I Admit

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I admit that I hate taking pAiN meds but I know that I’ll have to for the rest of my life. 

I admit that I am scared of one day not being able to get the meds I need b/c of our stupid gov’t rules and their idiotic reasonings for taking pAiN meds away from those that truly need it. 

I admit that I feel like a failure of a mom because I can’t do most things with my son because of the pain. 

I admit that if I didn’t have my son, I would’ve checked out a long time ago. 20 yrs is a long time to deal with all this crap and somebody can only take so much pain and depression and anxiety. But, my son is my hope, my joy, my everything. The reason for life. 

I admit that I’m scared. All the time. Of so much. And I let that fear get in the way of a lot of things but I’m powerless against it and the therapists I’ve seen haven’t helped. 

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I admit that I am iatrogenically dependent on benzodiazepines. By medical terms I would just be lumped in and labeled an addict. I admit that I worry everyday that one day I will no longer be able to get the pills due to many reasons such as a break in my supply chain, financial crisis or simply losing my independence. When a doctor puts you on a med like this and does not tell you how drastically it changes and damages you in the long run it's scary. I admit I never dreamed I would be in this boat simply because I told a psychiatrist that I had panic attacks and that they are very common in my family. I'm so glad I found this site. I am finally starting to feel a sense of support and recognition. I pray that the people above me who posted never have their doctors simply cut them off the way I did and be forced to treat yourself the way I have been forced to. 

@Ipon I found this forum because I was cutoff from pain meds because of an insurance problem. It was a great relief to find a way to get through it on my own as I am sure it is for you as well. Sorry it had to happen to you that way, but glad you found us.

@Ipon I found this forum because I was cutoff from pain meds because of an insurance problem. It was a great relief to find a way to get through it on my own as I am sure it is for you as well. Sorry it had to happen to you that way, but glad you found us.
It truly is a relief just to have people to communicate with this about. I don't know anyone IRL who is going through what I am. Nobody even knows I am dosing myself daily. After eleven years on benzos I can function on doses that would put a normal person into complete unconsciousness.I do want to make it clear that I have never used a benzo for recreation. This is all happening because of a doctor who game me a short term medication long term and at an dose that was probably not necessary. I know that I should have done some homework about Kpin before taking it but, my whole life I have never felt a need to question a doctors advice. I really did not know what I was getting myself into.

It seems irresponsible to cut you off, isn't that dangerous? I had to ask for a script when they told me they couldn't see me any longer and I got 2 weeks worth. PANIC! Ended up getting scammed before landing here.

I don't think my story is unique either. Most of the members I talk to are not doing this recreationally but are just forced to treat themselves for whatever health problems they have.

It seems irresponsible to cut you off, isn't that dangerous? I had to ask for a script when they told me they couldn't see me any longer and I got 2 weeks worth. PANIC! Ended up getting scammed before landing here.

I don't think my story is unique either. Most of the members I talk to are not doing this recreationally but are just forced to treat themselves for whatever health problems they have.
The way it went down was my original doctor began not showing up for appointments which led to blatant no-shows on his part. He continued to e-scribe for a short time but, unknown to all his patients closed his practice. Imagine going to your doctors office to see what is happening and seeing a for lease sign in the lawn. Anyway, my real problem began when I had to get a new doctor and all of them were either unwilling to prescribe a benzo or insisted on an extremely fast taper. I was dropped from 8MG of Kpin  to 0.75MG equivalent (15MG valium). At that time I knew nothing about benzo equivalence and didn't realize he was sending me on a cold turkey. After about five days I started feeling very sick and made an emergency appointment with him. He was very smug and simply told me that I was addicted to benzodiazepines. I suffered the most extreme withdraw symptoms for seven weeks until I finally figured out that the ER and detox do not know how to handle this situation. This is when I figured out how to mostly get my life back by researching clonazolam, etizolam, diclazepam, flualprazolam and pressed alprazolam. 

@Ipon, I too was cut off when the VA decided it didn’t want to prescribe nArCoTiCs to anybody except people dying. I had no warning. I went into my dr for my monthly refill and was told she would no longer prescribe these. I told her it was illegal and she told me since the VA is gov’t funded, that there’s nothing I could do about it. She even said “I suggest you go find a civilian dr”. Which is what I did. She completely lied in my medical records but since the patient advocate (complete joke) is there for the drs & NOT the patient like they state, they wouldn’t let me add a note to my records. I stopped going for 3 years but now I have no choice. I hate drs. Absolutely pieces of shit!! 

But im so sorry you also had to deal with this. And like 2earls said, what she went through, I also did. I got scammed then I thankfully found this amazing community. I would have checked out had I not found this place. And I, like you, only do this to have a somewhat life and to take care of my son. I don’t take for recreational purposes and I wish someday that I won’t have to take anything but that’s not reality, unfortunately. 

I admit I’m on the verge of quitting a job I’ve been at for 19 years. 

I admit I should care about things like being an aunt for the first time, or the sound of waves crashing, but I don’t. 

I admit my cat, Axel Henry the 1st, is the coolest feline in the world, but he’d be better off with someone who would play with him more. 

I admit the aforementioned “I admits” are negative and depressing, but I’m not always like this. 

I admit that I see something in each of these stories I can relate to.
I admit that I feel more at home here than the support groups I’ve led. I admit that I’m in awe at the strength of everyone who has shared their stories here.
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@Gracie5 Thanks for sharing your heart wrenching story.  That's a lot for anyone to handle.  I'm so sorry you've had to and still do I'm sure deal with so much pain and loss.  You are definitely lucky to have your husband and babies to shower you with hugs and kisses daily.  

I agree with the abuse of patients at the hands for their doctors for being labeled "pill seekers."  Yes it is a slippery slop from treatment to addiction it's only 5 days to get hooked so it's going to happen.  But when people have issues you can clearly see and sometimes actually not the harm is so great to these people.  If it wasn't for this forum of information and guidance many people would truly suffer.

I have a new admit to share.  I admit I'm off the pill train but I've jumped onto another ride.  I always find a way to justify it to\ myself but the $5000 a month I was spending was just obscene to me.  I do still take a tr@mp or 1/2 a day so still riding a bit but it's a relief to my bank acc.  The new ride doesn't cause problems of withdrawal if  I don't take it so that helps too.  But I care for my blind elderly father and I'm not a drinker so I find myself reaching in times of crises which for me is daily!!  Anyone who is a caregiver or single parent I'm sure can relate.

Wow, I just have to say that all of you are special people.  I can relate to so many things on here, however, I cannot even imagine being in some of your positions.  It makes me sad.  It makes it really hard to read.  If I wasn't on my meds, I would probably start crying and have to stop reading.  This is something special in this community in that there is so much love, caring, and understanding.  Honestly, I don't recall ever seeing such a community like this.  It's like we're all in the same boat, or have been in the same boat.  Thanks to all of the posters that had the courage to post from the soul.  Special thanks to all that supported those who posted.

I did notice posters facing many issues and I cannot even begin to offer appropriate advice, but I can offer one.  If it helps only 1 person, it's so worth it.

I admit that I was addicted to Xans for 12'ish years.  It was the most hellish experience I have ever had.  Depending on the time period, I was using 10-25 mg per day.  It worked so well at first overcoming heavy anxiety and other usual suspects of symptoms.  The biggest impact it has on me now is that I can hardly remember any of my life for that whole time period.  I was functional (until the last few years), but I had young kids and a wife and we had so many life experiences that I can't remember.  It makes me feel worthless and so sad.  I saw the writing on the wall in the middle of it, but kept going and going and going.  Definitely what pushed me to the end is when, every now and again, there would be a small interruption in supply, would of course lead to major wd's.  I've spent a lot of time in emergency rooms.  So, I started trying to quit on my own for 3 years.  That was hell because I was in a permanent state of wd's. You start to feel crazy.  I lived on my couch for most of that time period just because I literally couldn't do anything.   I used every method I could find and couldn't do it.  One of the more helpful resources was some paper/guide on tapering from xans to longer acting benzos by a doctor in the UK (look it up-a lot of good info).  I suppose it's possible to use that successfully, but I still could not do it.  After so much of this, it wears you down to nothingness, you stop caring or even being able to think of anything else.  And then a thought came to me one day and it kept building up over time.  I didn't give a f*ck about anything anymore.  I would sacrifice anything to get out (except my life).  Then, I gave in (key).  BTW, my wife was aware of the problem the last few years and give me major shit, but she ended up supporting me through the end.  So I started calling hospitals, showing up at emergency rooms.  On the 3rd hospital emergency room (county hosp), they gave me a referral to a treatment facility.  I kind of went in to the whole I'm in their custody thing and give us your shoelaces and the doors are locked btw.  I did not care.  So, it was the whole treatment thing (I had been in treatment before when I was younger-for overall drug abuse).  Meetings, a little exercise, when I finally could move properly, etc.  The doctor administered a taper plan to me with Tranxene.  I smile just by typing it.  It was so much easier than anything I had tried, it never gave me a buzz or feel good or anything that would make me want to abuse it  (that was  key too).  It was tough at first of course, still in major wd's, but they would give me a little something to help me sleep, which of course didn't help me for first few days  It was trazodone, which I still take today.  Then I slept for a few hours one night, and bit by bit, I started sleeping halfway normal.  I could walk easily, do minor exercises.  From that point on it was like a rocket ship.  I started to feel some normalcy.  I started running little laps in the courtyard.  Then helping the counselor with other patience that were on heavy meds or, for whatever reason, couldn't function much.  I was returning!!  It is by far the most amazing thing I've ever experienced.  I stayed there for only one week.  I was the only one there that hadn't been forced to be there by a judge or whatever.  So, after a couple of days of them seeing the true me (I kind of started to almost become one of the counselors-weird), they discharged me.  It was a strange feeling because it was like they didn't know what to do with all of the normalcy I was displaying.  So, the doctor set me up on a 3-4 month taper to complete on my own at home.  I gave it to my wife to give to me for a few weeks and then I took over.  The rest was relatively easy.  Started back, of course, with a psych that helped me through it with a little cocktail of meds that were truely long-term meds.  No benzo is a long term treatment.  I've still had problems since then, but nothing compared to that.  I still continue to improve and I am currently working on a breakthrough with my diagnosis that I am extremely optimistic about it.  I have done benzo's since that time (even xanax) and I am currently on .5 mg Klons.  It's like I've been cured though.  I stay away from xans mostly, but I have had to use them to bridge a gap on a 90 day script of the Klons.  But sometimes I just stop and I am okay.  They could never recapture control of my life.  I can see it, smell it, and hear it from a mile away.  Ok need to wrap this up as I've seen how long this paragraph is becoming.  Honestly, I could probably write a book about it.

For those of you stuck in the cycle, in my opinion, is just give up.  Give in to it.  You have to escape.  It only gets worse.  I risked my life for far too long by continuing.  I risked losing my family, I did lose my job, to give in.  True love  and caring will make it survive with loved ones.  Forget everything else and just do it.  Take a week or two off of work for medical leave.  Be honest with your loved one.  Try Tranxene, it worked very well for me.  I have never taken another one since then or even seen them around, talked about, nothing.  If you take them, it seemingly has no effect or is transparent somehow, but it is a benzo.  Try trazodone to help ease the transition to sleeping again.  It doesn't knock you out or anything.  For me, it just feels like a push in right direction to real, natural sleep.  Lastly, get help, find help.  It's out there.  For me, it was impossible to stop without help.  Have someone else administer the process.  It took me 1 week to get though the worst of it.  It seems silly looking back.  It ended up being easy.  It only took me over a decade, that I don't even remember that much, to figure it out.  Don't be afraid, in the end, relatively speaking, there was nothing to ever be afraid of. Best of luck, thoughts & prayers your way.



i admit that i am looking for clyde moore, a very close and old friend..  anyone heard this name before or ring a bell ? thanks   :0)

Hmmm, we have gone through a few batches of newbs.  It looks like no one is stepping up to the plate as a member with the tradition of paying your dues and truly becoming a full fledged DBG defender by posting something  to 

I admit . . . .

I admit that I get lonely sometimes. Not very often, but every now and then, I wish I had someone to share my stress with, to share my heart with, just to share whatever with. But, with all of my chronic pain (& ptsd) issues, along with my son’s issues (ASD, SPD, ADHD...to name a few), there’s just no way. Besides, I have way too much of my own shit to deal with...I don’t need anyone else’s. But...there are times when I wish there was the perfect guy fir me. Someone sweet, gentle, kind, patient (with my son, a numerous amt of patience is required...lol), who doesn’t mind all my issues, who would treat my son like any other kid and not treat him different because of his issues. Sadly, I have yet to meet anyone even remotely close to that. (And when I say perfect, I’m referring to perfect for my situation and perfect for my life.)

I admit I am new here.

i admit that I am nervous I will not be able to source the medications I need to better the quality of my life.

I admit that I am scared my family will discover my secret and disown me. Even though I am a financially independent adult and have never let my usage get in the way of being a reliable, kind and caring friend, employee and family member, I admit I’m scared I will be judged harshly.

i admit that I  am very glad to have found these forums.

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I admit that I get lonely sometimes. Not very often, but every now and then, I wish I had someone to share my stress with, to share my heart with, just to share whatever with. But, with all of my chronic pain (& ptsd) issues, along with my son’s issues (ASD, SPD, ADHD...to name a few), there’s just no way. Besides, I have way too much of my own shit to deal with...I don’t need anyone else’s. But...there are times when I wish there was the perfect guy fir me. Someone sweet, gentle, kind, patient (with my son, a numerous amt of patience is required...lol), who doesn’t mind all my issues, who would treat my son like any other kid and not treat him different because of his issues. Sadly, I have yet to meet anyone even remotely close to that. (And when I say perfect, I’m referring to perfect for my situation and perfect for my life.)
I feel your pain.  You get to that point where everything seems hopeless, only dread and gloom.  It feels like you are a completely different person than the one you know.  Having a partner is definitely something that has helped me get through many tough times.  Just being able to tell someone else some of the personal issues feels good.  I am fortunate to have someone that supports me (almost 30 years).  I can't really offer much on the chronic pain.  I hear a lot of people's stories, even on this board (in this thread), that have similar issues.  It sounds agonizing, especially combined with other issues.  Not too mention that the country seems to be limiting drugs that treat chronic pain.  This site definitely can help you with that, as you well know, being a long time member.  Have you considered a pump?  My son has a baclofen pump and it works beautifully.  He had a brain injury and that pump is what enabled him to learn to walk again (he now walks with a cain).  I also worked with someone that had a pump for pain.  She still had periodic issues, but it definitely solved most of the problem.  I think she said the army paid for it.  Something to think about.

So, do you make it a point to get out in a social capacity?  The more people you meet, the better chances you have.  Church, organizations, volunteering, support groups are good places to start.  If that doesn't work out, well screw it, sign up for a dating site or two.  It almost seems to be becoming the norm these days.  It is common now to find that married couples originally met through one of these services.  In the way you can search or be searched it's pretty easy to make connections (detailed profiles), I've heard.  Just be honest. There are many like yourself, looking out there and feeling the same way you are.  I think it might be worth it (my opinion of course) because it sounds like having a partner might make a huge difference in your quality of life.  You might seem hesitant because of your issues and your son's issues, but you gotta make a move.  Have the word "patience" as a key word that you use (heck you already listed several traits you are looking for).  You could make a list of everything nagative in your life and I think you would still get hits.  People don't get out as much as they used to.  Just a few suggestions from someone throwing out ideas to ponder. 

Thanks for posting this.  I know it's not easy to post your problems for all to see, but I think it makes you feel better in the long run.  At least I did.  I think it's healthy for more to visit this thread because there is a lot of insight and experience on this board, a lot of which correlates with others.  I wish you the best of luck.  It sounds like finding a significant other might be the one you can do the most to change with minimal resistance.  Keep us updated!!❤️

PS I'm sure you could tell, but FYI I am a male.

Best regards,


I admit I am new here.

i admit that I am nervous I will not be able to source the medications I need to better the quality of my life.

I admit that I am scared my family will discover my secret and disown me. Even though I am a financially independent adult and have never let my usage get in the way of being a reliable, kind and caring friend, employee and family member, I admit I’m scared I will be judged harshly.

i admit that I  am very glad to have found these forums.
I admit I am happy you posted about this.  I was in the same boat as a functional addict and got awat with it for 15-20 years as an accountant, no less.  The bottom line is you can't go on like this forever,  You have to deal with it at some point.  My advice is to first see a doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist.  I'm not sure what problems you have or what medications you take.  They can help you solve your problems with safer treatment and you could get advice on how to deal with your family and medication addiction/sourcing problem.  Or just get it resolved with doctor and bringing it out to loved ones won't be nearly as bad as it would be in the thick of it .  Plus it's shows initiative that you were seeing a problem develop and decided to address it yourself.  The truly best advice would be to come clean and explain your situation and how you got into this hole.  Almost all families would support/help you get through it, especially if you already have a direction or plan in mind.  Instant relief.  Through the process, you become stronger in many ways and get rid of that boulder you've been carrying around on your shoulder.  Many options but the fastest is to come clean.  It sounds like you have some quality traits, that's who you are.  Not someone who needs to be scrambling to source medications to help you to be yourself.  There are many potential medical solutions that can help without this dependence.  Best of luck!

PS I would be happy to discuss further if you were willing to share more info, as I'm sure many others would offer something as well.  Hang in there.



@The1978   Also, if you need some time to sort things out, you are in the right place to find sources for whatever you are looking for.  If you are looking for advice on this or need some direction,  Let us know.


@The1978   Also, if you need some time to sort things out, you are in the right place to find sources for whatever you are looking for.  If you are looking for advice on this or need some direction,  Let us know.

@chctwo thank you, it is much appreciated.  I have already found some great people to help me out here.  I look forward to making more connections!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  3. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  7. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  8. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  14. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  15. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now