Bitcoin Suppliers

yea, I am uncomfortable suggesting a coin to keep a eye on to purchase. I have basically done the same thing. I currently invested in vpn, but know that is a long way from the anonymity in which you are speaking. @Chembro

I’ll admit that shortly after joining DBG, I was a big proponent of vendors and customers to start using crypto as a better means of payment.  Now that it has several months, I’ve grown more skeptical that it is in fact a safer way to purchase items offered here.  I still think it’s possible, but as I have alluded to previously, it’s a very convoluted process.   The steps are very similar to how digital møñ&y l@ündër1ng is done, and because of things I have read and how govs are cracking down on all things crypto, my preferred mode of payment is now getting cash, going to a wu, and paying for it that way.   Personal preference is all, I guess.  

Hope the weekend goes well for you all.  ✌️

I would have become a sponsor to dbg a long time ago eccept that as soon as I joined, pay-not-so-pal decided to fork over our illustrious leader and freeze all payments. If I could just pay moneygram prices for a transaction, I would come out ahead, but bc charges at least 12%. That's too gd much for each transaction, especially since they seem to want to take it all and say fork u2. When I first checked out bc, the asking price was twice the selling price. I wish I could have afforded to spend $200 for $100 worth of membership. @PTFC, if an easier, more affordable, and foolproof way to buy bc becomes available, please let me know. Accent on the EASIER, please. At this point I'd try anything even halfway workable. Thanks.

I’ll admit that shortly after joining DBG, I was a big proponent of vendors and customers to start using crypto as a better means of payment.  Now that it has several months, I’ve grown more skeptical that it is in fact a safer way to purchase items offered here.  I still think it’s possible, but as I have alluded to previously, it’s a very convoluted process.   The steps are very similar to how digital møñ&y l@ündër1ng is done, and because of things I have read and how govs are cracking down on all things crypto, my preferred mode of payment is now getting cash, going to a wu, and paying for it that way.   Personal preference is all, I guess.  

Hope the weekend goes well for you all.  ✌️
I agree with this post. If I can just grab some cash, go in person to WU, and do the deed, that is my preferred method. Up to this point, it is completely fail-safe. Things change, but WU does not seem too concerned about the transactions taking place if there is no fraud, etc. Perhaps they realize we are adults and it is our money.

I think BTC is probably one of the safer methods, or at least the least likely to result in a botched transaction. However, the BTC process can be costly and time consuming. It's also possible I haven't found the best wallet. Nonetheless, members need to think twice about these--sorry If I'm wrong about this but--scam artists purporting to be 'BTC vendors.' No. There is nothing special about buying BTC. No one deserves a significant percentage of money for freaking getting BTC for you.

PFTC, I think it would be ideal if experienced members of DBG can help educate newer members without any ulterior motive. It's hard to find that kind of selflessness though. You are an exception, not the rule. I'll try to read through this thread when I'm not busy and do the best I can to help out.

I only started offering my services to help the board and the members.... and i have assisted numerous people simply with knowledge on how it all works. If they choose to buy btc through me, cool. If not, that's fine too.  However, I also know that my time and knowledge is worth money, and those 2 things are what i charge for, not btc itself.  Beyond that, every single exchange charges you fees, too.  And if you need BTC fast.... what are your options? (hint: there are none unless you're willing to pay, at minimum, a 20+% fee)

We do try @HeirCroc1! There is lots of good info and knowledgeable members in this thread, and i'm happy to speak via PM to anyone who needs a little assistance, as is 2earls. Admin posted some good links also.

Also, @esem, my apologies, I wasn't inferring anything about yourself, but the "other" guy, we had to ban. 

Bitcoin is - if used correctly - one of the best payment methods you can use.

You need a secure (ideally open source) wallet - Electrum is one of those - if used correctly. One in which it is possible to store everything also offline. The next thing, one of the most important, generate a new dress for every transaction! Do not forget that each transaction can be connected to your IP so consider to use something like tor while doing these transactions...
You can use a VPN to prevent your IP address from being identified, right?

I'm one of those that will need help. I registered with Paxful and trying to send small amt to re-activate my access to our forums..Not easy for us elderly who are not up on the digital age ;)

You can use a VPN to prevent your IP address from being identified, right?
You are partially correct.

VPN is one step, then using Tor, with different onion addresses, also be sure to not use your real email address and name when registering your bitcoin wallet. (Create a new addy as well as identity).

There are so many layers to deal with, all of which makes it more difficult to trace. The more layers you create the better.

The above are all just some of the ways to stay under the radar, and are part of a comprehensive way to stay safe. 

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I'm one of those that will need help. I registered with Paxful and trying to send small amt to re-activate my access to our forums..Not easy for us elderly who are not up on the digital age ;)
I resent that.  I'm pretty old and very electronics savvy.  It's all common sense but google is a good source and Natty is my go to.  

You are partially correct.

VPN is one step, then using Tor, with different onion addresses, also be sure to not use your real email address and name when registering your bitcoin wallet. (Create a new addy as well as identity).

There are so many layers to deal with, all of which makes it more difficult to trace. The more layers you create the better.

The above are all just some of the ways to stay under the radar, and are part of a comprehensive way to stay safe. 
I've never used Tor.  Do you need a VPN to use it or is that just another layer of protection?

I resent that.  I'm pretty old and very electronics savvy.  It's all common sense but google is a good source and Natty is my go to.  

I've never used Tor.  Do you need a VPN to use it or is that just another layer of protection?
Tor is used to access .onion mirror's of sites for things on the dark web. In answer to your question no you do not need to use a vpn, but it is usually wise to if you are deep web fishing.

Still trying.  This is my second few-hour long session reading here and trying to buy bitcoins at Paxful.  I just can't spend this much time trying to donate.   The sellers of bitcoins want people who are experienced on that site and I am not.  Is there any other way @2earls?  I will send you a gift card or cash or something if you just pm me where to send.

Paxful has a school on their website with videos so I am going to go through them one at a time to try to figure it out.  Just creating an account is a pain in the butt.  At least I've been able to figure that out.

OK I started reading got confused more.  I just need to know I wanted to actually donate to this wonderful site with bit coin to show my appreciation and of course get the benefits that you get.  however when I go to the that was recommended....not complaining at all by the way just confused I was going to trade a amazon gift card for some bitcoin not realizing that now hat I bought a e card the ones that are willing to take those take almost all of the money so now I can't even donate the amount needed to donate.  Well I know now just use a CC or debit cart but anyone know how i can do this without loosing most of my money. Please help. completely obviously clueless.


Hey @Handsley  &  @ZaDeR, good morning to you both! If you two are unfamiliar with the mechanics of btc, it can be rather challenging without proper guidance. 
I’m sure you both read the first thread on the home page of the forum where @Admin leaves very detailed instructions on the process? If so, and still having problems, it’s totally understandable. And if that is in fact the case, negative on Paxful, trust me on this one. I despise btc, its a matter of time whether or not it creates another war, or...the gov wipes them out to use for their NWO currency, I digress...

I still have difficulty at times and I will go back the rules and read through once or twice more every so often as a resresher. Good to stay up on the latest. Some btc co.’s may seem odd, maybe a little in the super shade side, but I trust our Mods and I follow their lead. Dont become a rogue though lol  

So, @Handsley, again, negative on Paxul bud, open source, t00 shady. Keep away  :)  

I hate btc due the exchange volitity, eventually it’ll burst like the housing market. I use it as a last resort, I don’t want to get too enjoy it for a season and then all of a sudden we hear about a “tweat” lol 

If still no luck today, PM me. I know a few very reputable folks on here that could help walk you though the process. Its super important we help each other and donate to the forum for all they do for us here. In closing, again, either are welcome to shoot me a pm. Oh and is probably the most simplistic btc platform I’ve seen and I love it.  If it works out, just be sure to go back and read admins directions carefully once more before you make your donation and ask questions if unsure. Better to feel dumb and annoying to others asking if unsure, versus pretending to know the answers. Thats when you get called a :)  

We’ll get you there, no worries. Let me know how it plays out or if i can help!  :)

Take it lite, and Namaste!

thanks forlp I am going to keep wprking through it I don't mind donating but I needed that money for my meds :) lol

PM me if you need a walk-through guide, I use Coinbase (Expensive on transactions) and localbitcoin (Cheaper but more difficult to navigate and BTC traders require a lot of info before they will trade with you.)

Happy to help, been trading bitcoin myself on and off for past couple of years

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. D @ DolorCero: Hola to all mi DBG familia! 💙 Hope you all had an amazing weekend—or at least made the most of what’s left of it. Wishing you good vibes for the week ahead!
  2. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  3. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  4. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  5. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  6. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  10. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  11. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  12. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  13. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  14. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  15. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  16. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  17. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  19. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  20. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!