Thanks for the kind words everyone, I just want it to remain civil (I know it's very hard when tensions are high cos we've all been fucked over royally here). No matter how angry we all are over this,, It's not fair to put the blame on admins and mods cos they didn't protect us from ourselves.
I got duped into believing all his lies, that's why I got fucked over and it's my fault I should've read the clues, but I got hasty and took a dumb risk, this is the second time I've been scammed in a row and I'm in a very bad financial situation because of it, so please no one think I'm sitting pretty here. I'm just as screwed as everyone else ... We all believed his bullshit cos he's slick with his words, clearly an old pro.
@FreemanPharma can eat dicks and he'll get his when the chickens come home to roost.
The fact that he was trashing the forum (I was not aware of this), means he was definitely lying the whole time with all those excuses... even when he said someone caused an issue by making an inquiry with the postal service was probably complete horseshit. I'm absolutely livid I actually believed that bullshit.
I think it's time to cut our losses and move on, getting angry over it only hurts our own mental state at this point...
All that being said, maybe it might be a good idea to make a policy of no Telegram use for vendors? Instant ban or a warning for vendors who try to hook us in to their slimy TG accounts lol.
@Admin @Gracie5 - Just my two cents... You guys know what ur doing anyway and I trust ur decisions, I've been here for a decade now and never once got scammed until I got hasty and decided to take a chance with less reputable vendors. I let impatience get the better of me cos my usual go to's weren't available... I was so impatient I couldn't even wait a week

... that impatience literally drained my bank account and I've got no one to blame but myself.
Be safe everyone! Plenty of vendors here with years of experience and pages of stellar reviews. So if you want to be safe, just go with them... don't take risks with new vendors unless ur prepared to get assfucked. It's always gunna be a 50/50 if they only have a small amount of reviews, so don't forget to bring the lube!