Some really good advice here. Cheers to everyone trying to cut, wean, get off from benzo's. I was prescribed these from my Dr. for sleep problems for almost 12 years. Long story short, my house burned down and at the hospital for smoke inhalation, I asked for a stronger dosage of pain meds and my neighbor who had come to support me reported to the doc that I had a problem with PM's. They threw me in the pysch lock up and the next thing I know I am in court mandated rehab. They did not wean me off the atiVa*s and I started to hallucinate every night. Hearing and seeing people in my room - scary shit!! They did put me on trazadone for sleep and that has been a god send. Works really well along with the muscle relaxer tizanidine - a good sedating one that I only take at night. If anyone needs a good muscle R, I highly recommend it. I can only take it at night because it really zonks me out. Plus, it helps to prevent my serious muscle spasms that cause my migraines. Been having one of those for over a week. Damn, I sure do wish I could moderate my intake of the opie's that help with those, but I just struggle SO hard to keep my hands off that bottle. The main reason that I luv those things is that they give me the most energy. I could clean the bathroom with a toothbrush! I have struggled with these things for over 10 yrs. - ever since I found em while in treatment for almost stage 4 cancer. Been cancer free for 10 years, but not free from wanting the damn things... I believe that if I could get a few months off and go to the rooms, I could have a fighting chance.
I managed to make it to a meeting last night. I thought I was going to a chemically dependent one, but turned out to be aa. I really needed to talk to someone. Met a few nice people. If I would make a better commitment to myself, I would go more often. I really like the people I met at one of the groups. I just have to make myself get in the car and drive there. It is not rocket science, you just have to make it a priority... sorry I am rambling. I have alot of respect for folks who try to help themselves. Everyone in this thread is very brave!
Thanks for letting me get some shit off my chest. FS