I placed an order yesterday and paid for Sat delivery. Got an email last night saying it didn't ship, what a bummer after sending extra funds. Now I'm out til Tuesday
I know "A" will make it up to me but it still sucks!
Ditto Marco! NOT happy, especially after verifying shipping would happen, no delays, and rushing to make payment and email of payment, giving excuses to work, etc...a lot goes into placing an order for me given my work schedule...
I absolutely adore this girl, and shes been really good to me in the past, allowing additional time for payment etc, but really getting tired of excuses and failed plans because her shipper SUCKS!...I don't want to jump ship and take her commissions away to someone else, but damn....I haven't been able to count on my orders for months now
:-( I'm thinking she needs to shiz-can her shipper and get someone far more reliable! If theyre backed up I get it, say so and I won't count on anything, but just this bs shipper issue is getting old! Especially when new vendors are getting orders out...
Also, given I get nothing for the trouble of late orders...never get extras as many others here say they do, etc...And with the price increases I guess I just expect more ya know? Argh....so irritated right now!
Sorry, but just seriously bumming having to alter plans again!!!