Poppy Pods

Personally I miss the old days of email vendors for these, before they were on eBay. All the various vendors that were all linked to the Arizona growers way back when. The Red Queen was the best... Talk about nostalgia. 

 Seems it's been difficult to find decent quality pods everywhere. Will update if I find anything worth posting. Best to all. 

Personally I miss the old days of email vendors for these, before they were on eBay. All the various vendors that were all linked to the Arizona growers way back when. The Red Queen was the best... Talk about nostalgia. 

 Seems it's been difficult to find decent quality pods everywhere. Will update if I find anything worth posting. Best to all. 
yeah please do. i only know of two good pod vendors and then 2 that are subpar but quick. thanks

I have always wanted to try p0ppy p0d tea! I was actually at Lowe's yesterday, buying seeds to grow my own flowers.  That will take a few months until they grow and I can harvest them (of course, I have NO idea how to do this, so any advice is welcome!). In the mean time, I will try to order some from p0ppysp0dsdotcom ... just registered and my status says "customer authorization pending."    I tried to read ALL the comments in this thread, but it's 32 pages, so I probably got through at least half. 

Any help very much appreciated. 


I have always wanted to try p0ppy p0d tea! I was actually at Lowe's yesterday, buying seeds to grow my own flowers.  That will take a few months until they grow and I can harvest them (of course, I have NO idea how to do this, so any advice is welcome!). In the mean time, I will try to order some from p0ppysp0dsdotcom ... just registered and my status says "customer authorization pending."    I tried to read ALL the comments in this thread, but it's 32 pages, so I probably got through at least half. 

Any help very much appreciated. 

they're legit they just dont have super strong pods . i really wouldnt recommend pods unless your pretty opey tolerant

 My pods arrived today!  The packaging was a bit odd ... a bunch of pods in a garbage bag in a Priority Mail box. There were poppy seeds everywhere!

So, as someone who is quite ignorant about these, can anyone tell me the best way to make tea from them?  Here are my questions:

  • Is the opium located within the actual pod, therefore the entire pod should be used? 
  • If I put a few pods in a mug, then poor boiling hot water over them, how long shall I let them sit/steep before drinking the tea? Someone wrote they let it sit overnight - is that necessary?
  • How long does it usually take to kick in? 
Disclaimer, I have a very high tolerance to oxy, but I know I need to be careful with these things. 


Well, I've tried making pod tea for the last few days and haven't had the best results. Either my tolerance is way too high to feel anything from them, or the pods are crappy. I have been left feeling very lethargic, with lots of headaches though. And my sleep has been terrible!  All in all, it hasn't been a very pleasant experience. However, I'm a newbie with the pods so perhaps I'm doing something wrong??  No idea.  Any input very much appreciated. 


Ahh, memories.  Unfortunately I got into daily use of pods for about 3 years and then they went poof.  I felt like death for three months lol.  Not worth it for a second-rate opium buzz IMO, but then I have never liked super sedating stuff anyway.  Would I drink some tea if it was in front of me now?  Yes, but only once. 

I'd love to try fresh pods someday instead of the dried ones.  A few years back, a vendor was selling fresh green ones but they were ungodly expensive.  And I suck at growing things, so.

@bett.1234 - Are you using boiling water perchance?  If so, don't.  It destroys all the good alkaloids.  Just use hot water and grind the pods up finely if possible.  You can leave them in the cup while you drink the tea or strain them out with a coffee filter.  (I always strained them out after letting them steep for 30ish minutes).  If that doesn't work you might have a weak batch or something.

Ahh, memories.  Unfortunately I got into daily use of pods for about 3 years and then they went poof.  I felt like death for three months lol.  Not worth it for a second-rate opium buzz IMO, but then I have never liked super sedating stuff anyway.  Would I drink some tea if it was in front of me now?  Yes, but only once. 

I'd love to try fresh pods someday instead of the dried ones.  A few years back, a vendor was selling fresh green ones but they were ungodly expensive.  And I suck at growing things, so.

@bett.1234 - Are you using boiling water perchance?  If so, don't.  It destroys all the good alkaloids.  Just use hot water and grind the pods up finely if possible.  You can leave them in the cup while you drink the tea or strain them out with a coffee filter.  (I always strained them out after letting them steep for 30ish minutes).  If that doesn't work you might have a weak batch or something.
Would I drink some tea if it was in front of me now?  Yes, but only once. 

said that before lol

@bett.1234  yeah sounds like you could be destroying all your morph . dont want to go more then 135-150 i believe. i think you can go up to 170 but if you want to keep the risk low i'd go low. sounds like your getting all the side effects and none of the enjoyment.

I've had so many bad days drinking poppy pod tea that I finally just threw away the rest of my stash! (something I've NEVER done before). I wasn't using boiling water - just hot water from a water cooler.  The "high" wasn't a typical euphoric feeling that I've experienced with Oxy. It's very difficult to describe how I felt after drinking the tea ... I had all the side effects but hardly any of the good effects.  Suffered from constipation, inability to sleep, and just felt crappy in general. I think my tolerance is just so high that the tea didn't do much for me. Or I had a low potency batch? Not sure which but I don't have much desire to try the poppy pod tea again ...

@bett.1234 sorry the tea didn't work out for you! It was a lifesaver for me in the past, when I was taking pills, to keep W/D at bay. These days it is pretty much my main mode of pain control. Sounds like maybe you got a batch of pods heavy on thebaine, which could make the effects feel kinda "speedy." I think many people find that unpleasant, and it certainly could interfere with sleep.

That's the main trouble w/ pods, IMO--they can contain so many different alkaloids and it's just luck of the draw what you're gonna get. As I understand it, not only can the alkaloids vary wildly from batch to batch but even pod to pod within a single batch. I usually try to grind up a one or two pounds all at once in order to achieve some consistency. The ground powder seems to keep fine for several months in Tupperware or some other airtight container. And yeah, as you & others note, definitely want to keep the hot water under 170 degrees. I usually add several splashes of lemon juice as a potentiator when I'm brewing the tea, and when I pour a cup I cut it with some lemonade, mainly just because it tastes better!

Hey guys, been away for awhile, but wanted to let you all know that Pl3ws has a small quantity of 3 right now. I'm sure some, if not most, of you have seen the state of the seeds (aka: "Seedpocalypse" of 2017) lately, and now the top 3 (seed companies) are on Jewish Holiday. Pl3ws has been sitting on 3 (quantity) for about 3 weeks now. Lowe in quality,  but still good enough to produce a pleasant glow. I've been using only seeds since last year- I've missed that glow! Anywho, wanted to let the fam. know. ;) Be well all. x

thanks for the update. was thinking of checking out pods again just sick of the amount of money i spend on elsewhere. 

Well, I've tried making pod tea for the last few days and haven't had the best results. Either my tolerance is way too high to feel anything from them, or the pods are crappy. I have been left feeling very lethargic, with lots of headaches though. And my sleep has been terrible!  All in all, it hasn't been a very pleasant experience. However, I'm a newbie with the pods so perhaps I'm doing something wrong??  No idea.  Any input very much appreciated. 

Exactly what happened to me. I felt so sick, I was dry heaving, cold sweats, couldn’t sleep. I ended up throwing it all out after I tried a few times. This makes me crappy at making t3a and cannabu77er ed1bles. 

Pods should make you sleepy and def take away wd symptoms (if you can get over the taste). I don’t know how high your tolerances are but it worked for me when I was in the 800-1,000 mg OC daily range and needed a backup plan. 

Who likes pods today? I also remember getting unwashed seeds at my local “green stores”  in bulk sacks. Pain relief keeps getting harder and harder.

@ShelbyCobra I still like pods! (BTW, found a Cuisinart spice & nut grinder (40 bucks) that turns them into near-powder in seconds; love it!). Still pretty much my only pain control; usually I have 3 cups a day: morning, noon & nightcap. Been like that for well over a year now. It has eased my financial pain as well, since I'm spending about a quarter (maybe even less) of what I used to shovel out for pills...

wtfdustinwtf, I'd love to hear about new sites for pods; my experience is just the opposite -- old, formerly reliable sites are disappearing. For instance, if what you refer to as r@chlez is what I think it is, it no longer offers the pods. Same with at least 2 others I can think of right off the top of my head; they may still offer dried flowers & decorative items, but not poppy pods.

@tanked  are you talking about making p@ppy seed tea from this UK source you mentioned? Can you give me an idea how to brew it? PM me ....please if you would?

 Thanks, @Nitetrain

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  1. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  2. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  4. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  5. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  9. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  10. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected