I'm pleased to announce...

Very good going, you're definitely showing a lot of strength and a lot of will power. =)

But do be careful...I don't know a huge amount about this sort of withdrawal, but I don't know how long it might take for worse withdrawals to appear, so just keep yourself safe, while keeping on this path.

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Well done VII just be careful not to reduce too fast as well you know it can be VERY dangerous!!.

I have done similar wds in the past and relapsed after just trying too hard and my body basically broke down not to mention my mind?...

You know your body better than anyone and if you feel you can continue then keep on keeping on,sending you good vibes and posative thoughts......



@Smoka90 @blissopifree 2 Thank you both for the kind words, advice, and continuation of supporting my cause. 

I'm taking it slow but slightly harsher than your average taper. I'm just going to suck it in and take it like a human being, fight through till the end knowing there's a light at the end of that tunnel, and once I reach it I know you all will be there.

I haven't made a day three update yet, not much has changed. I'm still doing good tapering, pretty much the same effects so I don't think there's a need to update for day three if nothing new happened that day that's notable. 

Regarding withdrawal on these meds, you start to obtain them after 24-48 hours from my understanding which is quite fast compared to most I'd assume.

I'm sorry you had to experience withdrawals, @blissopifree 2. It's one of the worst experiences I can say anyone can have. You do indeed break down and you give in to everything to make it stop. I've pretty much halved my dosage here, so I shouldn't go through any major withdrawals. Perhaps mild ones but that's when I need to set my foot down, grab life by the horns and put one foot infront of the other to keep moving forward. If I stop to re-think or dread on the feelings it will only slow me down, it's time that my body knows I'm in charge and it needs to accept that.

By all means, I know what I said above might of been harsh about my body but that's also so I can keep better care of it. I've taken my body for granted, epsecially when I took up smoking years ago. When I get through this, I'll stop smoking aswell. Regarding that, I smoke a pack a day (20 cigarettes) which is clearly unhealthy. It's just time for me to take better care of my body and live happier knowing my body is in better shape.



Update: Day 4[?]

Roughly the same, feeling more stressed than usual and I'm still having night terrors and sweating/shaking which cannot be controlled. However, nothing out of the ordinary. 

I'm still on my routine grabbing the bull by the horns and still moving forward fighting through urges. I've always had urges but I've never had to fight them like this. It's a rough fight but I know deep down inside I will come out on top.

My anxiety levels have been slightly higher than usual today; hopefully this doesn't continue to be an issue. Perhaps it was a one time thing, who knows. Only time will tell.



Update: Day 5

I had a rare experience today that usually doesn't happen, but does from time to time. I felt a heavy pain spike in my upper chest, I struggled to breath for the most part. I took a strong PK and I was able to breath again, without the PK I'd be suffering for hours if not up to 30~ hours at a time. It usually eases up after 30 hours, but gladly the PK stopped it completely and I was able to breath normally again-- this was due to panic I believe. 

I'm still sweating during the nights which I assume are caused by night terrors. I have an AC in the bedroom and I keep it at 72F at all times so it's not the temperature. 

It's starting to feel like I'm craving these less and less which is an extremely good sign! As each day passes I noticed I feel like I don't have a strong dependency on the medications anymore. That however does not mean my addiction is not over yet, so I must continue. I didn't know it was even possible to rapidly lower your dependency on such drugs in such a short period of time...is this normal or am I lucky?

None the less, taking it day by day and remaining at safe levels. I still have a habit of grabbing my pill container to get a specific dose at a specific time of day but I'm no longer using that. I feel that I can remember things much better than before, it's starting to get better and my body is starting to feel a lot better.

I believe most of the panic comes from when I'm low on my medication and need to get it refilled which is a sign of addiction but I do not feel like that anymore. I'm making sure my body knows I'm in control, it no longer has control over me. I stopped listening to what my brain wanted (metaphorically speaking; example would be "take more pills") and started going with my gut feeling that it was not going to help me recover.

I'm staying strong, all this support I've gotten so far has made me make it this far. I still have a road ahead of me before I can finish my recovery, perhaps it can be lowered to an extremely low dose in just a few weeks seeing I'm not struggling as much with Val as a taper. I am however concerned about being dependent on Val, so I'll need to ween myself off it slowly and stick with the low dose of KP/Xan. 

In five whole days, I've refused to take Xan seeing it won't help with my recovery at all. Yes it does kill most panic attacks that I have but the more I take I'm afraid I'll feel more dependent on it so I need to save it for the more serious attacks (you can usually tell the strength of a panic attack once it starts) just as I've done with the PK's. Not everyday things, just for those emergency or heavy situations. 

I must say I do miss the medication, it was nice knowing I had medication to help treat my panic which helped to an extent; especially the Xan. However I just need to suck it up and keep moving forward, pills don't solve every problem and I need to learn to deal with these without the use of controlled substances. Any and all advice regarding methods are welcomed, however breathing techniques do not work for me during panic situations just to throw that out there as a note.

Thank you all,


Update: Day 6

Almost a week has passed. Wow, time really flew!

My body is feeling...more natural right now. The only way to describe it is the feeling you get after a nice shower - clean. So this is obviously doing something good for me and I'm starting to see some results even if they're small results.

Same dosages, same everything. The only difference is I finally got my muscle relaxer refilled for fibromyalgia. Unfortunately...I must of gotten a bad batch from the pharmacy because it feels like it's doing nothing to help my muscles. I'm prescribed 4mg of Tizanidine and I'm currently on 14mg and I can barely feel any difference with my muscles, they're still in pain and very tense. I'm not sure if this is due to the tapering I'm currently doing or not...but I need to see my doctor immediately about this to straighten it out!

I'm getting my body used to 1mg of KP every now and then apposed from taking numerous throughout the day to use to treat panic at it's source, so if I was to feel a panic attack starting I'd start with KP and if it escalates I'd take Xan, that's my plan. Seeing KP stays in my body longer than Xan the after effects of the panic attack(s) that I tend to get won't be there. So it's a win/win scenario. 

I'm no longer afraid of this, fear of becoming clean and only taking it when I need it will only slow me down. Moving myself forward at full speed to get rid of this addiction and dependency. There's no giving up or turning back now that I'm seeing results, ruining this will bring me back to where I was which was risky on my end-- if the pharmacy couldn't process my order in time I'd go through withdrawals until they sorted things out which took days to weeks.

The night sweats and night terrors still continue, but I did not have a night terror last night (4/28/2016) which is a good sign but I still had night sweats. Panic levels are low after waking up, having my morning smokes and drinking iced tea listening to Pink Floyd. It's currently 3:10 am, I think today will be a good day!

I'm hanging in there, either the hard part is over or it's just starting. I'd assume just a few more weeks and I'll be golden, what's your opinion(s) on this based on my progress so far?



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Huge step - huge.  One bit of advice: you're going to feel insane for a bit (crying / anxiety/ anger) - it's okay and to let it out in a safe place -if you can. If you start smelling weird smells (like burnt rubber), feel really weird ... don't stop yourself from going to the ER.  Typically these are signs of a seizure coming. If you get manic - same thing.  Get help when you need it, there's nothing to fear from help

I can't recall the "lift" from benzo's or when it happened.  I know the first 5 days were insane and then it just got a lot easier.  By 2 weeks I was fine. xanax was what I was scripted and every 4 hours a terrible panic would happen.  Once it was out of my body (3 days) it wasn't frequent attacks - just feeling out of myself and there was a seizure. That was all the first week.  I would say you're in the clear but you're not all the way off but on your way.  Going all the way off is hard but honestly, a lot of us have done it ct or taper and it's awful but doable.  

Stay away from caffeine if you can though 

you got this


Huge step - huge.  One bit of advice: you're going to feel insane for a bit (crying / anxiety/ anger) - it's okay and to let it out in a safe place -if you can. If you start smelling weird smells (like burnt rubber), feel really weird ... don't stop yourself from going to the ER.  Typically these are signs of a seizure coming. If you get manic - same thing.  Get help when you need it, there's nothing to fear from help
Thank you for the morale boost and support, it's not over yet but still going through with it.

It's funny you'd mention going insane for a short period of time seeing I have these moments that are more-so of "bursts" with specific feelings-- primarily anxiety and anger, sometimes sadness. I do let it out in a safe spot and I tend to turn my anger into sadness as strange as that sounds seeing it's not only safer, it's easier to go through at times. I can't however convert it to happiness, nor can I convert it 100% of the time but for the most part I can which is good.

I'm very sensitive to smells and I tend to smell things that other's can't, I'm like some dog or something. However, that's most likely related to Asperger's syndrome so I'm not too worried about it. I've had what doctors believe to be post-mal seizures but never a full blown one. I'm prone to having convulsions during heavy panic attacks that simply knock me out but they're not seizures. I'll be sure to note the rubber smell for sure, better safe than sorry.

I've always had signs of mania but never have I been diagnosed with the disorder. So from time to time I do get the symptoms but it's nothing new seeing it's been happening ever since I can remember. It's eased up over the years, gladly however I'm not sure that's something I should be too concerned about unless it's out of the ordinary. If it's out of the ordinary I'll be sure to go to the ER.

Thank you so much for the advice, I'm eternally grateful.

Best wishes,


I recall when my Dr retired and he worked till he was 72! Anyhow, no other Dr was willing to write for benz or sleep aides without you going to a psych for it.  I fought and cried, went to urgent care as they dwindled and the ER. As a nurse I knew a 12year stint on the same dose cold turkey was going to probably kill me.  I was fortunate enough at that time to have an urgent care Dr write for 30 days  "till you find a Dr". I tapered as well as I could, it was a nightmare and I think the only other med that is just as hellish is methadone or suboxone to come off of.  

I specifically recall on day 2 off of xan that I felt dissociation, that's where you don't recognize yourself really and almost feel like a stranger (surreal as fuck). I sat on my bed and cried to g-d, pretty loudly for help. I felt absolutely crazy. I had other bouts of anger (more like intense agitation), upset at myself for being in this mess (which I had no reason to be upset at ME for ptsd and a Dr retiring), I paced a lot and the sweats were awful.   I think the night terrors were right up there with the dissociation in being surreal.  They were horrific vivid terrible stuff.

I had 1 seizure and it was on day 2 or 3. It was while I slept because when I woke up I had dried blood all over one side of my face, my tongue was HUGE and I chipped a tooth. Obviously, I was terrified and went to the ER.  It was confirmed that I had a seizure and was given 5mg of valium (30) to take twice a day for the withdrawal.  Had I not had that I probably would have died.  I wish I hadn't made the ex sleep in our guest room while I went through this, because I likely wouldn't have been so fragile.  I didn't want to interrupt my family and their sleep/lives as this occurred.  Now I know better - way better.

I'm also like a hound dog with smell,  I can smell everything (thanks to a nose job).  The rubber smell is very distinctive and overwhelming, if you ask if anyone else smells it and they don't - lay down and see if you experience any other seizure type warning signs.  When you go through withdrawal, we all tend to over think every little thing as being "the end!".  In reality, very few people experience every side effect.  When you're coming off of something for anxiety though, all the worrying is amplified.  My big suggestion to you is stay on here and away from forums that have horror stories everywhere.  Often times those "stories" are planted by a certain "rehab" facility, it's great advertisement if you think about it. Usually they'll talk about how they were on the brink of death and through some miracle they were able to get help at said place and it "saved them!". 

Just know that we all care about you and wish nothing but the best.  You are far from alone in this battle, and you don't have to go through it with shame or holding anything in.  Just remember that you're a great person and shit happens to everyone of us, we aren't pathetic or damaged for it either. You will get through this and come out of it the other side.

When I go through huge life changes I try to see it as a rebirth, maybe try looking at it in that sense. 

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I recall when my Dr retired and he worked till he was 72! Anyhow, no other Dr was willing to write for benz or sleep aides without you going to a psych for it.  I fought and cried, went to urgent care as they dwindled and the ER. As a nurse I knew a 12year stint on the same dose cold turkey was going to probably kill me.  I was fortunate enough at that time to have an urgent care Dr write for 30 days  "till you find a Dr". I tapered as well as I could, it was a nightmare and I think the only other med that is just as hellish is methadone or suboxone to come off of.  

I specifically recall on day 2 off of xan that I felt dissociation, that's where you don't recognize yourself really and almost feel like a stranger (surreal as fuck). I sat on my bed and cried to g-d, pretty loudly for help. I felt absolutely crazy. I had other bouts of anger (more like intense agitation), upset at myself for being in this mess (which I had no reason to be upset at ME for ptsd and a Dr retiring), I paced a lot and the sweats were awful.   I think the night terrors were right up there with the dissociation in being surreal.  They were horrific vivid terrible stuff.

I had 1 seizure and it was on day 2 or 3. It was while I slept because when I woke up I had dried blood all over one side of my face, my tongue was HUGE and I chipped a tooth. Obviously, I was terrified and went to the ER.  It was confirmed that I had a seizure and was given 5mg of valium (30) to take twice a day for the withdrawal.  Had I not had that I probably would have died.  I wish I hadn't made the ex sleep in our guest room while I went through this, because I likely wouldn't have been so fragile.  I didn't want to interrupt my family and their sleep/lives as this occurred.  Now I know better - way better.

I'm also like a hound dog with smell,  I can smell everything (thanks to a nose job).  The rubber smell is very distinctive and overwhelming, if you ask if anyone else smells it and they don't - lay down and see if you experience any other seizure type warning signs.  When you go through withdrawal, we all tend to over think every little thing as being "the end!".  In reality, very few people experience every side effect.  When you're coming off of something for anxiety though, all the worrying is amplified.  My big suggestion to you is stay on here and away from forums that have horror stories everywhere.  Often times those "stories" are planted by a certain "rehab" facility, it's great advertisement if you think about it. Usually they'll talk about how they were on the brink of death and through some miracle they were able to get help at said place and it "saved them!". 

Just know that we all care about you and wish nothing but the best.  You are far from alone in this battle, and you don't have to go through it with shame or holding anything in.  Just remember that you're a great person and shit happens to everyone of us, we aren't pathetic or damaged for it either. You will get through this and come out of it the other side.

When I go through huge life changes I try to see it as a rebirth, maybe try looking at it in that sense. 
For the most part, I can absolutely relate to your story and it's very motivating and moving. I'm so sorry you went through all of this though, I would never wish this upon anyone...

As you may see, I highlighted a few things which are notable, allow me to elaborate.

1) No doctor now-a-days even if you have been written a script for benz for over ten years will write you a script for it. At least the newer ones, as weird as this sounds the more experienced doctors seem to sit down to take the time to understand or at least try unlike the others allowing at least some sort of script to be made. This wasn't a struggle for me, but I did have a point in time where virtually no doctor would prescribe me what I needed when my doctor was on vacation and I was off my meds for weeks. I got lucky and one eventually came forward and gave me a one-time supply (small amount, I believe a 5 days supply) until she got back. As you and I know, even if you go back on them the withdrawals tend to last 24-48 hours after re-dosing. I just hope this new doctor (my doctor is moving) will give me what I need apposed from making me struggle to get it.

2) At first I didn't think it was going to be a nightmare...boy I was wrong. I thought seeing it was a taper it would be a cakewalk and was curious why it was such a big deal for most people. Now I know, or starting to know because it's getting rougher. The party's just starting and the nightmareish guests are starting to slowly arrive.

3) I do this a lot and frequently as if I'm a caged tiger when I'm under any sort of panic. They are indeed vivid and horrible things, sometimes I wake up from them and still feel the pain or fear from the dream transferring over for a specific amount of time like a few hours. However the PDST night terrors are nothing like nightmares. Some get them confused, but they're two different experiences at least in my book. I'd like to raise awareness for this.

4) I'm tapering with the same dosage and amount as we speak. It's not enough but as I've said, I'm in control of my body so I will not go higher seeing that's what my body wants. If I have to suffer for a few more weeks to be on a safer dose for the rest of my life then I'd say that's a good deal.

5) This is true, I overreact a lot to the point where I feel fear that I may not get my meds ever again, when will I see them, why am I feeling panic, just so much piles up at once along with the symptoms. It somewhat feels as if you're slowly dying which is the only way I can truly describe it. 

These are just a few notable things, but none the less I do understand and you aswell are not alone. This has put me at ease for the most part and I can't thank you enough for this. It's as if you're reading my mind! Safest bet is just to get refills from a psychiatrist even though they tend to cost more to see for the most part there won't be any issues. 

You and many others here on the forums that are backing me up will have a story to tell, that you saved somebody from ruining their life with these medications. 

Without the support, I would of caved in already and continued my routine perhaps even trying to get on a higher dose just to feel better. It would be that vicious cycle all over again...and I have all of you to thank for this.



Update: Day 7 & 8[?]

I've been keeping myself busy time to time and forgot to post day 7, my apologies so I'll make up for it here.

So far, I'm getting horrible chest pain most likely due to withdrawals however I'm not too concerned about them even though it's unbearable at times seeing it's just a symptom. From what I know, this is common so not really worried about it. 

I've been doing my best to relax and I've been on track with the tapering the past eight days. Nothing new has happened beyond an increase of how frequent my chest pains are. The night terrors and night sweats remain the same, nothing new there. 

Seems like standard withdrawal effects. Seeing I'm using Val as a taper it's a much lighter withdrawal compared to what I've had in the past.

I do notice I'm smoking way more than I usually do which I will be quitting after this hell of a recovery is over. One step at a time, however that may be due to stress caused by the withdrawals along with what's going on around me that's stressful. 

I'm currently taking NPam for my insomnia and fibromyalgia. I must say it's a wonderful substance but I'm not going to get hooked on it. Just the fact it helps better than my average muscle relaxers I've been on in the past and actually works for me regarding feeling absolutely no pain and less tenseness in my muscles has been glorious. As a note, just because this works for me may not mean it'll work for you. Consult with your doctor before going on any medication.

I've honestly never felt so relaxed in my life, I'm beginning to see the positive changes slowly popping up. Not only do I feel cleaner but I'm feeling like I'm starting to become less dependent on the drugs. I don't crave them nearly as much as when I first started, which is strange because usually it takes much longer to get the cravings to go away. I know I'll crave them my whole life seeing I've been on them for over a decade but that doesn't mean I need to fall back into that hole again.

I'm staying strong all thanks to the supporters. I refuse to give in to any of these temptations or cravings, my body is doing much better now compared to when I was heavily medicated. Yes, there's the withdrawals but they won't last forever-- hopefully a few more weeks and this will be over with...I hope...



VII, you are in my thoughts and I have been following your story for days.  My best wishes go out to you, and it sounds like you're doing great.  Keep it up
Thank you for your kind words and support. The worst is yet to come unfortunately, but I'm fairly sure it's something a human being can handle.

Update: Day 9 

I feel like I've lost time so to speak. I'm becoming fairly confused with a good amount of things, primarily time though. I took a nap today to get rid of panic that was flowing through my body at the time (gladly I could sleep) but when I woke up I was absolutely confused about what day it was or what month it was. I'm starting to get concerned, however this might only be a one time thing (mass confusion).

Have an AC in the bedroom to hopefully prevent the night sweats, turned it to a cooling temperature to maintain a good vibe as I fall asleep and wake up. So far, it's working but the night terrors are still occurring. I still get night sweats, but that may not be related to my panic disorder or withdrawal symptoms. It may just be a PTSD trigger that's causing these.

I can feel the withdrawals getting rougher as the days pass. This just hit me today that it's getting worse so hopefully this is the worst part that I'll have to experience. My body temp is rapidly fluctuating along with various light headed moments. These are indeed linked to the withdrawal process, I won't give in to the temptation to take the pills to make it stop though. I just need to keep fighting through it and the withdrawals will eventually go away or at least lighten up.

It's strange that I'm getting withdrawal effects while tapering with Val, I'm also on another benz for another purpose but it's a very low dose-- the same applies to my muscle relaxer. I can feel my tolerance levels going down which is good, must also mean my dependency levels are also decreasing. 

I'm finding it harder and harder to fall asleep rather it's a full nights rest or just a nap. I can only sleep for about 2-4 hours for the most part which is very frustrating. My body is getting weaker, I can't sleep, the withdrawal effects are getting worse, but I have to keep moving forward. There's bound to be an alternative way to solve my sleeping issues and strengthen my body back up to what it used to be, perhaps even better now that I'm weening down.

Signs of sleep paralysis are coming into play more frequently. I think this may have to do with something else, not the withdrawals. However it does raise slight concern on my end seeing it rarely occurs for me. Vivid dreaming has also been occurring which is good and bad at the same time, bad for night terrors. The strange part is when I die in my dreams I automatically wake up sometimes feeling confused if I was even dreaming or not because it felt and looked so real. I don't know if dieing in dreams and waking up as you die in the dream is normal or not.

There's a handful of concerns I have but I just need to keep going through with this and finish what I started. If I go back to where I was before I wasted a week suffering for nothing. It's best that I just continue all the way through to end this suffering once and for all apposed from suffering in the future doing this all over again.

Gladly the Val is lightening the withdrawals, but it's not fully removing them which is perfectly fine with me seeing it could be worse. Staying positive is the key here, that's what I've noticed that has helped me through some of these rough patches throughout my day.



Yes you are are the part I normally break the detox and start ordering 

The valium is good for a few things at this time: large light sensitivity and seizures. You won't find much else in that relief if you were on xanax.  It will pass in a few days (2-4) Being light headed is the worst.  It hit me randomly the other day and my neighbors smoke a lot of ganja, so much so that I worry I'll fail a UA (seriously).  At first I thought that was it but then I felt my lips get numb and I knew I had to lay down with legs elivated to keep from fainting. 

You're going into real withdrawal now and will likely experience a few days of what I described before.  It's the lack of sleep and the weird hyper sensitivity to everything.  If you start getting too light headed, take a cab to the ER (they will give you meds as LONG as you do not drive yourself) and of course your county isn't experencing pill mill issues. 

Fainting and coming off of benzos is dangerous and real. You have a very long history with them and xanax is the likely culprit.  The lack of sleep doesn't allow us to heal either.  Are you getting the stomach cramps yet?

Yes you are are the part I normally break the detox and start ordering 

The valium is good for a few things at this time: large light sensitivity and seizures. You won't find much else in that relief if you were on xanax.  It will pass in a few days (2-4) Being light headed is the worst.  It hit me randomly the other day and my neighbors smoke a lot of ganja, so much so that I worry I'll fail a UA (seriously).  At first I thought that was it but then I felt my lips get numb and I knew I had to lay down with legs elivated to keep from fainting. 

You're going into real withdrawal now and will likely experience a few days of what I described before.  It's the lack of sleep and the weird hyper sensitivity to everything.  If you start getting too light headed, take a cab to the ER (they will give you meds as LONG as you do not drive yourself) and of course your county isn't experencing pill mill issues. 

Fainting and coming off of benzos is dangerous and real. You have a very long history with them and xanax is the likely culprit.  The lack of sleep doesn't allow us to heal either.  Are you getting the stomach cramps yet?
I'm sorry to hear you experienced the same thing. I'm not caving in yet, generally when I feel like caving in I simply turn off all distractions and lay down until I feel better for the most part which could be the whole day or just a few hours (hints why I had to combine day 7 and 8 I assume).

What meds could they possibly give at the ER out of curiosity? From my experience, every trip to the doctor or ER regarding serious issues and my doctor wasn't there that usually prescribes me what I need I never walk out with any medication to help me through that time period. For instance, I had very serious testicular pain bad enough to the point that it started to take a toll on my whole body and the doctor in the ER did a handful of examination processes including an ultrasound which did pick up a few things but according to them it was "nothing major" so I walked out without anything to ease the pain. OTC meds did not help at all rather it was to help my stomach settle down or if it was Tylenol to make the pain stop...which it didn't. Went through that for a year and a doctor didn't do anything about it.

Around these necks of the woods it seems like giving any sort of medication for any issue is under strict circumstances. A family member, bless her heart had migraines so bad that she had to go to the ER seeing her blood pressure was raising. They did not treat her pain, they just wouldn't let her leave until her blood pressure dropped. With those two stories stated above, I doubt I'd be given anything to help a serious withdrawal episode in my area but none the less it was a good idea and I appreciate you mentioning this. 

I knew that withdrawals got bad at times but I never thought it would be this bad to be completely honest. I'm trying to sleep as much as I possibly can to make up for the lost hours so my body can recover. Regarding cramps, that might be the chest pain I'm getting. It does somewhat feel like a cramp but I can't really say it is, all I know is it only occurs during withdrawals for myself personally. Pain killers do help with this, but I don't get them as frequent yet knock on wood. Beyond that, mild discomfort in my stomach and I notice that I'm eating less, I'm trying to eat but there's a lot of stress around me that's not helping at all regarding eating. Infact, some moments are so stressful I feel like vomiting if I'm eating. This could cause my lightheaded episodes, I'm not sure yet. 

All I can hope for is the worst will be over soon, I can only hope. In the meantime, I'll hang in there and I won't give in to make it stop on the spot seeing like I said before it would put me back to square one where I'd have to do it all over again. This is not something I'd like to do twice, so making sure this counts. I do however have blurred vision now on day 10 which I'll go more into detail with on my update. I feel like I've been writing a book and I'm sorry for writing so much, I'm not sure why I'm doing it but I guess I just feel safer knowing there's individuals out there that went through the same thing. Reaching out to them does help which is why your post means a lot to me.

Thank you for the advice and still supporting, you and the handful that do still support me are practically the only things that are keeping me moving forward. I'd probably go insane if there was nobody to turn to, so thank you all DBG. 



It is unnerving to read your posts because it teeters me towards panic attacks as I read your descriptions.  I have mild anxiety disorder compared to what you describe, but it still rules my life.  I have been prescribed kp and x0ny in addition to the usual SSRI's before, but I move frequently and new doctors always take forever to prescribe.  They all want to know the history behind the disorder, and that brings the panic/anxiety back, so I am stuck in this weird, partially medicated state.  Since I am forever going through this I have found one natural remedy that helps me ALOT.  I know it sounds cliche, but I exercise like a mad woman to help control my panic attacks.  I am paralyzed on my left side arm and back and have weakness in my left leg so my exercise consists of walking, but still it helps.  I know that you have a lot of pain (from your posts), so you will probably have to keep it small, but if you can get your heart rate up a bit and keep it up of 10-15 minutes natural mood enhancers kick in.  Please don't discount the bodies natural mood elevators.  They have saved me from doing something something stupid to try and escape a panic attack on many occasions.  And an added benefit is that all this exercise helps me sleep better.  On the nights when i have exercised, I have fewer night terrors.  I have a lot of natural remedies for panic because of my situation. I'm happy to share if you are interested.  (I loved the post about mindfullness, another rocking technique!)

It is unnerving to read your posts because it teeters me towards panic attacks as I read your descriptions.  I have mild anxiety disorder compared to what you describe, but it still rules my life.  I have been prescribed kp and x0ny in addition to the usual SSRI's before, but I move frequently and new doctors always take forever to prescribe.  They all want to know the history behind the disorder, and that brings the panic/anxiety back, so I am stuck in this weird, partially medicated state.  Since I am forever going through this I have found one natural remedy that helps me ALOT.  I know it sounds cliche, but I exercise like a mad woman to help control my panic attacks.  I am paralyzed on my left side arm and back and have weakness in my left leg so my exercise consists of walking, but still it helps.  I know that you have a lot of pain (from your posts), so you will probably have to keep it small, but if you can get your heart rate up a bit and keep it up of 10-15 minutes natural mood enhancers kick in.  Please don't discount the bodies natural mood elevators.  They have saved me from doing something something stupid to try and escape a panic attack on many occasions.  And an added benefit is that all this exercise helps me sleep better.  On the nights when i have exercised, I have fewer night terrors.  I have a lot of natural remedies for panic because of my situation. I'm happy to share if you are interested.  (I loved the post about mindfullness, another rocking technique!)
No need to feel unnerving, once the recovery process is over it's a cake walk. I'm going through the worst stages right now which generally never lasts long and hopefully I'll never have to do this again. May I ask your dosage of KP? If it's under 2mg a day you shouldn't experience what I'm experiencing which is a good thing. If you are, talk to your doctor regarding being on a safer dose (1-3mg daily) which can be weened off of easier than higher doses. Xan helps a ton when you have a panic attack but your body depends on the medication so harshly that it may not be ideal to do such a thing if you have a method that works for you to treat panic.

Indeed, running or walking to up your heart rate can be good and bad seeing the class of medications you're on slows down the heart rate by default. However, on the other end a change of pace can really effect you so be careful. You don't want it to go too high seeing if you're panicking your heart rate by default is increased so you need to be careful and keep a heart rate monitor on hand. If it goes too high, you may need to go to the ER just to make sure you'll be alright.

I understand what you're going through, trust me I do. It really sucks and it does make your life a living hell and being on these medications does not help in the long run. Short term, yes but the longer you take it they will have to eventually up your dose due to tolerance levels which is what I had to go through and which is why I decided to do this seeing it would be a never ending cycle. If you ever need someone to talk to there's people on the forums like myself that experience exactly what you're going through so don't be afraid to talk to them or myself. 

Everyone is different, but I find listening to asian zen music while burning calming incense seems to maintain a calm state of mind which reduces the amount of attacks I have per day. It doesn't mean they'll stop, but it does reduce the amount. I have roughly three to four on average each day which I've adapted to, it's just one of those "here we go again" things where I just lay down and wait for it to be over and hope convulsions aren't involved which sometimes happens. 

I'd love to hear your natural remedies, I'm a very open minded individual that's willing to try new things. None the less, these medications are devious in the long run as I said before so please be careful-- I can't stress that enough. I don't want another individual to go through this. 

Thank you for your post, it means a lot to me knowing you're willing to help to support the cause by treating panic with natural remedies. I've tried breathing exercises but they're not for me unfortunately, so anything beyond that I'm willing to try! I'll also share some of mine, I'll have to think of the best way to put them but I'll be sure to stay in touch so I can give them all in this thread that I've found.

Warm wishes,


Glad to hear things are going well & I applaud your bravery. There are only 2 types of withdrawal that can actually kill you--benzos and alcohol.

They give benzos to alcoholics who are detoxing--I used to drink a qt of vodka a day and detoxed myself with vals--but I don't know if anyone had tried detoxing from benzos with alcohol (not that you need it). It should fill the same basic role as a gaba-a agonist.

Glad to hear things are going well & I applaud your bravery. There are only 2 types of withdrawal that can actually kill you--benzos and alcohol.

They give benzos to alcoholics who are detoxing--I used to drink a qt of vodka a day and detoxed myself with vals--but I don't know if anyone had tried detoxing from benzos with alcohol (not that you need it). It should fill the same basic role as a gaba-a agonist.
I believe there's three, the third being narcotics. I'm not fully sure about this but I'm fairly sure that can be very serious aswell. I wouldn't know first hand though.

Thank you for the kind words and support, it means a lot to me seeing there's more and more users coming to support somebody they don't even know through a really tough time or time(s).

Unfortunately, I'm very prone to becoming an alcoholic due to my families historical background regarding alcoholism. So for the most part, I stay away from alchohol at all costs. I did try taking alcohol once with this class of medication and I won't lie, it felt really good but if I kept doing it I might of eventually ended up in the ER or even dead at this very moment so I'm grateful that I'm still alive after all these things happening. It's bound to be a sign, I'm just not sure what it is yet. Perhaps it's just making the right calls on things, who knows.

I appreciate the advice but I think I'll stay away from alcohol seeing I'm prone to having a long list of effects that could ruin my life.



Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!