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hahahaha yeah ao if you found a $20 take picture p[lease and send to me. 20 credit towards your next order
Send it to proton? Or send it when times comes for the next one

im sorry i truely enjoy chatting w many right now im just trying to keef orders in line and some questions i havent got to yet:(
I really enjoyed talking with you, but definitely hope you stay super busy. You are truly Doing the lords work. By your rules I can't order just yet anyway.

Thanks again for hooking me the fuck up.
@PHXINC , ive been an active original member here, one of the very first originals going well into 11 or 12 years, and somehow I have missed your threads and missed the pleasure of introducing myself and chatting with you! We have so many similarities, both in our addiction and the chems that seem to be of our particular interest! Wonderful way to be very clear about your business model and being clear to members what's utmost important to you, and the sort of character and morals important to you that's required for everyone interested in interacting with you first abd foremost need adhere to--and it is mandatory!...Two huge thumbs up, I love the model and can't tell you how much the level of customer service and real effort put forth into your offerings is appreciated --I speak not only for me but dozens if not hundreds of daily visitors reading this as well!

I wish we had more vendors her⁰e that could model even a fraction of the sort of character And heart you clearly put into everything you're offering members here! Anyways it's more than a pleasure sir and I am elated to find the company of a likeminded vendor and new buddy on here!!

PM sent sir!
Okay I will post it right here... This is copied from my server on element so ignore some of the lingo

Quick background. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years, then i was sober for 10 years from opiates. A few months ago I relapsed in the worst way. Started on Fetty then straight to Zene in a month.

So I was on Etonitazepyne the majority of this run. It’s extremely powerful (20x as strong as fentanyl) but the good thing is it has legs for days. A dose could keep me good 36 hours. BC of the half life this makes it the best zene to taper with as well. So I got lucky in that aspect. At my height I was doing well over a gram a day IV use. That might sound crazy but it’s actually really easy with zenes. I’ve never seen a drug rapidly accumulate tolerance like that. I was doing .005 shots in the beginning. At the end I was doing everything I could to get a quarter gram to dissolve. And let me tell you - it takes ALOT. My life was bottling zene solutions and figuring out the formula to use them PG, citric acid, rapid heating is the only way u can IV the dosages i did. For those that dont know, zenes turn to a disgusting plasticky goo when added to water. You need to heat alot and then you have about 30 seconds to IV else its goo again. Disgusting fucking shit. Now back to tolrance- What gets u well at the beginning of the week will not suffice after 7 days of straight use. I was doubling my dose every week almost. They really are the devil in every way.

So anyways I started about a 3 month taper. That was fucking tough, but I was done. These zenes had ravaged me. So by the end I took my last 6-7 grams and I added 32 grams of cut to it. (Just to “fool” my mind, ya know - but really I needed to be able to dose it as well. At my final day I was doing a quarter gram a day of eto that had been cut 6 times over. So from let’s say 1.5 gram per day of extremely pure product to a quarter gram a day of like 15% purity product. At that point I jumped off and started SR-17018. I started at 300 mg a day but I would have been more comfortable at 400. Still I was fine, I had comfort meds as well so a little discomfort on day 2-3 but that’s about it.


Days 1-6 - 100 mg x 3 per day

Days 7-11 - 100 mg 2x per day

Days 12-14 - 75 mg 2x per day

Days 15-16 - 50 mg 2x per day

Day 17 - 25 mg 2 x per day,

I was still on zene so if your on fetty, methadone, heroin, oxy, suboxone, Odsmt , kratom. Your going to need much less.

If your on say 4 mg suboxone a day…I would start w allergy test. Then try 25 mg. See if that works for you and go from there.

If your on lower dose kratom or Odsmt I would start at 10 mg.

Id like to stress that their is still a lot of unknown factors and research that has to be done on this drug. Would it be useful getting off the minor opiates/opioids - Well, I don't see why not. If your going to use this you need to research every possible aspect you can so you can make an informed decision. Your body. Your choice.

After cessation .. not much withdrawal. It is really pretty miraculous to me. I used benzodiazepines only the 1st 4 days of this taper. After that my other comfort meds were tapentadol, clonidine , pregablin, soma. I kept O-DSMT on hand. Soma to me were the best since I can’t have benzos. They really took away any residual WD symptoms and allowed sleep and relaxation.

I did not experience any negative side effects.

So SR never got me high at all. So unlike suboxone (Same class of drug), which always gave me a slight buzz or mood lift. SR did nothing but take away WD. It does not dissolve in water so it’s very anti abusable. Your not IVing or snorting this stuff. Can u get high off of it? I don't know. Not at my dosages at least. So to me- it’s almost the perfect drug for getting off opiates. When you throw in the factor that it has studies that shows it reverses tolerance to morphine as well, well its a winner in my book.


To make a solution you would need DMSO and PEG300 for accurate dosing. PG and Citric acid may work. Unfortunately i only had PG on hand so i resorted to painstakingly weighing capsules.

Another FYI:

Most people would start taking SR with their drug of choice. And taper down. So hypothetically I would have used SR in conjunction with Etonitazepyne to lower my tolerance faster. That’s not the route I chose. More like this is just kind of how it worked out for me. So I stopped zene completely and started SR alone the next day and this way worked out well for me.

Last FYI - I do have a source I just found that I am vetting - that sells it 40 a g. (Domestic) If that turns out good, I’ll share with you guys of course. AND I will be permanently carrying.

I’m finalizing an order to Asia tonight. So if u want to add any amount of SR-17018 onto my order I will do that at cost.

Ive changed my stance. Zenes will no longer be tolerated here as far as being sold. Zenes/Tranq are the only items prohibited from being sold. The only exception is if someone is already addicted to zenes, we will help. But they has to be a plan to get off. These are the worst drugs on earth and they really do ravage your body and soul in a matter of weeks.

Fuck em.
I'm sorry if you said this somewhere else and I'm asking a question you already answered, but are you stating that Sr? Ken detox? You from suboxon Without munch pain or trouble? I am on between 8 and 16. Milligrams a day. I want to stop. Can you please give me any advice in regards to SR
im sorry i truely enjoy chatting w many right now im just trying to keef orders in line and some questions i havent got to yet:(
Hey bud, I have emailed you a couple of times, with hushnotes even containing my nick here regarding my second order that I placed to you and I still haven't heard back any confirmation that order or any sort of tracking for the first. You did mention I should see the first one Friday but you did say if we didn't receive a tracking number to let you know. I want to place a third order but I can't until the second is at least acknowledged.
canu dm me info im stumped on this one brother PLEASE. You will be taken care of immediate,
@PHXINC , ive been an active original member here, one of the very first originals going well into 11 or 12 years, and somehow I have missed your threads and missed the pleasure of introducing myself and chatting with you! We have so many similarities, both in our addiction and the chems that seem to be of our particular interest! Wonderful way to be very clear about your business model and being clear to members what's utmost important to you, and the sort of character and morals important to you that's required for everyone interested in interacting with you first abd foremost need adhere to--and it is mandatory!...Two huge thumbs up, I love the model and can't tell you how much the level of customer service and real effort put forth into your offerings is appreciated --I speak not only for me but dozens if not hundreds of daily visitors reading this as well!

I wish we had more vendors her⁰e that could model even a fraction of the sort of character And heart you clearly put into everything you're offering members here! Anyways it's more than a pleasure sir and I am elated to find the company of a likeminded vendor and new buddy on here!!

PM sent sir!
Its funny ive done business w moda man since back in those days, ttm2u, ppe2u,, pink, dusko, myron chems, domestic RCS, top nootropics and all them etizolam sellers u could just buy by email.

Ahh the nice gador 2 mg alps from argentina before the port of miami got shut down. man good times! Nice to meet, although im sure we've crossed batchs, just woudnt know it. Thanks for the hello and kind words.
Hey bud, I have emailed you a couple of times, with hushnotes even containing my nick here regarding my second order that I placed to you and I still haven't heard back any confirmation that order or any sort of tracking for the first. You did mention I should see the first one Friday but you did say if we didn't receive a tracking number to let you know. I want to place a third order but I can't until the second is at least acknowledged.
Your Mags may happen to be delivered tomorrow. In the future please understand we dont give out tracking for yours and our safety. Stay calm. You have a 3 day from order-door delivery. Please re read the rules in my bin. Next something is taken public with out us working on it together- consider the matter resolved.
Folks, when i say reach out if u dont have tracking im sorry, but that means that u have nothing showing on ID.
Thank you PHX. 100% A++
O 8/16, R 8/21, technically 3 days excluding the weekend
Pack #1 of 2 Legit, exactly what it is suppose to be.
10/10 coms
10/10 stealth
10/10 quality
There was a day or two when ID was being weird and showed a "unknown date" . but that is not on PHX.
He kept up coms when i mentioned it and thankfully it updated w correct info shortly after.
Amazing how fast it got here! Thank you very much! will update when #2 arrives
Thank you PHX. 100% A++
O 8/16, R 8/21, technically 3 days excluding the weekend
Pack #1 of 2 Legit, exactly what it is suppose to be.
10/10 coms
10/10 stealth
10/10 quality
There was a day or two when ID was being weird and showed a "unknown date" . but that is not on PHX.
He kept up coms when i mentioned it and thankfully it updated w correct info shortly after.
Amazing how fast it got here! Thank you very much! will update when #2 arrives
You got it my man. I drop everyday sometimes twice a day 😌 That will have to change eventually I’ve been doing this too many years to not see the tea leaves.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: AS PROMISED 2021 batch of A-PihP!!! For those that purchased with me on the group buy, please send $10 for shipping and your addy ASAP and I’ll get this out tomm morn at the latest. And let me tell you: it’s the fuckin tits. It’s the real deal no doubt about it. The original Chinese reside. Holy fuck, todays stuff cannot be called A-PihP it’s just not even close to this.IMG_1539.jpeg
We got the last of the grams so no big chucks but who gives a fuck the shits amazing. The seller is really famous for his bro 98% pure. He takes a lot of pride in it so I picked some up as well. He said it’s the best combo ever. I think somas and apihp is EXTREMELY euphoric but now I have ghb and gbl to put against it and that’s gonna add some sexy time effects I believe. I’ll lock my doors. No worries.ISIMG-694171.jpeg
You got it my man. I drop everyday sometimes twice a day 😌 That will have to change eventually I’ve been doing this too many years to not see the tea leaves.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: AS PROMISED 2021 batch of A-PihP!!! For those that purchased with me on the group buy, please send $10 for shipping and your addy ASAP and I’ll get this out tomm morn at the latest. And let me tell you: it’s the fuckin tits. It’s the real deal no doubt about it. The original Chinese reside. Holy fuck, todays stuff cannot be called A-PihP it’s just not even close to this.View attachment 4582
We got the last of the grams so no big chucks but who gives a fuck the shits amazing. The seller is really famous for his bro 98% pure. He takes a lot of pride in it so I picked some up as well. He said it’s the best combo ever. I think somas and apihp is EXTREMELY euphoric but now I have ghb and gbl to put against it and that’s gonna add some sexy time effects I believe. I’ll lock my doors. No worries.View attachment 4583
Nvm dm don't show. But I still no tracking either. I have no ID due to business. I sent u zipper. Thanks. Matter of safety. Peace
damn these are real oc’s and not presses? They still make those? gave up the opiate game because fents everywhere and I won’t touch that crap but damn it’d be nice to get some oc 80’s. The china w is very tempting would love to hear reviews on that
@PHXINC This dude is amazing freaking.Touchdown in like 72 hours.
Not even. Thank you bro. Haven't tried the t I z mags yet but i'm sure there are good reading
What's the shipping cost for PHX?

For those asking about SR17018: I've found the maximum solubility 15-20mg/ml using distilled water. This is an amazing RC to hit the scene and glad to see vendors offering it. In my research, mixing a solution of 15-20mg/ml of SR-17018 and keeping REFRIGERATED (it is a peptide and this is the ideal condition for storage). Oral consumption is the least effective since stomach acid breaks down most of it. If you have .22 micron filters, filter the solution and do a sub Q pin or make a sterile solution with an oral syringe and go up the bum- instant dope sickness relief. I kept a vial of refrigerated SR17018 and some 3ml oral syringes to perform rectal administration bc this peptide should not be consumed orally (stomach acid destroys peptides) and if you arent going to use needles, this is the fastest/easiest way to use it. It works, glad to see vendors responsibly providing it these days.
Its funny ive done business w moda man since back in those days, ttm2u, ppe2u,, pink, dusko, myron chems, domestic RCS, top nootropics and all them etizolam sellers u could just buy by email.

Ahh the nice gador 2 mg alps from argentina before the port of miami got shut down. man good times! Nice to meet, although im sure we've crossed batchs, just woudnt know it. Thanks for the hello and kind words.
Man o Man I miss those gador’s and the super cool they would package them ( we called em microchips when we got the bulk) since they were all perfectly pressed in what looked like a chip made of hundreds of sticks. I also used the ttm2u and ppe2u. Still use Modas gear if I’m in a pinch and known 100% he’s gunna come through after 10+ years of service. My favorite was when max magnus was the real deal shipping strait from Serbia. I want to say there was another Serbian vendor who had amazing deals but that was all many years ago. It was a wide open time to get everything so easy.
Man o Man I miss those gador’s and the super cool they would package them ( we called em microchips when we got the bulk) since they were all perfectly pressed in what looked like a chip made of hundreds of sticks. I also used the ttm2u and ppe2u. Still use Modas gear if I’m in a pinch and known 100% he’s gunna come through after 10+ years of service. My favorite was when max magnus was the real deal shipping strait from Serbia. I want to say there was another Serbian vendor who had amazing deals but that was all many years ago. It was a wide open time to get everything so easy.
Those ksalols kicked ass. So did the gadors. Makes me feel old looking back on it now ha
Its funny ive done business w moda man since back in those days, ttm2u, ppe2u,, pink, dusko, myron chems, domestic RCS, top nootropics and all them etizolam sellers u could just buy by email.

Ahh the nice gador 2 mg alps from argentina before the port of miami got shut down. man good times! Nice to meet, although im sure we've crossed batchs, just woudnt know it. Thanks for the hello and kind words.
I know each and every vendor on a personal level you just mentioned--my goodness that just shot me down memory lane!! Dusko was my buddy like family for years, and I've tried reaching out intermittently for a few years now to all half dozen emails I had to.communicate with him to no avail! I had the same or even closer
relationship with Max, it hurts my heart to read his thread in the Blacklist section at this current time!



Those letters along will in summation vet anyone on here in my mind! Man I remember when I met PPE for the first time they were so kind and asked if they could send me samples for a positive review and words of honesty of the experience..I obliged although had never sought out anything for free ever on the boards.. he said just pick any 3 items on this whole damn menu please. If memory serves I picked out 3 brands of my username. I forgot about it until about 3 or 4 weeks later a letter came---easily with thir tee blisters of a dozen choice reads In dozens of brands--I was floored!

Your one cool ass dude man, grateful to have your business as a vendor here as well as hearing your trials thru addiction in your experience, strength, and hope! Much love brother!

Ps check your proto sent you mail

Edit--I fucking miss Gadors!!!
Last edited:
I really appreciate a vendor that gets the order out the day of payment. I have had next day take a week while this normal method came much quicker due to him getting it out the day of. Communication is good, stealth was good, and packaging pretty good one of my aqua mags had a little bit of wetness on the outside. I haven't tested every magazine for quality if anything is wrong ill be sure to add it later however everything looks great and the number 4 seems to be accurate description. I wish tracking was an option but ill respect it. 9 out of 10
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: bam bam bam
  2. L @ Layne_Cobain: @drdso usually rocky has great ❄️ at a great price but currently oos hasn’t replied yet when will be back…check out cnc he’s got good ❄️ and like 5-6 different offerings different prices from like 55 a g all the way to his highest qual ones at 75 and 90
  3. xenxra @ xenxra: @crimp half the website is flat out broken, i wouldn't touch this
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE first come first serve you might be able to get a sample from new vendors but if you're contacting an established vendor as a new *customer*, it's not very likely
  5. P @ PennyE: So I'm back after about a year, quick question. And y'all's opinion, How often do vendors offer new customers discounts? I've been doing a little shopping and it doesn't seem to be as normal as it year to be
  6. P @ PennyE: Sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. D @ drdso: good cheap coke anywhere from a solid vendor?
  8. D @ DolorCero: @PennyE yes i replied to your email
  9. P @ PennyE: hola @DolorCero . sent you an email.
  10. D @ DolorCero: hola to all DBG familia. hope everyone had a nice weekend.
  11. T @ timyboy: @crimp I would stick to the vendor's avail here. Read the reviews, go through different lists and sections. Email diff vend0rs and see what they got.
  12. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @crimp not what the shoutbox is for. (also I have never heard of them before)
  13. crimp @ crimp: is this site a scam?I don't know if I'm searching correctly but nothing is popping up when I use the search bar.
  14. P @ PennyE: appreciate you putting that warning out there @LW815
  15. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Thank you for the warning @LW815 !
  16. L @ LW815: Hey everybody, just wanted to put out a warning that @rhodium has an imposter emailer, same email but with an extra c.
  17. P @ PennyE: @Deepnorth i'm glad you're hanging in there. It's good to see old faces still around there still seems to be a couple of vendors that are excellent. Just not like the good old days but nothing is.
  18. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: @PennyE hey there!!!!! Long time things are bleak. Luckily we have each other!!!! It truly is immeasurable ;) hope you are well. Good to see ya!
  19. R @ rhodium: @scarred14 check dns
  20. S @ scarred14: what happened turbo?