
@Ghost666 I would really appreciate if you just coin me back. It’s been long enough, I have subscribed with three other publishers here and gotten all mags. You were the first and I have received nothing, emails go ignored, I get the same excuse over and over, you publicly make promises that go unmet.

This is at least the third time I have publicly asked you to send my coin back. Please do not respond with I will get my mags, if I was I would have already received them. I don’t want them….. I want nothing from you but my coin please. You continue to say you are all this and that so why not prove that you are what you say you are and just shoot my coin back over to me.

You have asked several times for anyone that has not received their mags to say so and I know that I am one of at least three others that has received nothing. I would say there are more that just won’t speak up for some reason or another.

Just shoot my coin back over dude and let’s just be done with this whole saga.

I xhecked tracking numbers earlier six people received their items but of course they don't come on here and say that that's that's what I'm saying they just let my let my reputation go down the shitter
they don't come on here and say they receive their items they don't come on here and say that they literally had $300 worth of extra items in their fucking package and I know they have them because it says fucking delivered on the tracking number. Idc anymore, without reputation your done. I suggest @CnC5 . Hes a great vendor with a great repI cant deal with the bullshit anymore.

If you sent my pack out then email me upon reading this. ‘after i paid, you said “got it” and I’ve heard nothing since, received no communication or answers to my very valid queries…I bet you don’t know who I am and just reply with the same generic platitudes, outraged that people are destroying your name by simply using the forum as it’s meant to be used, to describe their own experiences with vendors to help the community make better informed decisions.

if you have time to be on here as much as you are, and have time to go through and respond to a dozen different clients specifically on the public because it determines a large fraction of your earning potential. But ignoring a new client basically gives you a paycheck. you have time to find one fact about my order to prove you I even am.
So I emailed this guy as he said “all loyal customers who haveht received a pack” (going on a month post payment overnight shipping and zero contact since payment) but today I emailed again Abd this dude responds WITH HIS MENU rather than acknowledging any of my emails or order
@Ghost666 Dude...... I emailed you and as usual, no response. WTF?
I have BEEN emailing you. A lot. And finally got a response today , or rather, not a response, a scam attempt. An automated generic menu was the only thing in the first contact I’ve received after a month of zero info and no packs. Dude I even tipped you IN ADVANCE AS A NEW BUYER TO CREATE A GOOD LONH STANDING RELATIONSHIP AS A CLIENT. If you’d actually sent the tiny amount of msg I ordered but paid over $300 for with my generous gratuity, you’d have gained a regular client with disposable income who ALWAYS tips my vendors at least $50 in advance of an order being sent. 3 vendors on here can confirm this for you if you try to call me out like I’m making shit up. I have such good relationships with those vendors that they would literally take the time to email you backing up my statement of spending several k on each vendor per month not including gratuity. But you missed the boat on that one since a well known highly rated sympathetic vendor (who I’ve never used) actually saw these posts and sent me what you were supposed to FOR FREE. And they didn’t even attempt to get me to place a paid order after, it was an act of highly generous kindness that ALL humans have the capacity iof, but few put into practice because they see themselves as the sun, the most important being on earth.You will always get back whatever you put out into the universe, maybe not immediately, but eventually it’ll come back to you, so i fear for what karma has in store for you.
If you sent my pack out then email me upon reading this. ‘after i paid, you said “got it” and I’ve heard nothing since, received no communication or answers to my very valid queries…I bet you don’t know who I am and just reply with the same generic platitudes, outraged that people are destroying your name by simply using the forum as it’s meant to be used, to describe their own experiences with vendors to help the community make better informed decisions.

if you have time to be on here as much as you are, and have time to go through and respond to a dozen different clients specifically on the public because it determines a large fraction of your earning potential. But ignoring a new client basically gives you a paycheck. you have time to find one fact about my order to prove you I even am.

Seems there are several of us this is going on with. I have already chalked this up as a learning experience and I know I am not going to see my coin nor my subscription so I have just let it go. At this point I am just monitoring what is happening with this guy and how long this will be allowed to drag out.
@Admin what else do you need? Is this dude seriously worth having on your forum publicly announcing he is scamming people? @Mokachin0 @jimbocut classic vendor scam exit, hope you guys didn't lose too much. I am glad I never spend more than I can afford to lose because you never know when someone like this will make an exit. I would imagine he is not seeing too many subscriptions from here anymore and didn't like me telling the truth as he so many times asked me to do throughout his other thread(s). Again @Ghost666 thank you for finally admitting you scammed me and even more so thank you for publicly admitting it. @Mokachin0 @jimbocut how many times has this dude asked to be emailed if you haven't received your mags?

BTW, for those that did not see this, it is from the shout box. Such a shame.

View attachment 4885
I think he meant that differently than you interpreted it. Pretty sure he was trying to say "why would I spend the money on your label if I was scamming you?"
I think he meant that differently than you interpreted it. Pretty sure he was trying to say "why would I spend the money on your label if I was scamming you?"

Regardless… if you have seen the emails and communications from this guy, it could be interpreted as many different ways as there are people that read it. I suppose I need to start posting screenshots of emails so you, especially those of you that has nothing to do with this, can see just how unhinged this dude is.

There is no dispute whatsoever with any other publisher here, and I have subscribed with a few, Ghost being the first one. Until I see something or some of the others that are stating they have received nothing, one or two that subscribed before me, this is a a classic exit scam. As I have said before, I have worked in e-commerce and anyone can print labels for a few bucks as a tactic. I paid for ON and this pr!0r!ty. A bit of a difference in the cost for each.
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Donated on 09/20 and I still haven't seen my pack. Wasn't planning on leaving a negative review because I've seen all the chaos on this thread and wanted to give Gh0st some time to make things right. However, at this point I doubt I'll ever see my donation and need to leave my honest feedback for other DBG members. I'm hopeful that Gh0st get's his operation in order and makes this right for everyone, but it's not looking good from my perspective and the rest of the reviews on here. First time I've been burned on this site by a reputable vend0r! Been doing this for a long time and it comes with the territory, but still stings regardless. Every time I reach out, he says that he sent it a while back. Promised me a TN after I donated but every time I ask him for a TN, he doesn't respond or "Ghosts" me. Followed up with him last week and he responded quickly, but yet again, I was ghosted after asking for TN. Willing to change this review if things are made right with me, but for now:
Customer Service 0/10
St3alth 0/10
Mags 0/10
Everything Else 0/10

Regardless… if you have seen the emails and communications from this guy, it could be interpreted as many different ways as there are people that read it. I suppose I need to start posting screenshots of emails so you, especially those of you that has nothing to do with this, can see just how unhinged this dude is.

There is no dispute whatsoever with any other publisher here, and I have subscribed with a few, Ghost being the first one, there is no dispute whatsoever.

Until I see something or some of the others that are stating they have received nothing, one or two that subscribed before me, this is a a classic exit scam.

As I have said before, I have worked in e-commerce and anyone can print labels for a few bucks as a tactic. I paid for ON and this pr!0r!ty. A bit difference in costs.
Idk if I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but you might be surprised exactly just how much I have had to do with this lol. Obviously not your case in particular, but the situation in general.

Regardless, you're not wrong. I have noticed several times even recently (here on DBG) people paying for labels and then nada. I'm not necessarily defending them, just stating that what you pointed out wasn't an admission.
Idk if I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but you might be surprised exactly just how much I have had to do with this lol. Obviously not your case in particular, but the situation in general.

Regardless, you're not wrong. I have noticed several times even recently (here on DBG) people paying for labels and then nada. I'm not necessarily defending them, just stating that what you pointed out wasn't an admission.

No worries, friend. It has been a ride with this dude and everyone else I have subscribed with, flawless, I believe at this point it has been at four, maybe five publishers. It's all good, part of the game we choose to play when we come to paces like this. You saw where he asked me once again to email him my info, well that's at least the fourth time, several publicly If I remember correctly, so just like @LittleDarkAge, I have no faith anything will arrive nor will I will be coined back and I have accepted that.

I just want others to be aware of what's going on because there are people that doesn't necessarily have money to lose, then those on limited / fixed incomes that put faith in vendors, and of course those that go out everyday and break their back for a living and work very hard for their money and it can become a huge issue for some folks to just up and lose money or it take forever to receive a magazine.

We are all good brother, no worries! If you are playing a part in trying to help everyone get what they are supposed to be getting, thank you, very much appreciated!
***Proceed with caution, no packs have landed the last 3-4 weeks***

Continues to accept orders and payments, beware!
Following up on my review. Yesterday my donation actually landed and I was super excited that it finally came through for me. Unfortunately, I only got 1 out of 3 mags that I donated for. He loaded me up on the one mag that I did receive and I'm just happy that I got something out of my donation. Will not be donating again and would advise others to avoid.
Dude's name is literally GHOST. Was bound to happen eventually. Just sayin'

Anybody who got burned by this dipshit gets 20% off their next order with me. Just use promo code IGotBurnedByThatAssholeGhost when placing your order. Include your order details including how much you ordered, of what, and how much you paid for it. I

It doesn't make up for getting robbed by this jackass, but it is my small contribution to repairing your faith and trust in the vendors of this site. Most of us are good people like yourselves but some of us are hopeless shitbirds that would steal from their own mothers to feed their habit.

I'm CalFresh, and just like foodstamps you can count on me to bridge the gap between what you need and what you can normally afford.

Stay frosty folks, the world is full of vampires!
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I was a new member when I first started reporting on this guy however I am not new to this game. I hope everyone has been able to see what happened as I was one of the first ones to call this POS out. I even reported to Admin. Look where we are now.... I say this in hopes that people here, that have been here, that are new, be able to trust me when I point something out.
Dude has been complained about for a long time by multiple people. This last stint was just the straw that broke the camel’s back because G had never gone more than a couple weeks to send stuff out. The whole thread has been full of good trusted people pointing him out. But then G would bounce back. So it made it difficult for staff to follow bc it was and has been a rollercoaster. The difference this time is that he hasn’t bounced back. Trust me, many brave souls have walked this road months ago.
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Dude's name is literally GHOST. Was bound to happen eventually. Just sayin'

Anybody who got burned by this dipshit gets 20% off their next order with me. Just use promo code IGotBurnedByThatAssholeGhost when placing your order. Include your order details including how much you ordered, of what, and how much you paid for it. I

It doesn't make up for getting robbed by this jackass, but it is my small contribution to repairing your faith and trust in the vendors of this site. Most of us are good people like yourselves but some of us are hopeless shitbirds that would steal from their own mothers to feed their habit.

I'm CalFresh, and just like foodstamps you can count on me to bridge the gap between what you need and what you can normally afford.

Stay frosty folks, the world is full of vampires!
Just want to say this vendor (@CalFresh ) is sincere. I was planning to order a few weeks ago but lost my home in hurricane Helene (I live in Asheville), and when I reached out letting them know I’d have to wait to order until i had a new permanent mailing address, they replied with a very empathetic message offering to send me a completely free care package of whatever I needed to my temporary place of lodging (and i had never ordered from them before, this was genuinely just an offer from one stranger to another for no reason other than kindness)
Regardless… if you have seen the emails and communications from this guy, it could be interpreted as many different ways as there are people that read it. I suppose I need to start posting screenshots of emails so you, especially those of you that has nothing to do with this, can see just how unhinged this dude is.

There is no dispute whatsoever with any other publisher here, and I have subscribed with a few, Ghost being the first one. Until I see something or some of the others that are stating they have received nothing, one or two that subscribed before me, this is a a classic exit scam. As I have said before, I have worked in e-commerce and anyone can print labels for a few bucks as a tactic. I paid for ON and this pr!0r!ty. A bit of a difference in the cost for each.
Posting emails is not allowed. Unless someone has a landing to report, I think we have all seen and heard enough.
Again, unless you have a landing, you have been heard.
No one person brought light to this situation. In these situations it’s best to be anonymous and confidential.
Discretion matters. Never share emails or DM’s in a thread.

There is a thread for outstanding orders. If you need to vent more, please use it.

Thread 'US Vendors- Outstanding Orders'
Just want to say this vendor is sincere. I was planning to order a few weeks ago but lost my home in hurricane Helene (I live in Asheville), and when I reached out letting them know I’d have to wait to order until i had a new permanent mailing address, they replied with a very empathetic message and even offered to send me a free care package to my temporary lodging (and i had never ordered from them before, this was genuinely just an offer from one stranger to another for no reason other than kindness)
I’m sorry about your situation @Mokachin0. I’m glad you’re safe. My heart goes out to you,
I’m sorry about your situation @Mokachin0. I’m glad you’re safe. My heart goes out to you,
To be clear my comment was in response to @CalFresh offer to discount mags to anyone who was scammed by ghost. My comment is NOT about @Ghost666. It is only vouching for the sincerity of @CalFresh
Edited to add : thank you @Gracie5 for your kind words! Everyone has been so kind and gracious to us Asheville natives during this disaster
To be clear my comment was in response to @CalFresh offer to discount mags to anyone who was scammed by ghost. My comment is NOT about @Ghost666. It is only vouching for the sincerity of @CalFresh
Edited to add : thank you @Gracie5 for your kind words! Everyone has been so kind and gracious to us Asheville natives during this disaster
Thank you for pointing out it was @CalFresh. I have been to Asheville. It’s so beautiful. The kindness of strangers is a beautiful thing, and you have a great attitude. All the best to you!
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!