Donation questions

You have ID? Because I don't think you need a driver's license. You should be able to use any form of government ID. I'm not even sure you need that with Coinbase so long as you have a bank account. 
Coinbase required me to have a valid state ID to set  up a account.I would try and find a Bitcoin ATM those are the easiest.

@Jesse  Any suggestions for when you don't have a bank?  I just have a debit card and I also don't have a smartphone because of my social anxiety, so I just don't need one, and so I can't use bct machines.  I do have a pp account, a debit card and a laptop..   if that helps at all..? 

@Jesse  Any suggestions for when you don't have a bank?  I just have a debit card and I also don't have a smartphone because of my social anxiety, so I just don't need one, and so I can't use bct machines.  I do have a pp account, a debit card and a laptop..   if that helps at all..? 
Only thing I can think of would be to open a bank account. I don't have a smartphone either, but that hasn't presented any problems for me. The bitcoin ATMs are expensive and rare. The closest one to me is something like six hours away. I have yet to hear of fees on them that aren't highway robbery. Not sure about PP or using a debit card not tied to a bank. Your better bet is probably to just open a bank account. Or look for vendors that don't require bitcoin, but since they all seem to be headed that way, at least donation gives you a reason to experiment with bitcoin without worrying about losing or tying up a significant amount of money.

please help admin after a long time learning ropes of btc and wallets and  opsec etc etc (and shout out to encouragment and help from A here), I FINALLY managed to get account from reputable exchange YEAH! However, when I try to save the donation address listed in the closed how to donate thread above from 2017 I think, it says the addy for btc donations is updated and current. However,. I created wallets on a few different sites electrum, wasabi, and more and when I go to send or even add the DGB donation btc addy it keeps saying "invalid address". Could somebody please with cininiman and sugar on my request explain if I am doing something incorrect or if the addreess not right one, posted elsewhere. Anything. I have coin to donate and I've enjoyed this forum and reading a variety of articles here I want to do my part know I've tackled I think crypto (and funny thing, its taken me a week or so and I've actually made money since it went on a short run in past couple days. Thank you in advance for link to addy or if I'm copying it wrong. I'm really confused. Thanks everyone. peace love happy new year to all 2020 -M

I just tried it as well -  got an error showing invalid address.   The btc addy may need to be updated - I am going to wait till tomorrow and see if there is an update

I just tried it as well -  got an error showing invalid address.   The btc addy may need to be updated - I am going to wait till tomorrow and see if there is an update
Curious.. If an address is in the proper format I've never seen a wallet refuse it. That's usually the only check the software does before sending.
If you are copy/pasting there maybe some web formatting included that you can't see. Try paste without format or paste as plain text if that's an option on your OS.

I'm having the same problem.

I'd like to renew my sponsorship, but when I try to send

btc to the posted DBG wallet I also get: "Invalid Address".

Never had this problem before. I messaged DBG through

"contact us" 2 days ago, but haven't received any response.

The address show as valid on the blockchain.  Its a multi-sign address (starts with 3 instead of 1), and i thought every wallet supported them at this point, but maybe not?  I know people have had trouble sending to multi-sign addresses from certain exchanges like Coinbase in the past, but i imagine everyone here is using a private wallet (hopefully!).  Curious which wallets the people who are having troubles are using?

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@Roxyanne @brkaleg I made another donation yesterday(I’m already a sponsor, but I try to help support DBG by throwing a few bucks in the collection tin whenever I end up with a little extra BTC in my wallet), and it worked just fine. Received a thank you from Admin so he must’ve gotten the money. Maybe it’s the wallet you use?

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I'm Using a Blockchain wallet which I'v been

using for around 8 years with no problems.

I'll try again.

Sorry if it's already been said. To bump up to another rank do we need to pay the full price or does our current rank come out of it? $5 for the next rank after opal for example. 

Got an email from admin that

the wallet address changed.

Just sent $15 btc to that wallet w/o a hitch.

Not sure what was up w/ the other wallet.?

You guys should be receiving it in a 1/2 hour or so.

Hi, I just donated but did not have an option to give a note with my username. What is the best way to verify my donation?


logged on today and it looks like my sponsorship has lapsed so i just made my annual donation! this forum has been a huge help in the past year and i'm extremely grateful, so thanks to the DBG admins and everybody who i've encountered on here. much love to all.
hey @Admin can you look into my sponsor status please? i made my annual donation in october but as of logging in tonight it appears i'm not currently a sponsor. everything was good last time i logged in a day or two ago so not sure what happened. thank you!

dennisrodman said:
Hey I donated just now. Who do I contact to upgarde my account. Sent my username with the payment. 
Admin email is the contact us button at the bottom of each page .It can take up to 24 hrs but if u contact him its possible that your upgrade will be quicker.

I have tried to find a link or moderator to email me with an answer to my question

Where can I get the wallet address to donate bitcoin so I can become a sponsor and get access to to us and email vendors lists? Who do I contact after my donation for instructions on how to log into the us/mexico/email vendor's lists? I have read and reread the link about donations several times, but it does not give out a moderator to contact or how to go about getting the info once the donation is made. I use cash app to buy/sell/transfer bitcoin all the time. I am guessing that would work here as well? Thank you.

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@admin Is the current Bitcoin address on the link (from the 2017 link) valid and current? If not, can you please post the updated wallet address. I am ready to donate and become a sponsor, already got bitcoin in my CashApp wallet!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. L @ LW815: Hey everybody, just wanted to put out a warning that @rhodium has an imposter emailer, same email but with an extra c.
  2. L @ LW815: Hey everybody, just wanted to put out a warning that @rhodium has an imposter emailer, same email but with an extra c.
  3. P @ PennyE: @Deepnorth i'm glad you're hanging in there. It's good to see old faces still around there still seems to be a couple of vendors that are excellent. Just not like the good old days but nothing is.
  4. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @PennyE hey there!!!!! Long time things are bleak. Luckily we have each other!!!! It truly is immeasurable ;) hope you are well. Good to see ya!
  5. R @ rhodium: @scarred14 check dns
  6. S @ scarred14: what happened turbo?
  7. S @ scarred14: rhody can u loook at your email nothing major just a quick question. need your knowledge and input lol
  8. L @ lovOFopisndwn: whats going on ive been sort of out the loop?
  9. T @ Turbo259: thanks to @everyone, we are working through it the best we can, not going so well right now, feels like a nightmare that i cant escape playing on loop, appreciate every prayer from each and every one of you, many thanks from all of us we need the love
  10. H @ hotdog45: @Turbo259 the only way things can work out is the way they are supposed to. Sometimes thinking about difficult things that way helps me. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and send positivity your way.
  11. H @ hotdog45: @Turbo259 the only way things can work out is the way they are supposed to. Sometimes thinking about difficult things that way helps me. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and send positivity your way.
  12. CnC5 @ CnC5: @Turbo259 Prayers for you & your family friend! I hope everything is ok brother! 🙏🏻
  13. KingKong2 @ KingKong2: Cannedgoods is back
  14. R @ Rx4health: Hi to you all....Have a great day and Of course TURBO259, Wish all will be better for you and all of yours Bud, Hang in there Bud ! ! ! God Bless You !
  15. T @ Turbo259: just wanted to thank yall for your prayers, unfortunately things went south and never even made it to this fridays appointment, if yall could gimme one more for the family and myself for health, peace and recovery id appreciate it, we suffered a horrible loss and its been a rollercoaster, sorry to vent on yall but i needed to thank you and get it out...blessings to all
  16. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @PennyE granted I've only been around since the end of summer, I think things are going just fine really... I will say that I have noticed a recent influx of questionable publishers, but in my experience over the years across different platforms, that's just kind of par for the course in this game (sorry for being long-winded as usual lol)
  17. C @ Careb3ar: Prayers and good vibes turbo259
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: LOVE 2all!!well at least most...teehee
  19. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Somebody call? Nyuk nyuk..
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE there's been a few fallouts here and there but we still have good company