You do realize if you purchase more then just 15 tablets the cost is like $3.30 per pill?
Of course if you purchase very little you have to pay more, 15 at 5 a pop is $75
30 at 5.67 170
60 at 3.75 225
90 at 3.33 300
Any where you purchase just about, if you purchase very little you have to pay more per unit, if you purchase more you pay less per unit. The advantage this place has is that they accept credit cards if you stick with their credit card provider. Products ship within the US, and offer a money back guarantee.
Communication is very consecutive at least it has been for me in the past. Everything that is mentioned that you are going to receive is what you receive, if something changes you get notified and asked if you still want your stuff. If something is not available you are told right away.
In a way in my opinion the way the service is handled compensates the high costs. But I think I mentioned this in a earlier post if you are looking for good service, constant communication upfront honest service, not cheap but good place to go.
If you are looking to get cheap prices, with a service where you are only spoken to when you pay and then ignored after you've payed this is not the place to go. Some or just most cheap places can be very responsive when you inquire about a product and have to pay, but are hard to respond after you've paid. A very good Example would be the SY Vendors.
But we all have our choices and things we prefer to go through. Me for instance, I like reassurance. Since orders go through my mastercard if something ever turns sour, my money is just one call away to dispute anything wrong.
If this place can't find what I need, they go the extra mile to finding it and letting me know. It's like a go to place where I say "hey bill can you get this?", they say "wait a few". Come back and say "yes, I found a guy, you have to pay like this and like that. This is the guarantees I was able to get for you in case something goes wrong, etc".
What other place offers this. If you tell the place hey can I get X and they say no, that's it. With that said, I think the price compensates the service. I may be wrong, if I am please correct me and hope I haven't offended anyone with my opinion.
I know price makes a difference to just about everything but what most are not considering is the service your going to receive. Sorry if I sound like if I am defending this place a bit too much, but the reason why I am talking about what I just said is because I think some are just focusing on one thing which is price, and not considering the type of service you're going to get. On other places this site has been spoken about and yes they all talk about the same issue, price. But those who try the service are actually happy with them afterwards regardless of their pricing just because of the type of service and constant communication they receive.
Please delete post if it is not appropriate or if it offends anyone since I am talking in general. My intentions where not to bash anyone directly but to bring a small point I think should be considered by some. If you find this in any way offensive my apolgozie before hand. An argument or a "flame-war" is the last thing I want to bring into this forum.