Price tripled for online because people know what they are getting. I am not trying to argue with you because I know what I am saying is correct. Legality may be questionable, but it certainly isn't straight up illegal to possess dried pods with the intent to use them for arrangements or other artistic endeavors. By "everywhere" I meant, you don't have to look very hard to find the plant. There are many different types of the sominiferum strain, and the vary in size, color, shape.
It is always advisable to use discretion when working with anything that can be interpreted incorrectly, and with pods it seems it comes down to an authorities' discretion. I appreciate you putting all the info into the thread, but maybe explicit, public education on a grey area issue is not for the best?
If you still think there is no way you may have a couple facts wrong, then let's just leave it there. You can PM me if you want to discuss further, but I don't think going on is going to help anyone else.
As a side note, p0ppy str@w is the definition the DEA uses to refer to the precursor product used to make opium. If its in a wreath, then it is not classified as p0ppy str@w. However, if you have a vat of ground up dried pods or scored pods, then it is p0ppy str@w.