Hi again,
I certainly did not mean to sound alarming with my comment last night. I have friends that use paxful, and they've never had a problem that I'm aware of. I just wanted to make sure you all know it's a p2p transaction, so the risk is there you might come across someone with bad intent.
As for other anonymous options, there are so many different ways. You'll read that some think one is better than the other, but who really knows if any way is truly anonymous? When I first started trading cryptos, I did so to profit without paying taxes, but I no longer do it that way anymore. I think the best chance to make it truly anonymos takes a multi-faceted approach, and it takes a lot of work - you can get your Tor browser and safeguard further by running it through your own personal VPN, and these are just to hide your online activity. Many people say that bitcoin is never anonymous and that there are a few coins that are, like Zcash or Monero, so some of my friends will send their bitcoin to another exchange like Poloniex, buy Zcash with their bitcoin, then send their monero to a different exchange, convert back to bitcoin, then send to one of their wallets or directly to a vendor's bitcoin address and so, by doing all this, they say that the blockchain no longer is able to trace it back to your original bitcoin address. Sound ridiculous? Yes, it does, but many think that by doing all this moving and converting back and forth, they've now made their coin anonymous. Maybe they have, but who really knows? Personally, I think the geniuses working at the NSA with their computational ability and meta data they have, they can figure out anything, trace anything, if they wanted to.
So, sorry for this long-winded answer, but that's how people are doing their best to keep their BTC transactions anonymous. And these are just ways that I am aware of. It's a lot of effort. If you know or trust the person on the other end thru paxful, or localbitcoins, or whatever p2p platform, you'll likely not run into an issue, but the risk is there, and besides, it's much easier than trying to do all the stuff I just outlined.