I'm pleased to announce...

Hey so if we're talking about the same paragraph beginning with " Just be careful with any substance you use that's in controlled substance class. " then that's what I was in 100% agreement with.  I don't think there's any apology necessary for that.  We might have been out of sync about what paragraph I was talking about.

Tonight I'm drinking normally, tomorrow I'm gonna party like it's 1999 and then that's it.  Friday I start the OZ for the the third time, stop taking xan, stop drinking, and start intensive outpatient therapy starting on Monday, lasting a month.  I'm good talking about it all, and respect your privacy at the same time.  Any questions answered over here, and any advice accepted with gratitude and respect.  


I think there's some missing links to what we're talking about and we get lost in our own paragraphs due to misunderstandings, that's all. If it happens again, no big deal we can clear it up like reasonable adults as we've been doing.

Don't go overboard on me now, gotta share it with the rest of us seeing you're the one who invited us! I did the same thing regarding benzos, I enjoyed my last day on being on a high dose as much as I could and got as much out of the day as I could. As long as your mind is set and ready for this, have a great time tonight! 

I'll be right beside you along the way my friend. You will never be alone, us here at DBG have your back every step of the way. However I do have a question before I sumit the reply, have you at least lowered the amount of alcohol consumption before doing this? If so the detox may not be as bad as some detoxes, but tonight don't worry about that. Enjoy the night man, we're rooting for you.


I think there's some missing links to what we're talking about and we get lost in our own paragraphs due to misunderstandings, that's all. If it happens again, no big deal we can clear it up like reasonable adults as we've been doing.

Don't go overboard on me now, gotta share it with the rest of us seeing you're the one who invited us! I did the same thing regarding benzos, I enjoyed my last day on being on a high dose as much as I could and got as much out of the day as I could. As long as your mind is set and ready for this, have a great time tonight! 

I'll be right beside you along the way my friend. You will never be alone, us here at DBG have your back every step of the way. However I do have a question before I sumit the reply, have you at least lowered the amount of alcohol consumption before doing this? If so the detox may not be as bad as some detoxes, but tonight don't worry about that. Enjoy the night man, we're rooting for you.

thanks, VII.  Tonight will be a typical drinking night for me. 6 beers and appx 250 mgs of of vod, then night night (in about 30 mins).  Might sound lightweight to some but I was worse before and I'm heading in that worse direction again.  I'm not going crazy tomorrow while working from home, that was kind of a joke.  I have a rather important web conf to attend and participate in while lightly inebriated at 1pm, wife comes home with kids at 5pm.. In between that I might hit the vod a bit hard, but I'll I cook dinner, etc.  After that, Friday morning, Theoretically I'm done, and I'm on the Ox.  Otherwise I severely jeopardize my IOP sucess which starts on Mon. Sorry for the hyperbole, I was just having a bit of fun.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  I'll keep you updated in my thread, my friends. 


thanks, VII.  Tonight will be a typical drinking night for me. 6 beers and appx 250 mgs of of vod, then night night (in about 30 mins).  Might sound lightweight to some but I was worse before and I'm heading in that worse direction again.  I'm not going crazy tomorrow while working from home, that was kind of a joke.  I have a rather important web conf to attend and participate in while lightly inebriated at 1pm, wife comes home with kids at 5pm.. In between that I might hit the vod a bit hard, but I'll I cook dinner, etc.  After that, Friday morning, Theoretically I'm done, and I'm on the Ox.  Otherwise I severely jeopardize my IOP sucess which starts on Mon. Sorry for the hyperbole, I was just having a bit of fun.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  I'll keep you updated in my thread, my friends. 

My god, half of a "good" beer is too much for me. Not much of a beer fan myself, I do however enjoy Scotch from time to time on special occasions. Always keep a bottle on hand. Regarding beer, could probably drink one and that's all I can handle. Perhaps it's my medication but that's quite a bit. You've got a liver of steel there my friend. 

I can't say it will be easy, but if you can handle all of this that you've gone through you can conquer anything including this. It's just a matter of being comfortable with it, as long as your comfortable with it and have your mind set as I said before you're golden! Your body will be much healthier aswell which would be good for your kids. With most heavy drinkers, they do want to spend time with their kids but the alcohol sometimes takes over to an extent that limits what you can do. Not saying this is the case, but you'll feel much better mentally and physically none the less afterwards.

Stay in touch,


I'm kinda fucked when I come off my 12mg of xannies just looking through this thread.

PTFC is right though. I used to take 16mg along with 100mg of Diaz for sleep. Dropping the Diaz and 4mg of xannie never had any effect on me. Dropping the high doses is easy. I'm dreading when I decide dropping down to low doses.

Everytime I start a taper some horrible event  in my life makes me stop it but I never go back up which is a plus. I only started benzos last November but I defo have a dependence. I started because of a mental breakdown but I'll get there eventually. Going to restart the taper in about 4 weeks. May make my own thread as it could give me the support I need. I take them in secret so can't get support from elsewhere.

I'm kinda fucked when I come off my 12mg of xannies just looking through this thread.

PTFC is right though. I used to take 16mg along with 100mg of Diaz for sleep. Dropping the Diaz and 4mg of xannie never had any effect on me. Dropping the high doses is easy. I'm dreading when I decide dropping down to low doses.

Everytime I start a taper some horrible event  in my life makes me stop it but I never go back up which is a plus. I only started benzos last November but I defo have a dependence. I started because of a mental breakdown but I'll get there eventually. Going to restart the taper in about 4 weeks. May make my own thread as it could give me the support I need. I take them in secret so can't get support from elsewhere.
 Wow snoop mate that was a MEGA x@nnie and di@z amount to be taking daily!.I have had problems with addiction and still do so I understand that we all reach for our drug of choice when troubles appear.I have allways done this as we kinda justify our use because of the slightest bit of trouble  (not saying your problems are slight btw snoop) and it's our coping mechanism.As allways when you are straight the problems still there but you've taken a big step backwards in your try at recovery AGAIN.I just wish I could listen to my own advice sometimes and think about what im doing instead of just taking my drug of choice without really thinking about the consequences!.

Nowadays I do try to stop and think things through first whereas before I didn't even think, I was driving on my way to use my "coping drug" before I even realised or thought about the consequences.As you say snoop you've not had a benzo problem for too long and I hope you can get them under control as quickly as they got you under they're control ??



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I'm kinda fucked when I come off my 12mg of xannies just looking through this thread.

PTFC is right though. I used to take 16mg along with 100mg of Diaz for sleep. Dropping the Diaz and 4mg of xannie never had any effect on me. Dropping the high doses is easy. I'm dreading when I decide dropping down to low doses.

Everytime I start a taper some horrible event  in my life makes me stop it but I never go back up which is a plus. I only started benzos last November but I defo have a dependence. I started because of a mental breakdown but I'll get there eventually. Going to restart the taper in about 4 weeks. May make my own thread as it could give me the support I need. I take them in secret so can't get support from elsewhere.
I can relate to your story on every level. You'd have to go down 0.5-1mg of xanny at a time and 5-10mg of val at a time. Used to be on a much heavier dose of such substances myself, not that high like your on but enough to knock a horse out. This is not an easy choice for anyone to make so only do it if you have your mind set to it and fully comfortable. Just be aware, eventually you'll loose the effectiveness due to tolerance and they'll have to up your dosage to maintain the effectiveness. 

However at this large of a dose, I'm surprised they'd go that high. Never heard of anyone taking such doses daily, I mean I won't sugar coat anything it's a living nightmare going through it let along just thinking about it. I was the same exact way when I first thought about tapering off, it was either "not today" or "I wouldn't be able to live without it" in a literal form, I thought I honestly couldn't. I do however see hope even though I'm only on day 12 & 13 right now.

As time passes, it gets better. It has it's bad moments but nothing that a human being can't handle. You've got to learn to adapt with most of the symptoms even though they're negative effects. Once you're able to successfully adapt to the situation where it's becoming more of a normal thing it's honestly not as bad. It's very rough, I've been wanting to give in for about a week now and it's getting at it's worse stages in the past few days which didn't help at all. Hopefully it won't last much longer.

I personally thought I wouldn't make it past day 4 or 5 to be completely honest and I've exceeded my expectations. I do notice your body stays cleaner at a lower dose and you feel a lot better on lower doses-- not to mention much safer. If I have to put up with the feeling of going absolutely insane for a few weeks that's worth the time put in to lower the amount I'm on at least. At such high doses, I wouldn't recommend doing what I'm doing. Without medical professionals assistance it's a living nightmare for me, so I'd highly suggest doing such things with a medical professionals supervision. 

I have my reasons on why I'm doing this without supervision, however it wasn't the smartest choice in the world for me to make. None the less, the progress is great so I can't just stop now and let everyone down.

You could make a thread about it, it's really up to you. I know how sensitive it is to talk about or even thinking about so only do this at your own pace. Remember, I may be repeating myself but I cannot express this enough even though what you've read may seem really bad you may not have it that bad if you do it under a medical professionals supervision to ween yourself down. You can still get the effect on lower doses, that's the glory of tapering down. Trying to maintain the lower doses as low doses will be the "real" issue seeing your body can easily adapt to the dosage(s).

Wish you the best of luck,


Thank you for your kind words.

The one major issue I have is that my xannies aren't prescribed because it's not available here (well you can if you pay for private health care but it's not worth it. Even then it's a last resort drug).

Mines will be unsupervised but I may do what you have done and open an update thread. I've also made a very good friend on here who has done it, albeit at lower dosages.

My dosages are high but I'm 6ft 4 and weigh about 210 pounds. Probably why I can take these dose without knocking myself out.

I need to get caught up and will do so in a few hours - I'm headed for a fitting so it'll be a bit

However I wanted to check in on you - update me if it's not repeating something you already said (I dont want to irritate) 


Yeah snoop your friend is indeed very VERY close to his goal now,they have been a good friend to me also and very handy to compair info or queries with.You will need to just go slowly but you will get they're bud,I fortunately managed to get bnz under control before they got me under they're control.

At least here as you know you'll get good support and advice and that's what makes this place so good,genuine members who do reach out and help each other.Hope things get better for you snoop just be strong and take each day at a time.I've found this to be the easiest way to combat my addictions as it can often be scarey to think too far ahead so little steps.....



Here's a small update before I write the overview of the past few days.

First off, I'd like to make something very clear. I get serious panic attacks daily, that won't stop no matter what so I have to use Xan to stop it at it's source to function normally. Without some sort of treatment I'm very prone to becoming somewhat insane. I am however on a much lower dose now which is fantastic news (KP and Xan). My body seems to be tolerating the new doses quite well but the withdrawals are still there.

Strangely enough, I don't feel as bad as I have been in the past three to four days. I actually feel better today which is great. I still can't sleep for more than 2-4 hours a day but I was able to sleep for 4 hours 45 minutes today which was progress none the less. Longest I've slept since the detox. It seems I do indeed need to be on some sort of substance to control my anxiety disorder due to how serious it actually is. This however does not mean I need to be on a huge amount of benzos to resolve my issues, I'm pleased to say I'm on a very low amount and my body is handling it better than before.

I believe the worst part is over or my body is getting used to the heavier symptoms and it's not bothering me much at all as far as I'm concerned today. If it still feels this way in the next 24-48 hours I may of done what seemed to be impossible for me. If this is true, I could technically get off these completely but that wouldn't be wise without some sort of medical advice or supervision during the process. This was done without medical professionals advice or supervision which I DO NOT advise anyone to do under any circumstance.

I put my life at risk doing this without a medical professionals assistance or consulting with them first, never do what I did. However if you're stuck on benzos like I was and I managed to do what seems to be impossible anyone can do it, you just need to set your mind to it and go through with it all the way. I couldn't of done this without DBG and my supporters. There's still symptoms but hopefully as I stated before they won't be as bad anymore.

I do still crave higher doses but I will never take such a high dose even if a doctor prescribes such a thing to me. I've gotten to a very safer place and I feel more natural. I've never felt like this in my entire life and it truly makes me want too cry in a good way. Hopefully there's a better alternative to treat this disorder without benzos and I can fully get off of them under medical supervision for good, in the meantime the low doses I thought were near impossible to use to treat my disorder-- it's a matter of balancing it out properly. Gladly I was able to achive this and I will refuse to go back to that old lifestyle of being on heavy amounts of benzos each day.

Bare in mind, it's too risky (can result in death) if I go completely off them so I will consult with my healthcare professional regarding such matters. Until then, rest assure you all have helped me lower my dose to have a better lifestyle that I never thought I could ever have. I am forever in your debts to all that supported me through my pain and suffering through the detox process.

I will keep everyone updated that has supported me and future supporters aswell regarding fully getting off them seeing I've made it this far, I can go further but I need to make sure I'm fully safe while I do this. I can't put my life at risk again. I hope you all understand why I have to approach it this way, rest assure the battle will be fully over once I'm off the medications completely.

With much love,


I need to get caught up and will do so in a few hours - I'm headed for a fitting so it'll be a bit

However I wanted to check in on you - update me if it's not repeating something you already said (I dont want to irritate) 

There's no way you can irritate me. You may ask me anything and I will provide you with any answers you request.

I did post a recent update right above this post with great news. All I need to do is see a healthcare professional to fully get off these for good now that I've reached one of the lowest doses that I need to be on that's much safer than before and easier to ween off of.

I'm still in horrific pain, but besides that I'm pleased to announce it was a success even though I'm still having slight withdrawals. It's been a few days since the last update and I must say every minute counts. Perhaps my body is adjusting to the withdrawals to handle it in a easier manner. None the less, I have stayed strong and will remain strong due to all of the supporters here at DBG.

I refuse to give in, I refuse to give up. I've made it this far and if I can do this I can make it through fully. It will take some time, but it will be worth it.

Thank you so much for being here for me in my time of need supporting me all the way. All the supporters like yourself are tthe only reason I kept going and never gave in to the temptations. They're still there, don't get me wrong but I'm managing it MUCH better than before. 

I will continue to provide progress as time goes on, generally I post updates every few days seeing I'm quite busy however I will always make the time to post here even if nobody was actually reading it seeing it may help somebody one day. However is it strange or out of the ordinary that I feel this way after 2 weeks after being on these for ten years? Or is there more to come?

I weigh a lot and the twats still knock me out, Snoop! I have lost a lot though - mixture of prescription weight loss drugs and val's/opiates. 

I wish you well of you decide to taper. I have done it with alcohol and benzos, not easy but worth it. xx

Update: Week two.

Seeing I'd be typing a lot of the same things regarding withdrawal symptoms and what not I'll from here on out update to specific things to assist me further.

The withdrawals are still the same as stated before, however getting lighter besides the pain which is getting worse.

However here's the story so far, I'm going to leave the withdrawal symptoms out of the story to show the positives that have come out of this so far. I woke up this morning feeling strange because it felt like nothing was the same. Everything was literally brand new to me for some reason, I took a look out my window and everything outside seems so much more beautiful than before. I'm starting to see fine details in things which I never was capable of before and most of the feelings that I couldn't feel (literally, some emotions were absolutely blocked) before started to occur. I felt at peace for the first time in my life seeing I don't remember any time before that regarding these feelings.

All my life I've been drugged up by doctors, and being drugged up changed how I viewed things visually and mentally along with specific emotions that I was incapable of feeling. So this is the first time that I'm looking at everything not being drugged up by doctors. It's as if I just opened my eyes for the first time in my life. The world as a whole, minus some of the people is truly a beautiful place. I'm going to take a walk or something to experience this first hand for the first time in my life-- seeing I can't recall ever feeling like this before it might as well be my first time.

I was incapable of feeling the emotion of happiness, it sounds strange but I could only know that I'm happy but I never felt it. As I was looking outside my window it was the first time I actually felt the feeling of happiness. I'm experiencing what I thought was actually impossible.

I'm not on drugs, I'm not high, I'm not hallucinating, this is all real. I see things much more vividly now in fine detail which allows me to appreciate the world around me from a brand new perspective. 

A life without being drugged up by doctors your whole life is better than actually being on the medications. I thought there wouldn't be a life without it, I truly didn't see a purpose and now I clearly see first hand that being even on a lower dose to the point where I'm not drugged up that there's truly a life beyond these drugs and it's much better than living a life being on them 24/7.

Regarding the withdrawals, I still experience them and I probably will for awhile but I'm starting to adapt to the symptoms and I'm starting to function better today. Just a few days ago I was ready to give up, I'm so glad I didn't otherwise I wouldn't of felt the emotions I wasn't able to feel before (multiple emotions, happiness is one of them) and see the world as it really is. I can see why some mask up the real world with drugs but it's not the life you really want if you're always drugged up. 

The main withdrawal symptom I have right now is heavy pain, but I'm dealing with that accordingly. It's hard to function sometimes but I'm at the end of the tunnel where the light was and I'm starting to see what things really are. I couldn't of made it this far without you guys, perhaps there's even more to it and I've yet to experience it yet.

Only time can tell, but I can say first hand I wouldn't go back to those drugs to hide from the world seeing I've been drugged up my entire life by doctors. I've repeated myself a few times in this post and I apologize, but it's just to keep a stable point. A life being drugged up all the time is not the life I'd ever want to live again. I went through and still going through a living nightmare/hell with withdrawals but it was absolutely worth it and I can gladly say I have DBG to thank for this. I wouldn't be this way right now if it wasn't for you guys and gals, all of which are positives that are coming out of this minus the withdrawals.

I still have a road ahead of me, it's not over yet but here's an update that I was pretty eager to post. For the time being until I see my doctor, I'll be trying to experience life without being drugged up all the time. It will be hard, but it's something I'd like to get used to seeing I don't see any negative things about this new point of view. Masking this up with drugs would just make it go back to what it was which was miserable. 

Thank you all, as I stated before it's not over yet but there's a lot of progress so far and I'm looking forward to more positive changes!


bruh i am so happy for you, its been 8yrs for me also that i been on x@n@x,  i still cant kick it, and with all these random things happening now i feel so much more anxious , but am i finding excuses to continue

VII< congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one day il be beating it also i hope , i got on this at the wrong age , age 26-27 doc put me on , i never researched it back than or thought what i was taken til a few months after being on , i tried to skip some days and that's when i knew my body was facing w/d's and immediately took one and the w/ds went away.

for the pain and antsy, or hot/cold try getting to a gym and use a sauna and hot tub, maybe some laps in the pool, i have notice on the days i swim in cold water or go surfing my body detoxes in some kind of way that i dont need xanax for a couple days, but than i can take 1mg and be find but i always creep back up to 4mg

sorry this is your thread,

! i am taking all your info for your cleanse to learn for myself

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Congratulations @VII, it really is amazing when you start to feel things again.  I truly value my moments of serenity.  This is a beautiful world we live in when you take the time to stop and take it in.  I am a recovering alcoholic and I will be 4 years sober on 5/11/16.  Due to the fact that I drank heavily for over 20 yrs. my emotional growth has been stunted.  I am truly a toddler right now learning to put my big girl panties on:)  Anyway, my suggestion to you is to keep it simple, stay in the present moment and get out your gratitude list.  There are a lot of ups and downs in the beginning stages of recovery.  Just know you are not alone and you can pm me anytime.  

Take care,


bruh i am so happy for you, its been 8yrs for me also that i been on x@n@x,  i still cant kick it, and with all these random things happening now i feel so much more anxious , but am i finding excuses to continue

VII< congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one day il be beating it also i hope , i got on this at the wrong age , age 26-27 doc put me on , i never researched it back than or thought what i was taken til a few months after being on , i tried to skip some days and that's when i knew my body was facing w/d's and immediately took one and the w/ds went away.

for the pain and antsy, or hot/cold try getting to a gym and use a sauna and hot tub, maybe some laps in the pool, i have notice on the days i swim in cold water or go surfing my body detoxes in some kind of way that i dont need xanax for a couple days, but than i can take 1mg and be find but i always creep back up to 4mg

sorry this is your thread,

! i am taking all your info for your cleanse to learn for myself
Thank you for the kind words but it's not over yet, just starting to feel the positive effects of it.

Don't worry about it, this thread is for everybody not just for myself. I can't say kicking it is easy, infact it took years for me to convince myself to do it and I couldn't of done it without DBG's support to be honest. If you feel like you want to kick it, open a thread about it and ask for advice on what to do regarding your situation. It seems that you were in he same boat that I was. I still have to take zannys for panic attacks (the bad ones that last hours) however it's not a daily habit anymore. It's going to take a month or two to fully feel drug-free, that's the problem.

I'm not going to sit here and lie to you, I'm a very weak willed individual when it comes down to drugs like this. Even though I'm taking some meds (MUCH lower doses though) to treat panic I still miss what it felt like but that's not the real world that I saw, you start to see a different world or the world at a different perspective than anyone else in the world when you're always drugged up. It's hard for anyone, but if I can do it I'm sure anyone can knowing how prone I am to becoming addicted again. I will do my best to stay away from high doses but it's not easy. Once you take one and start to feel it you miss the calm state of mind you previously were in. You have to fight through that which is a pain in the ass to be very blunt about it-- if you can do that then by all means you can conquer this addiction and get on at least a lower dose and stay at that level where you're not feeling drugged up.

It has it's uses, a panic disorder is a panic disorder. You can call it a ham sandwich but it's still a panic disorder and it can't go untreated if you want to live an everyday life. It's the hard truth but lowering your tolerance and dependency levels helps a TON when it comes to feeling "normal" again (basically not feeling drugged up).



Congratulations @VII, it really is amazing when you start to feel things again.  I truly value my moments of serenity.  This is a beautiful world we live in when you take the time to stop and take it in.  I am a recovering alcoholic and I will be 4 years sober on 5/11/16.  Due to the fact that I drank heavily for over 20 yrs. my emotional growth has been stunted.  I am truly a toddler right now learning to put my big girl panties on:)  Anyway, my suggestion to you is to keep it simple, stay in the present moment and get out your gratitude list.  There are a lot of ups and downs in the beginning stages of recovery.  Just know you are not alone and you can pm me anytime.  

Take care,

Thank you for your kind words, but as I stated before it's not over yet. Still have a long road ahead of me, may take a few months but it'll be worth it if emotions aren't blocked anymore along with actually seeing things as if it was my first time opening my eyes. 100% worth it in my opinion.

I'm so happy to hear that you've been sober for 4 years, fantastic job! I'm really proud of you, and I have to say the way you used your wording is perfect. That's the best way to explain it, feeling like a toddler again discovering a whole new world. It seems unrealistic just by hearing it however it's very realistic. What you feel when you're drugged up all the time is not what you actually are supposed to feel/see in the real world. It just covers everything up like a mask, after the mask is off it's truly a beautiful place...minus the a-holes that found a place on this planet but you can't get rid of them, just  gotta nip it in the butt and move forward seeing you're stronger than them if you were able to kick an addiction rather it's alcohol or benzos, it applies to us both.

Thanks for the support, I'll still be going through the recovery process but I'm honestly glad there's at least some results being shown after two weeks, there's actually a light at the end of the tunnel. Time to reach the end of it so I can breath the air like every other person on earth that isn't going through such a thing. I'm looking forward to viewing things just like everyone else, it's exciting to say none the less! 

I could ramble on which I seem to do a lot and I'm sorry about that. I'm just really excited and have a lot to say, I'll try to cool down on it though. Thank you so much for the support, this applies to everyone else aswell.

If you need to talk about anything aswell I'm always open to PM's. Perhaps you'd like to share your story to assist others, it wouldn't hurt anyone infact people just reading it (they don't have to respond) may find it inspirational enough to finally get clean themselves. 

Right now, as I stand I'm still on the meds but on such a low dose it doesn't effect my everyday life anymore. I'm practically sitting on 1mg of KP a day which is virtually nothing compared to what I used to be on so the addictions still there, but dropping from a very VERY high amount of KP/Xan to such a low amount was a huge step. Now I need to get off these completely (hopefully, if I can without needing them) through a healthcare professionals guidance. I can't do this without a professionals guidance, I put my life at risk doing this by myself so it's best to leave that to the professionals. Even if I have to live with just a low dose, I will at least see things clearly now.



when i tried to lower my doses, i definitely had these weird visual's light certain lighting would bother me, and i would get bugged eyed, eyes dilated, il have a racing heart and be very anxious and lost for words , and incoherent , its weird :/ i hope it goes good for you. I had to take one this morning, woke up nervous feeling and such , I try to keep my dose low on the weekend.

I think, regardless of where I work, if i continued on the med,i would take it for any job, work is just !  i cant explain it but it, but we all gotta deal with WORK and MAKING A INCOME! ,and the demand it puts on us to make sure we got food, roof over our head, some  money in the bank i guess. I know i was always high paced and strung up so with the x@n@x it barley hits my hyper-ness, it used to work in the beginning but now i take it to stop the w/d feeling...,

I also noticed , where months were i devote all my energy towards working out and somewhat cleansing my body, i have a better Motivation to stick around the 2mg range when im serious about diet and stuff, but working out all the  time and cardio gets boring too..... ARGH!

i guess even the celebs gotta deal with b.s just like us regular ppl, cause if they had it good to they wouldn't need med's also....

I need time to respond because that "looking out of the window" and noticing things - is the "fog" lifting.  Was it Burroughs that said we go into a plant like state while using and detoxing we become animals again - able to feel / see / enjoy?

I need time to respond because that "looking out of the window" and noticing things - is the "fog" lifting.  Was it Burroughs that said we go into a plant like state while using and detoxing we become animals again - able to feel / see / enjoy?
I agree. It's just the painful adjusting to reality that we try to put off. 

It's like, apparently, stopping smoking makes you feel renergised and taste food much better. I'd love to stop smoking - so hard! The benzos would go before I give up smoking.

Addiction/reliance is a way of masking things, whatever they may be.

Facing up to it all is the bloody hard part. 

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I agree. It's just the painful adjusting to reality that we try to put off. 

It's like, apparently, stopping smoking makes you feel renergised and taste food much better. I'd love to stop smoking - so hard! The benzos would go before I give up smoking.

Addiction/reliance is a way of masking things, whatever they may be.

Facing up to it all is the bloody hard part. 
Spot on, facing up to it all, getting our character and confidence back. It CAN be done. 

^^^ Out of likes for several people, but it can be done, with or without AA/NA. I have seen many people turn their lives around, my only fear is the amount of bridges burned on the way through my Picasso-esque life. I.e. All jumbled up and occasionally non-sensical. 

Also, he was a bit of a jerk.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!