I'm pretty sure I haven't read it in awhile but I have it downloaded. Also instructions on TOR and TAILS .Its for sure a great read for basic safety all over the net ....

Here is simple advice..Buy a Trezor from don't buy it anywhere else, or your security of it might be compromised..with that hardware wallet...which is $40...and downloading the Desktop Wallet can not only safely coinjoin(anonymize your Tokens) but also send and receive BTC into your hardware wallet through Wasabi(which runs on Tor) because when you send a payment...unless your running a full node you are connecting to a node and broadcasting your location aka IP...This is just a small smidge of advice..

Everyone should have a hardware wallet for $40...because unless most wallets...both Trezor and Wasabi allow for Lowest possible fees when transacting...I never spent more than .05 cents per transaction..unless time is of the essence.


This forum really needs a full breakdown of best onramps/ I said I completed a guide...but no reason to share a wealth of knowledge all for free..but I hate seeing people use bad sites like Coinmama for 10% are getting gaped...anything over 1% is bad...Don't buy crypto with Credit Cards.

Additionally, DCA your Bitcoin purchases...slowly accumulate some every when the price is moving up and down it doesn't matter as much...and PLEASE don't buy Bitcoin when it just Pumped like a low..sell high..When you feel like you can't take the losses and price drops.. that's when you buy...Reverse Psychology and don't follow the herd, or you'll get slaughtered.

Smash up the likes...this is info not found anywhere else on DBG

Last edited:
I think beginners should start out using an Account on making sure to use 2-FA (2-Factor Authentication) before using an Electrum Wallet. I made the mistake of jumping into an Electrum Wallet and with the New BC1 starting Receiving Address etc. for Segwit Wallets which Legacy now means Standard Wallets. It took Me forever to figure out why I couldn't Send or Receive Money which was due to the Fact not all the places you Buy or spend Bitcoin have the Addresses that are not compatible with the New Bitcoin Receiving and Sending Bitcoin Addresses.


Where do i start? At this process two weeks now. This is suipposed to be anon and easy. Anything but. Great thread but wtf, above post i think meant to be helpful but wtf not electrum everybody seems to suggest that wallet as good. I've never heard of account wallet. And how does that differ from electrum? What is segwit mean? I'm a disabled  college professor with computer knowledge and im miffed at times imagine folks not knowing all the lingo. And How are address not compatable isn't it universal?

 Also, I empathise with other disabled financially challenged individuals previously. Ihear you and relate. I spent another 5 hours tonight reading up on plethera of btc videos to buy store (offline wallets- like one suggested above for 40$ -thanks thats good tip I just didn't know where to  buy good one and at good price) everyone can understand analogy of putting currency onto a physical card =virtual is more confusing for folks.

And as far as opsec and iphone and tor and computer being safe but others not. FOLKS the central info society INVENTED TOR you don't think they have backdoor to that and the onion nodes? SInce the earlly nineties WAY before snowden they had pro ject esch e lon (search on it ) and that was before most folks ever surfed or knew what web was. I did brief work as a lackey for an affiliated intel group and learned that they know basically everything about almost everyone esp in usa. They can't use actionable intel on ALL of us. Just be smart and don't rub it in anybodys face and I don't think it's an issue as long as your not working with hard c ore stuff off DN. Maybe I'm wrong, depends on what state in us you live in bigtime every state like its own country and what country in world. I miss living in UK where I went to school at one of best universities on the planet-was very blessed- not bragging and miss the local chemist having co d@n@ oTC and even bbc commercials for tyl@nole three w codEn@ "have a headache"
ad shows cartoon guy red head throbbing huge puslating. Take a OTC blah blah and cartoon shows a arrow shot across the screen adn hits the headache head and it turns blue and the guy goes "AHHHH" end commercial. Can you IMAGINE seeing that play in the USA??? So tyhings are relative.

 Having said all that, I'm having panic attack myself trying to setup payments as i don't have time and total knowhow for btc at afforadable rate yet and mg just denyied my transaction and deleted my online account no reason given and I have no fraud or any bad history.

My head's now pounding... BUt thanks for above info euro m@ds.. that's the best wayh I've heard it put yet. I'll buy that card. If it's that cheap on dollar WOW and not too long delays/It's so confusing I watch plethora of youtube videos on investors who aren't even that educated buying thousands of btc and I'm like wtf? How is so easy for joe six pack and I cant get 200-500$ to spend like this week without jumping 10 hoops and bending over backwards while balacning my rescue kittens on palm of each hand and one on my head and stand on one leg and maybe then i''ll be lucky and it will work but they want like 20 percent fee after purchase from fiet or bank if bank allows it then tumble fee, send fee, wallet fee. It's madness.

But buying hard wallet is best ADVICE i've heard above and from watching hours of videos on how cryto investors who are serious do it and its safe secure like saftey dep box or loaded debit card. E-meds or anyone know how long takes to receive said card once ordered?

Have good night all... hoping mg will allow at least on transfer in person tom so I can just order so basic stuff or i'm going to literaly be a ball in the corner of the room for few weeks!

I downllaoded wasabi and looking into a trezor. They are 59$ now and I saw on the site. My question is once I get trezor and figure wasabi out , whats the reccomended exchange to use so i don't get ganked on coinbase or other 10-20 percent fees and maybe have transaction held up for days too. Thanks for the trezor tip Emeds thats

best thing I''ve seen offered in long time!!!

Hardware wallet such as Trezor let's you choose shipping option I believe..5-10 business days as they are overseas and not based in the States is what is expected. I'm currently just taking a few moments of free time while occupied with family and guests to offer some added answers and help for the community.

With Gemini exchange and a checking account and a simple free KYC can either

A. free ACH to buy BTC immediately, but cannot move BTC until funds clear..takes 5 days to transfer from exchange..but you can immediately purchase BTC with credited funds(useful when BTC drops hard as that's when you buy..not when it's Spiked up) see my above post on reverse psychology..

Option B. Do a domestic wire from Bank to Gemini exchange for $25...It will take 2-3 business hours but the funds available to spend on BTC will be able to be immediately transferred to an external wallet such as a hardware device, or other secure wallet option..I've mentioned some options..just don't transfer BTC from Gemini to a Vendor(You can but it's very unwise and please know I'm speaking from experience)..always purchase Bitcoin, transfer off the exchange..and then transfer to vendor for a purchase.

Another tip is to do a LIMIT buy..not Market buy..less fees..more value.

I hope this helps some people, as I sympathize with new users and using Bitcoin.. especially with it's volatility, and unforgiving nature of irreversible transactions.

EuroMeds wish everyone the best of the best always.

Last edited:
EMDS... I think I have basics down here. After I get just newbie safe understanding I'll post up a thread for all of us who would like to donate here and

get into proper op-sec habit from the start. Leave your advanced advice for second step.

1- I saw tre zor wallet (hard-remote) sold from the site you reccommeded outside usa, however I found this link that seems to be the USA

  authorized site. I'll reach out to  trez or to confirm, but maybe you know answer in meantime?

HERE"S website- offers free US shipping teo day FEDEX i believe, and for free, they also offer the added BILLFOD  L

Are you familiar with BIllfod l ?

2/ I spend 6 hours tonight literaly trying to find a SAFE exchange reading 100's of reviews Coin Base seems horrible now, I even read quite a few bad reviews about Gemin i people saying they could buy but had hard time selling or sending theyre bought btc to own wallet or someone else, I even looked up Paxf- and all I read about is 20 percent scams as to be expected when your trading gooogle play or other cards for btc (probaly stolen I'd imagine after doing so much research on scam call centers in India and west africa-not to say all people are bad- just concentrated areas), even the what's it called iox.e site. I've yet to find a btc exchange I can buy either ACH or immeidate for higher fee, that doesn't have 10-15 percent horrible reviews either great app or program horrible custie service or great custie horrible app or program.

I';m thinking about hiring some coding friends of mine and investment bankers and get somebody to do this right. It can't be that hard to prevent fraud and make the

cost in percentage bought or sold known clearly or offer the sliding fee depending on time willing to wait.

I have wasabi on laptop, but wish they had a phone app. I'm ordering trezor if that usa bilfod l site is legit as better price and faster in usa.

3. So you''ve not had problems getting verified with gemini nor them not letting you transfer you btc or cryptto out once bought?

   ANybody else suggest great mobile app, or exchange where if you have bank account or want to use cash/card whatever ACH or immediate but with reasonable fees, or

high fees but GUARENTEE WORKS, Please tack onto this thread. I'm not quiting until I FIGURE THIS OUT. AND I'm not satifiied when I read reviews of apps or exchanges when the zero to 1 star rating is 15-20 percent that's not acceptable. I recently bought two $$$  printers off well known retailer one that eco-ink firendly 1000's of pages epson, clogged up and papers jam only lasted 2 months. I spend weeks reading reviews and finally found a Office quality HP laserjet M401 series for 125$ dealer model and it works like a printer SHOULD and for 1000$ OFF LIST.  That's what i'm talking about . US newbies on disability can't afford to risk losting couple hundred here and there until finding a secure exchange. Before being disabled I lost a 80k business iinvestment as I could no longer stand for more than 10 mintues at a time due to pain. Slowly building up my personal bus. and empire. Gotta start somewhere and I'm a professional writer, if you have noticed, (however I had going back to correct mispellings-greeat for sites like this where mis spellling is a virtue ;)

Anyway, any mobile app echange suggestions ?? Or laptop desktop that are easy-peasy, secure, no scammers, low price if willing to do ACH or 3-7 percent if immediate from card? I

I'll put a newbie manual together especialy for donation means if I can just get a couploe more tidbits of info here.

ANd if anyone knows if that american seller or trezor with the bilf. is licensed and safe please bump ... Otherwise I'll contact them. Also saw for black friday trezor is offering a buy 2 get one free offer- best time to buy or go in on them with 2 other friends. EMDS is correct off line off computer etc etc is really best  OP--SEC way to store you BTC Cheers Time to sleep, this is llike doing a 20,000 piece jigsaw. And I'm going nuts as the price of BTC is perfect right now to buy down almost 1,000 (If I was still making 120k year a person could buy 100k and selll it in month or so and profit 10k easily!) cheers, Mark


Herre's the Bilfodl link...

Heres what they offer if legit?

Trezor One

Price $59 USD

Trezor One + Billfodl

Price $133 USD



Total line price

$133 USD



says free in usa 2 ndsy fedex

im hoping this is actual affiliate as it saves the EU conversion and shipping and It also offered me a purchase 10$ off coupon first time i went to site.

Cheers again,


Total line price

$239 USD
@mark6699331 Gemini should be fine.  Any exchange has its risks and pros and cons.   if you want ease, then try Cashapp.  It looks like EM couldn't figure it out, but as long as your bank allows btc purchases and being linked to apps, the process is incredibly simple or simpler than most KYC applications in my experience.  I know of only one person (aside from EM) who couldn't get it to work and it was because of their bank not the app itself.  You can buy btc with ACH or credit card so there's options. 

If you are planning on just buying some bitcoin and then using them immediately, then spending money on a trezor is pointless.  If you are planning on doing some investing and long term storage, then yes get a cold wallet.  On the trezor site it links to buying them on Amazon so you could just get one from Amazon.  I mean if they trust it i guess you can too?!?!

Stay safe!  Remember bitcoin is NEVER anonymous.  If you are wanting anonymity, then buying using a KYC processor isn't it.  You can transfer to a million different wallets and its all traceable back to original purchase. But buyers aren't being looked into like sellers at all.  There are many ways to increase anonymity, but even a lot of those have been undone.  Look into how they busted Klaus Frost of Wall Street DNM by "un-mixing" his tumbled coins.  Pretty wild...

no doubt.. im member of local credit union and in past they don't seem to like apps like cash app i just got my phone ios upraded and

downloadd wasabi for desktop and found a cool crypto currency exchange instant quote app called purple swan  i like alot. SInce I'm disabled I was looking

into saving some  up on trezor as I cant have anymore than 2K in bank and even anything over 100$ and my medical and all copays goes up. I get punished for

trying to even work pt. It's nuts.

THe other app i'm looking at it and the gemini even though i've read crazy things about people llosing funds and freezing stuff appears those were mostly outside us or

with banks that wouldn't let you interface. I'm reading up on exodus and wondering if anyones used that either. I like it's mobile hot wallet for ach or quick buys then wasabi coinjoin can't hurt to add extra step in there even for regular purchases. People say if i dont do anything wrong whats the matter, but we all mostly lock our doors close windows and don't let everytone see where and how much we stash our cash or whatnot even if legal,... so privacy i think is essetial and i see crypto as a revolution of sorts. I'm yes also into the investin side especially right now at such low price 8600 if i could find a friend has 10k want to invest I think I could make a quick grand or two off that or more over next year. I'm analytical math gensius of sorts and more I learn about blockchain and applyin principles like fibinochi sequence and fractel theory and fact it's limited in coin makes predicting it's future value easier than traditional markets. Especialy as it becomes easier to use to purchjase food or coffee and the dn and cn keeps using it in future, it will by nature grow in worth. Not too late to make $ off of it.

I'd be wary of trezor from amazon. I'm looking into this usa company but will call trezor to make sure it's licensed...

Trezor One



    Free shipping


    State-of-the-Art Security


    No Backup Included





Trezor One + Billfodl



    Free shipping


    State-of-the-Art Security


    Weatherproof Backup





Trezor One + Multishard



    Free shipping


    State-of-the-Art Security


    2-of-3 Style Backup



And yes, I knew a good buddy from hih schoool became a seal and back in 1995 I asked him about pro ject esch o leon the precurser to the snow den stuff today and I was shocked to hear theyre cabailities even back then! He told me don't worry we mainly monitor tazieckis stan etc., very tellin as it was 5 yers before nine eleven. Basically if they REALLY want to the know or can monitor everything about everyone. BUT keep in mind the central information company is also known as "dru s inc." by my friends back then workin for n s a a who greatly dislike the info people (no ethics at all) . There's a tri fold maybe intel war going on domesticaly right now in usa. As long as you are offing peeps or being very  creepy with minors or dirtball stuff and being honorable for most part your left alone. I was told first hand not online  rumor or q stuff (they call operation declassify) (for peeps who didn't goto grad school to try to wake people up whatever political view) anyway, firsthand that it's so bad just with the hum an tra ffick ing crap and child ex plotatin and really disgusting stuff that literaly if they emptied all jails in world for people who deserve death even by the most unethical and evil people would agree yeah that dude is effed up there's not enough cells in the world just to hold those folks. So just mind your p's and q's and don't flant anything, don't abuse things, don't push stuff, don't walk arund naked online like a neon light., Cant hurt ot use tor or at least firefox or vpn etc etc... and   if your real big stay out of way of intel companies. Common sense really. WHere i live on west coast it's pretty crazy actually. I'm last person I know who still see s actual doctor for my seroiys health problems resto of my friends just go online clear or dark and basiclay keep even with what dr's gave them before or if rec. do it with some modeation and common sense. Heck the law in cali for really hard stuff, you get like 3 arr ests now before even going to jail or prison. My buddy got pulled over DUI and had lets say zips of things in his pocket the colors of yin and yang and the sheriff was more concerned about his DUI than possesion!! LEt him out 3 hours later and the biggest fine was DUI as he endangered others lives! OF course 215 is at every pharmacy now here. I'm near heart of emerald triange. I'll post in medmj section soon. ASAP I jtake plunge and just try one of these exchanges so I can do my proper donation as this site has becomee very therapeutic and like support group second home. Lot of very kind good hearted people here. I'm one of a few let's just say internationaly known canna seed breeders in one of my other lives.
 Besides being  a writer.. I have a feeling in the midwest where i'm from it's not quite as tolerant or liberal as out here. Heck till recently, due to my medical problems I was legally on of the highest prescribed people in country. I don't say that proudly it sucks, but keeping me out of wheelchair I'll do about anything. Used to teach survivalism and mountaineering and now walking to the ocean a mile or two is all I can do for the day. Allright yall stay safe, and as my psy. teacher in hschoo (who actually went to origianl woodstock used to say to me) "don't be paranoid!" Much love!


If you are having trouble with bitcoin, please let me help you. It is a lot easier then Google would make you believe. 

Step 1: Download Electrum wallet. It will give you a set of words to allow access to your wallet. Keep these somewhere safe. It is the only way to access your money if you forget your password, etc. 

Step 2: Set up an account with Coinmama. (this takes a bit of time and pictures, but after 12-24 hours you will be able to buy bitcoin immediately) Banks do not like to support bitcoin so only certain vendors can get passed this. 

Step 3: In the receive tab of your Electrum wallet you will see a wallet address. You give this to people so they can send you money. The same goes for Coinmama. When buying Bitcoin from that website it will ask you for your wallet address. This is the Electrum address that you copy and paste in. The money has to bounce around the world for a few hours securing your transaction. (Sometimes you will have to restart the Electrum so it will begin to track your order, you may have to do this a few times)

Step 4: OPTIONAL - You can have multiple Electrum wallet addresses if you want, but the only advantage to this is to know exactly who sent you money. That is the ONLY reason. If you do not need to know who sent you money then don't add other addresses, just keep one. 

Step 5: To send money, the recipient will have to send you their wallet address. Go to the send tab in your Electrum wallet and paste that address in. Select the amount of bitcoin to send using google (USD to bitcoin, CAD to Bitcoin, etc) to get the exact amount to send. There is a slider bar underneath asking the fee amount you would like use. Its use is how fast the money gets sent around the world. Whether you set it to high or low, it is really not a large amount of money. So I always send high because it is just a nice thing to do for your recipient. I have never used low so I dont know how much longer it takes, but its only a couple of bucks so just use high. 

Step 6: Thank Bitcoin for being amazing and giving us freedom with our money.  
Hi I’m hoping to do this on my iPhone... is this what the correct coin mama app looks like? And seeing as I can’t get electrum on my phone for some reason is this the correct paxful app? Thanks so much for your help in advance 🙂



If anyone here keeps their BTC in legacy wallets, or BC1 wallets..unfortunately not segwit address which start with 3..

This question has value..DM your answer for privacy..or email me at

I will also be giving away hardware wallets every month..Happy Holidays..Order size of qualifying offer eligible for hardware wallet from manufacturer, and discount.

And you have your private keys(NEVER EVER SHARE PRIV KEYS)  . This is a well as information good to share.

I am not soliciting..Don't answer, Don't DM, totally optional

but I just want to promote and also reward clients. Santa Style.


Herre's the Bilfodl link...

Heres what they offer if legit?

Trezor One

Price $59 USD

Trezor One + Billfodl

Price $133 USD





Total line price

$133 USD




says free in usa 2 ndsy fedex

im hoping this is actual affiliate as it saves the EU conversion and shipping and It also offered me a purchase 10$ off coupon first time i went to site.

Cheers again,




Total line price

$239 USD


With full respect and humility..If you refer to my thread..because of the success of this and other companies..SatoshiLabs reached out to me and I am a Reseller of VIP status for all SatoshiLabs products. They found me, and deal was closed in 5 days. Any customer who orders..I want to work out a deal when proceeds go to EuroMeds and Team as this community means the world to me..but also being of service and value means equal.

To honor that..any money spent to purchase a Trezor Model T, or Model One through my team, my business. You will get a factory authentic device..and a coupon code which is redeemable for EQUAL value on next order..a Win Win for the community..

That is the goal. Please contact me by msg or email. DBG knows this has occured, and let it be embraced. 

Respectfully and Humbly.

Last edited:
Fake Trezor wallets have been seen a LOT in the last six months, so anyone interested in that hardware wallet be careful.  Here's a recent write-up on their blog about it and ways to both spot fakes and avoid being scammed in the first place: Trezor Fakes

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.