
EVERYTHING is made and either went iut or is dropping tommorow for monday pick up. If I didn't send you your tracking number email me for it now please. I'm sorry for the back up, every single one of you has extra mags in your order now look guys, I understand your mad about the wait. Please try to keep in mind I'm one person, not a crew or group of people. It's not as simple as going to the local Barnes and nobles and picking up all the good reading material I can find. These mags are in different City’s I have to constantly run back and forth to. One of the favorite novels on the menu hasnt been printed recently here, I had to go two STATES away to pick up my subscriptions to keep it on the menu, No bullshit either!

I've been a vendor for what? 7- 8 months now, I've never taken a dime from any of my clients, I've never NOT send a mag out to anyone and I always have, and will continue to consistently offer high quality, exclusive shit. Guys if I don't get back to you right away, trust and believe it's not because I'm ignoring you. If you order from me, your gonna get it. Period. 100% of the time.

I can't keep letting these orders get backed up Family. I'm sorry but until I can find sufficient,trustworthy and reliable help I have to set a minimum order limit. As soon as I find help, I'll take it off. Now Monday, everyone will see movement on tracking. Again email me if I haven't sent you yours yet.

BTW, New batch of f** is in, just came tonight. Grade A shit. Previous batch is still in as well. Stay safe Family and I'm sorry for the back up.
Hey the good news is I’ve waited so long and still am, well into double digits… that I’ve dried out and just tested negative for the strain. 🤣 how ironic right? But it was pretty brutal.
I'm so sorry, there's an extra $400 worth of mags in your order
Still in label status @Ghost666 it’s almost 2 weeks please let’s just refund bc I held on since u said over the weekend to me that you would send something fast to me ASAP while I waited and I don’t see that either. So that’s 2 balls in the air. Please 🙏🏽 Correct this.
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Well folks, here is an update on my own personal experience at this bookstore thus far. So after my original post, I was finally able to talk to the manager fairly quickly. I won’t go into detail about that just yet because, well, I am still holding out hope, lol. But I was told I would get two books instead of one, so that kind of helps with the weeks of wasted time and getting nothing, I guess. I am not ungrateful for the extra but I would have rather had what, and when ,I ordered and I am not normally a complainer over the small things or mistakes. I can understand that running a publishing company is probably hard, and we all know that there are some people that you will never satisfy regardless of what you do, lol. But I was told that it would be doubled and on its way that same day. Keep in mind this is the first time the manager says that he was made aware of the situation, so a few days and a few emails later I received TN, and I was happy about that for about a day. But come to find out it's just that a label had been made but never picked up or dropped off, or never made it into the hands of the people that it should have. So I am not sure what to think about it, lol. I had an assuring talk with the manager yesterday all is good now so says he lol and was told it was out the door, but my ID or TN says otherwise. But on the upside, when talking to the manager, he was nice, polite, and does seem like a cool dude other than this whole deal. Unfortunately I can only judge by the weeks I have been without my book fair funds or books.But it’s not fair for anyone to be tied up in some antique books or not get to read them at all. And then there are some people that might just be getting by as it is but still yet need to read every day to function well, or maybe worse, function at all. Not saying anything bad of said people because they always seem to be good, honest, hardworking people that in today's world barely get by. It definitely blows and It is a hit for me but can be way worse for others that could in different situations. All it takes is honesty. If there is a problem, at the very least be honest about what happened and respond in some way to let us know what’s happening so that we can rearrange things for ourselves. All I can say at this point is we will see. I hope to report back something good. But to anyone looking for books and if it’s a must-read for you, then I would be very cautious.
Oh everything @Jeff1014 said is the carbon copy of my experience.

Not getting any responses after attempts today and yesterday to see what’s going on and to just get this over with and refunded. Bc all this thing is is a piece of paper with words on it but it doesn’t symbolize an action.

And now I was told there is another ball in the air to make up for the one that is floating in outer space or maybe not floating at all. But that was just to keep me hopeful for about 10 hours. Pretty cruel. Its statistically near impossible for trouble to only occur after money is in hand. But while we are talking about money in hands, I want my money in my hands and I want to wash my hands of this and try again when things change.

It’s the decent thing to do. I never wanted shit to go this far, I pay about 4 seconds after I say I will. I do what I say to a TEE. I’m at my whits fucking end.

This happens to me/others a lot more than G thinks. I got the receipts. Looks like 3 of the last 10 were ON. Several were 5-8 days, 1 was 10, and now we’ve got one for 13. If things are ever gonna change we have to have the same understanding of the truth.

*btw I’ve tried many times to get a response over last 2 days and I’ve gotten some responses here and there but it’s been a battle to get a few sentences and those sentences don’t give me anything to work with.
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Well folks, here is an update on my own personal experience at this bookstore thus far. So after my original post, I was finally able to talk to the manager fairly quickly. I won’t go into detail about that just yet because, well, I am still holding out hope, lol. But I was told I would get two books instead of one, so that kind of helps with the weeks of wasted time and getting nothing, I guess. I am not ungrateful for the extra but I would have rather had what, and when ,I ordered and I am not normally a complainer over the small things or mistakes. I can understand that running a publishing company is probably hard, and we all know that there are some people that you will never satisfy regardless of what you do, lol. But I was told that it would be doubled and on its way that same day. Keep in mind this is the first time the manager says that he was made aware of the situation, so a few days and a few emails later I received TN, and I was happy about that for about a day. But come to find out it's just that a label had been made but never picked up or dropped off, or never made it into the hands of the people that it should have. So I am not sure what to think about it, lol. I had an assuring talk with the manager yesterday all is good now so says he lol and was told it was out the door, but my ID or TN says otherwise. But on the upside, when talking to the manager, he was nice, polite, and does seem like a cool dude other than this whole deal. Unfortunately I can only judge by the weeks I have been without my book fair funds or books.But it’s not fair for anyone to be tied up in some antique books or not get to read them at all. And then there are some people that might just be getting by as it is but still yet need to read every day to function well, or maybe worse, function at all. Not saying anything bad of said people because they always seem to be good, honest, hardworking people that in today's world barely get by. It definitely blows and It is a hit for me but can be way worse for others that could in different situations. All it takes is honesty. If there is a problem, at the very least be honest about what happened and respond in some way to let us know what’s happening so that we can rearrange things for ourselves. All I can say at this point is we will see. I hope to report back something good. But to anyone looking for books and if it’s a must-read for you, then I would be very cautious.
yes i am also having the same experience. the manager is always a pleasure to speak to and is extremely patient with me and my never ending emails. as he is only one dude i understand what it's like to scramble around i truly commend their efforts to make everyone happy(impossible). yet on my ID i'm still not see anything other than labels. it is a bit disappointing as i had ordered ON for a reason almost a week ago (doesn't matter any more) but to not see any movement after being told that it would happen kinda sucks. i like to think im a patient person but this is definitely testing me and my willingness to order again
@Ghost666 it’s about 2 weeks and the label is a week old. I hate to do this but u won’t respond. So I will have to reach out to admin if I don’t hear from u today with a refund.

I suggest @Jeff1014 @gomjb1 and anyone else waiting this long to do the same if not refunded. Patience gets u absolutely nowhere. Trust me. It just gives the vendor a is NOT our burden to bear that he’s one person. He took our order as one person and never told us shit about delays at the time we gave coin. He continued to take new orders while other orders still were not out.

In fact what could be the delay if mine was dropped a week ago? Yet every day after that he promised he would drop next day next day next day next day. How? If it was already dropped how can it re-drop? We didn’t pay for friendly responses. Well now I get no responses at all.
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@Ghost666 it’s about 2 weeks and the label is a week old. I hate to do this but u won’t respond. So I will have to reach out to admin if I don’t hear from u today with a refund.

I suggest @Jeff1014 @gomjb1 and anyone else waiting this long to do the same if not refunded. Patience gets u absolutely nowhere. Trust me. It just gives the vendor a is NOT our burden to bear that he’s one person. He took our order as one person and never told us shit about delays at the time we gave coin. He continued to take new orders while other orders still were not out.

In fact what could be the delay if mine was dropped a week ago? Yet every day after that he promised he would drop next day next day next day next day. How? If it was already dropped how can it re-drop? We didn’t pay for friendly responses. Well now I get no responses at all.
I spent $500 and sent it to another vendor didn't receive after a,months I contacted and ghost decided to send me what I needed free of charge. I will deal with him from now on.
If anyone's mag hasn't moved by tommorow morning (NOT SHIPPED out already) please let me know on HERE.
@Ghost666 it’s about 2 weeks and the label is a week old. I hate to do this but u won’t respond. So I will have to reach out to admin if I don’t hear from u today with a refund.

I suggest @Jeff1014 @gomjb1 and anyone else waiting this long to do the same if not refunded. Patience gets u absolutely nowhere. Trust me. It just gives the vendor a is NOT our burden to bear that he’s one person. He took our order as one person and never told us shit about delays at the time we gave coin. He continued to take new orders while other orders still were not out.

In fact what could be the delay if mine was dropped a week ago? Yet every day after that he promised he would drop next day next day next day next day. How? If it was already dropped how can it re-drop? We didn’t pay for friendly responses. Well now I get no responses at all.
Same boat, hear that!
I spent $500 and sent it to another vendor didn't receive after a,months I contacted and ghost decided to send me what I needed free of charge. I will deal with him from now on.

You’re telling me u got $500 dollars of free product because someone else took ur money?

Funny you never posted that random act of kindness here unless I missed it. And if I did my apologies. Sounds like something someone would post about if it happened. 🧐

Well anyway ya’ll, I’m outtie 5. Nothing here I can add that will add value. I don’t want to clog up the thread and keep beating a dead horse. Signing off, friends. Good luck!

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You’re telling me u got $500 dollars of free product because someone else took ur money?

Funny you never posted that random act of kindness here unless I missed it. And if I did my apologies. Sounds like something someone would post about if it happened. 🧐

Well anyway ya’ll, I’m outtie 5. Nothing here I can add that will add value. I don’t want to clog up the thread and keep beating a dead horse. Signing off, friends. Good luck!

First of all I sent 500 to a Chinese retailer by accident. I thought it was ghost. I just mentioned to him what had happened and he did his homework and indeed it was not sent to him. He was kind enough to offer what I ordered. I was very surprised and I don't expect 500 worth of product but ghost is top notch. Even if I don't receive anything it's ok. My loss.
Well, guys, here is my final thoughts , lol. I will do my best to give my experience rather than my opinions. No one wants to hear that, with the exception of this one. Because I do care about honesty . So, if you are new to book collecting, I would definitely check out some of the other fine stores around. As I am kind of new, but not really, I have never had issues. Smooth sailing, great collections, and they have the reading materials to you without fail. This one is a little bit different some have had no issue with this publisher, but myself and others not so lucky.You just really have to read a lot and trust your instincts. But anyway, live and learn.Now for the facts, I ordered a book and made my donation as it goes normally but I needed to do some quick reading on a few subjects.Finding the right book to read and getting it fast can be a bit of a issue sometimes. So It was supposed to be here the very next day. They say time is worth money, and it definitely was in my case. So, after tons of trying to contact the store, I was getting nothing no one at the store would pick up or return my messages until the exact time I started my review. “You can go back and look at everything.” Then I was contacted fast, but the only answer was it’s going today (but it didn’t). After a week or so, nothing but talk and then silince again and I was starting to think I was getting “ghosted“lol and then after that I wrote a bit more of my book report here. Then the manager got back to me only to give me the same story until finally TN shows up after simmering with that for about a week. No movement. I decided to continue my review, and then books started moving and Touch Down, but the pass was a little short, and fumbled in the endzone because I was missing a whole book that was supposed to come ya know, to cover the donation for my books not getting to me the next day and that was a generous donation as well. So in my ending of my book The publisher gave me every possible excuse, I don't know if any was true or not but if any were then the manager was having a worse day than I am now but just like in collecting books and the game of fooseball sometimes you just get ripped down the spine lol or you just have to take one for the team your welcome, on the up side. He did seem cool, nice enough, all that, maybe even sorry that Whatever happened did happen, and I was very ok with him just making it right, and that didn’t happen either. So I am going to be honest either way I didn't want to take time to write all this lol Butttt I hold no grudges or want any back and forth he said she said stuff I get enough of that at home lol but . It is what it is. I just don’t want others to do as I did. That’s all. I wish I would’ve read a little more beforehand, but I am always looking for good book deals. So believe who you want or don’t. Some say great things, but if you are new, look at any other publisher for sure. Or if you like missing books that take weeks to get and then only get half, or maybe you just don’t care about half of your donations going towards who knows what, definitely not books then just join this book club. If not, then you have been made aware of my personal experience . Can’t say you will have the same but I gave it honestly so
The End..
alright review time for my first go with ghost :)

we'll start by saying that shipping and comms will not be included as if you read the thread there was a whole thing recently, doesn't really matter as long as G delivers which he does. i will just review the product itself.

okay so i ordered the nod god reading material 1 magazine. i don't have a stupid high tolerance and this is my first read with these editions as i'm generally a fan of the first edition roofing t@r fomula manuals. i read with foil usually and a little bit got me where i wanted to be so that's all i can ask for really. solid reading about trails will probably keep me entertained for hours on end. might try reading intranasal material but will probably stick to foil as that's my preferred reading method. so far i'm what i'm reading about is it's GREAT high and okay legs for what it is.
so definitely solid product 5/5 will keep upping it slowly as im not here to kill myself.

stealth was amazing. thats all i will say on that 5/5.

either way im happy with my purchase and hope do to more in the future!

Finally came. 15 day turnaround after promised it would ship 2 hours after coin. Also promised I’d get a second pack which I did not. And that my order WAS sent and doubled but it’s less than what I ordered in terms of the one thing I ordered. He threw in a freebie. But he absolutely did not - as many times as he swore he did and even said it in this board - throw in any extra of the item I orfered. In fact its short. He talked about my pack on this board as though it was already sent with $400 extra in books???? Really odd to make up a precise dollar amount that wasn’t even there. Absolutely not, like I said he didn’t even give me the amount I ordered. And to throw salt in the wound he didn’t even send it the fastest service.

This was ROUGH, and to wait that long and be told lie after lie and then not give the extra that was promised. And short me. I don’t know what happened but he had a pretty good thing going and I was a damn loyal and forgiving customer and he REALLY screwed me. I wouldn’t order again unless I received the item first. Too scary to depend on. I’m testing this stuff bc it looks off in texture, so I will update when my tools come. I don’t really want to make another post but if I know something I feel a responsibility to share it if it helps increase safety.

- AS
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Finally came. 15 day turnaround after promised it would ship 2 hours after coin. Also promised I’d get a second pack which I did not. And that my order WAS sent and doubled but it’s less than what I ordered in terms of the one thing I ordered. He threw in a freebie. But he absolutely did not - as many times as he swore he did and even said it in this board - throw in any extra of the item I orfered. In fact its short. He talked about my pack on this board as though it was already sent with $400 extra in books???? Really odd to make up a precise dollar amount that wasn’t even there. Absolutely not, like I said he didn’t even give me the amount I ordered. And to throw salt in the wound he didn’t even send it the fastest service.

This was ROUGH, and to wait that long and be told lie after lie and then not give the extra that was promised. And short me. I don’t know what happened but he had a pretty good thing going and I was a damn loyal and forgiving customer and he REALLY screwed me. I wouldn’t order again unless I received the item first. Too scary to depend on. I’m testing this stuff so I will update when my tools come.

- AS
Annasofia ,

You were the one who put me on game to G. You were very positive about your interactions with G. You gave me the willingness to deal with him. You made me feel like he was a stand-up guy but the way he has treated you with nontruths makes me think twice. As you may have known I lost to an overseas vendor and G was willing to provide the lost items, It makes me doubt. I hope he makes it up to you. You deserve it especially with all your positive commentary. As for me, I can only wish he come through. I'm hurting. G seems to be a good guy. Maybe he just had a hiccup.
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alright review time for my first go with ghost :)

we'll start by saying that shipping and comms will not be included as if you read the thread there was a whole thing recently, doesn't really matter as long as G delivers which he does. i will just review the product itself.

okay so i ordered the nod god reading material 1 magazine. i don't have a stupid high tolerance and this is my first read with these editions as i'm generally a fan of the first edition roofing t@r fomula manuals. i read with foil usually and a little bit got me where i wanted to be so that's all i can ask for really. solid reading about trails will probably keep me entertained for hours on end. might try reading intranasal material but will probably stick to foil as that's my preferred reading method. so far i'm what i'm reading about is it's GREAT high and okay legs for what it is.
so definitely solid product 5/5 will keep upping it slowly as im not here to kill myself.

stealth was amazing. thats all i will say on that 5/5.

either way im happy with my purchase and hope do to more in the future!

i just want to add please be careful with this stuff as it is strong. and always test your shit! lots of love guys
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @porkandbeansboy that is a fact.
  2. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  3. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  4. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  6. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  7. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  8. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  9. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  10. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  11. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  12. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  13. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  14. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  15. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!
  16. K @ knofflebon: Mornin. Came across something pretty interesting in the news. Try searching the name J0@nne Seg0vi@
  17. L @ Lookyloo: Yesterday people couldn’t even get out of town due to gas shortages and gridlocked traffic, it’s gonna be rough I’d imagine. I hate to imagine the homeless and those without a way out or shelter.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: i would hope people aren't taking it lightly considering the tampa mayor literally said if you don't leave you're going to die
  19. B @ bigblueallda: I went through Katrina. Please if you live in the Florida panhandle do not take this lightly. My town was devastated. We were without power for 3 weeks. So be prepared. And prayers up!
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: I hope everyone affected by these hurricanes is safe. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for safety.